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Patch Notes (27.10.22) Update 6.20.0

Patch Notes (27.10.22) Update 6.20.0

New Update: Version 6.20.0

New Faction, new Buff, Champion rebalance, and more!

We’ve added a new Faction, a new buff, improved some of our existing features, and rebalanced some Champions. Here’s what’s new.

New Faction - Sylvan Watchers

The Sylvan Watchers have arrived in Raid! In the tree-city of Nyresa, these mysterious peacekeepers follow the law of the Sylvan Court and watch the borders of the Mistwood. No stranger will pass unnoticed. We're adding 11 Sylvan Watcher Champions, along with their own brand of Accessories:


Rarity: Legendary

Type: ATK

Affinity: Void

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Elva Autumnborn

Rarity: Legendary

Type: Support

Affinity: Magic

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Greenwarden Ruarc

Rarity: Legendary

Type: DEF

Affinity: Force

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

King Gallcobar

Rarity: Legendary

Type: Support

Affinity: Magic

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Myciliac Priest Orn

Rarity: Epic

Type: HP

Affinity: Spirit

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Duedan the Runic

Rarity: Epic

Type: HP

Affinity: Force

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Cormac the Highpeak

Rarity: Epic

Type: ATK

Affinity: Magic

Faction: Sylvan Watchers


Rarity: Epic

Type: ATK

Affinity: Spirit

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

White Dryad Nia

Rarity: Epic

Type: DEF

Affinity: Void

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Mistrider Daithi

Rarity: Epic

Type: ATK

Affinity: Force

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Pathfinder Cait

Rarity: Rare

Type: ATK

Affinity: Magic

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Please note that at this time, we are not adding a Sylvan Watcher Crypt or adding this new Faction to the pool of Quests that are connected to Factions. Keep an eye out for news - we’ll make sure to tell you well in advance of their arrival!

New Buff - Taunt

Greenwarden Ruarc and Duedan the Runic will have skills with a new buff - [Taunt].

Here’s how it works:

If a Champion is under a [Taunt] buff, enemies can only target that Champion. If there are several Champions under a [Taunt] buff on the same team, enemies can target any of the Taunting Champions.

When using an AoE attack, only the Champion under the [Taunt] buff can be targeted, but their allies will still take damage from the AoE attack as normal.

The [Provoke] debuff has priority over the [Taunt] buff, meaning a Provoked Champion will still only target the Champion who placed the [Provoke] debuff on them, rather anyone under a [Taunt] buff.

In addition, if only one Champion on a team is under a [Taunt] buff, it will supersede any other buffs that affect targeting (like [Veil] and [Perfect Veil]), meaning a Champion under both [Taunt] and [Veil] buffs will be targeted.

However, if there are multiple Champions under [Taunt] buffs on a team, buffs that affect targeting (like [Veil] and [Perfect Veil]) will then take effect to decide who will be targeted. For example, in a situation where two Champions are under [Taunt] buffs, but one of them is also under a [Veil] buff, the Champion under only [Taunt] will be targeted - whereas the Champion under [Taunt] and [Veil] will not.

The [Taunt] buff cannot be spread, and its duration cannot be increased, but it can be stolen, removed, and its duration can be decreased.

New Artifact Set and Forge Materials.

The Defiant Artifact Set is coming to the Forge. Collect Defiant Chunks in an upcoming Forge Pass to craft the Defiant Artifact Set.

Defiant (2 Set) - DEF +10%. -15% Damage taken from enemy AoE attacks.

This set will be exclusive to the Forge Pass, so keep an eye on the news - we’ll reveal the details soon.

Instinct Artifact Set rebalance

This Set now ignores 20% of enemy DEF, instead of 15%.

Champion Rebalance

Black Knight

[Skill 3 – Last Breath]

- Skill change: Now damage is based on HP (was based on ATK).


- [Skill 3 – Astral Terrors]

- Skill change: Damage multiplier increased.


[Skill 2 – Lethal Partner]

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 3 turns.

[Skill 3 – Fire of Purgation]

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

- [Ascended skill 3 - Fire of Purgation]

- Effect changed: Now removes all buffs from the target instead of just 1 random buff.


[Skill 2 – Succor]

- Effect changed: Steals 1 buff from each enemy instead of stealing 1 buff from a random enemy.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

[Skill 3 – Divine Benefaction]

- Effect changed: Now places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 2 turns, instead of 30% [Increase DEF] buff.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.


[Skill 1 – Ferocity]

- Effect chance increased: Now has a 15% chance of granting an Extra Turn, instead of 10%.

[Skill 2 – Bloody Swath]

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 3 turns.

[Skill 3 – Overmaster]

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

- [Ascended skill 3 - Overmaster]

- Skill change: This skill now heals this Champion by 30% of the damage inflicted, instead of 10%.

Other changes and battle fixes

- Made a change so that Champions who reach max Level in a Saved Team Preset during Multi-Battle now swap to other Champions chosen in a queue, allowing you to farm more efficiently.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in not displaying the [Stun] debuff animation if it was placed on an Eternal Priest in the Doom Tower.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in a turn limit popup displaying in Multi-Battle mode when battling in Doom Tower with a Boss.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in a second Champion that was summoned during an Extra Legendary Event not appearing on the scene if both Champions were from the Shadowkin Faction.

- Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to upgrade a slot in the Sparring Pit when a Champion in it had reached max Level.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in a broken purchase button in the Market when trying to purchase a Champion if the Champion Collection was full.

- Fixed a bug that caused [Petrification] debuffs to block [Sleep], and the effects of skills that deflect damage, skills that decrease the damage all allies receive, skills that increase the value of [Shield] buffs, skills that restore decreased MAX HP, and skills that prevent death.

- Added a new background for when viewing Scyl of the Drakes in the Collection or Index with her Azure Skin chosen.

- Changed the color of Champions’ stars in the Rating popup when viewing Champions in the Index.

- Fixed an error so that the Iron Twins’ death animation is not delayed when killed with [Poison], [HP Burn], or [Hex] debuffs.

- Fixed a bug that caused the Block Revive text to pop up when the Demon Lord attacked Champions after Turn 50 but did not kill them.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in a Champion’s Aura skill not being shown after a long tap on a Champion from the Battle setup screen.

- Fixed an error that ended the battle when Krisk the Ageless with the Dark Resolve Blessing attacked enemies in Tag Team Arena.

- Fixed a bug that caused the Phantom Touch Blessing to activate when Champions dealt damage to themselves.

- Fixed an error that caused Hellrazor’s hidden Scorch skill to not activate when under a [Smite] debuff.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in Mirror Copies of all enemies taking the first turn when the Intimidating Presence Blessing was activated during battles with Astranyx the Dark Fae.

- Added a popup window to show where to get Immortal and Eternal Soul Coins after tapping the plus sign next to items in the Soul Collection tab of the Altar of Souls.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in a [Bone Armor] stack cast by the Ward of the Fallen Blessing disappearing if its duration was increased.

- Fixed an error that occurred when the Ward of the Fallen Blessing was activated against an enemy in a Stone Skin Artifact Set.

- Fixed a bug so that Harvest Jack no longer places [Poison] debuffs when stealing buffs or decreasing the duration of all buffs.

- Fixed a bug that caused the Indomitable Spirit and Dark Resolve Blessings to block transferred debuffs as well as placed debuffs.

- Fixed an error that caused the battle to freeze when Blessings with animated effects were activated in Tag Team Arena.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in Artifact slots disappearing in the Champion Collection.

- Fixed an error that occurred when opening an Event that was still loading.

- Removed locks from the bonus items in the Referral Program tab.

- Fixed a bug that meant players received an error message during CvC Tournament when the Tournament was stopped early.

- Fixed a visual bug that caused all Potion Keeps to look like they had all been tapped at the same time.

- Fixed a bug that caused the screen to flicker after purchasing a Pack from the Daily & Progression tab in the Shop.

- Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when opening the Shop from the Artifact Enchantment screen.

- Fixed a visual bug that caused an extra number to appear on the Scroll icon when selecting a Stage in the Minotaur’s Labyrinth.

- Fixed a bug in the Pack Builder that caused slots to become untappable if the same items were chosen.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! We hope you enjoy the new Faction and all the changes we’ve made. Have fun and happy raiding!

Oct 27, 2022, 11:3710/27/22
Oct 27, 2022, 12:0110/27/22

Glad to see the fix for tag team arena freezing up when certain blessings are activated.  New faction looks interesting 

Oct 27, 2022, 13:2410/27/22

it only took 4 years for aina and romero to get some love, but I guess better late than never.

nice list of bug fixes.

the new faction looks kinda disappointing to me, as I've mentioned in another post. raid's art team is top notch and I'm sure they can do much better than wood elves and Tauriel lookalikes. I'm hoping for more occult designs, like Duedan. there's room for them within the new faction's concept.

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 28, 2022, 08:2210/28/22

Raiders, please keep in mind that in one of the next releases, we'll fix a bug in the Myciliac Priest Orn's A3 Skill "The Colony Expands" that resulted in Myciliac Priest Orn healing themselves even if the Poison is resisted 

Nov 1, 2022, 04:1311/01/22
Nov 1, 2022, 04:13(edited)

As one of the few that already has Ailil I can safely say; This champion feels more like the uncommon version of Rotos than a LEGENDARY VOID champion. I feel cheated that this is my first and only void champ. Thank you for your time and efforts. Hope your halloween is good.