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Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Jan 10, 2022, 18:4901/10/22

Not sure I am liking this nicer Trips 😀

Yes I understand but it does not mean i won't still complain about it 😋

You have every right to complain, but expect to be ridiculed 

Jan 10, 2022, 18:5101/10/22
Jan 10, 2022, 18:52(edited)
Player J

Once  again,  The  thread  gets  derailed  by  an  OP  who  refuses  to  take  responsibility for  their  own  actions.

1st  The  OP  -  Blames  the  game  for  their  lack  of  farming.

The  OP  says  everyone else  has  insane  gear.

Well  if  they  want  insane  gear  why  not  farm  like  the  rest  of  the  players  in  game?

2nd  The  OP  -  Copies  an  inferior  Arena  set  up.

The  OP  tries  to  create  a  Speed  Nuking  Team,  but  only  has  270  speed.

The  OP  knowingly  acknowledges  the  enemy  is  at  300.

Why  try  to  beat  an  enemy  with  inferior  speed  team?

3rd  The  OP  -  Refuses  to  try  other  set  ups  to  win

Stubborness  +  the  OP  unwillingness to  try  different  strategies.

Why  is  the  OP  unable  to  get  to  Gold  4?

Is  it  because of  Plarium?  

No,  it  is  because the  OP  refuses  to  take  responsibility for  their  actions.

All  I  see  are  excuses  and  more  excuses.

I  tried  to  help  the  OP.

It  fell  on  deaf  ears.

Dont lump OP in with the standard complainer. OP acknowledged all of the above, and was willing to improve. I expect OP to get to g4.

Why do my posts always get truncated...

Jan 10, 2022, 19:2401/10/22

Dont lump OP in with the standard complainer. OP acknowledged all of the above, and was willing to improve. I expect OP to get to g4.

Why do my posts always get truncated...

Where is the promised Arena is Great & Tag is Awesome thread? Be forewarned, I may be forced to truncate more of your posts until it shows up....


Jan 10, 2022, 20:3101/10/22

I am playing  this game only for less than 2 months but i have a lot of experience on other games and what I can say is :

1.PvP isnt exist in this game- arena and TAG are just bad jokes . System is completely wrong and have nothing to do with PvP ( real one). I am 59 level and i am G4 and constantly attacked by players 95-100 ( best day - 14 attacks and from that 9 from 100lv players , 4 from 95-99lv players and only 1 from a player 87 lv). Seriously guys - to invest 2-3 years time and money , to get 250+ team power and to attack players 40 lv under your level.... that is what you consider PvP????  In other game is a shame to attack lowbies and is not allowed or is bringing 0 benefits ... 

2. raid should stop the sites that are selling accounts ( they knew them very very well) because that are the biggest problem makers for regular players . I  saw few days ago a 63lv player heaving 3 from 4 legos in arena team on +2 .... bought account ...... no chance to compete for normal 60lv players ..... and funniest part is that some guys that obviously bought their accounts ( low level heaving SCYL+ another 3-4 legos = bought account) put the FTP in their name ( pathetic)

3. posibility of picking opponent need to be changed ; on other game you apply on arena and get random opponent ( never know what you can get ) . This way the positions on arena top will be better deserved than now ( when i saw on G4 teams that probably dont deserve to be on S4 even). On actual system with poor team and hunting ( spending diamonds on refreshing pages) single champ teams you can stay comfortable on G4 ( as I did to be honest) .... but that is no PvP just a bad joke !!!! People that dont deserve are on G4 , players that should be on G4 are on G1 or 2 ( after lowering by intention theyr ranks for easy opponents )  ... actual arena system is not reflecting anything 

4. posibility of seeing opponent team's champions with their atributes ; on any other game is possible to see other characters and atributes .... only on Raids seems to be World Secrets :)))

5. players that give up on game for a long time are still present on arena pages; any other normal game eliminate those inactive players after some resonable time ( 2-3 weeks usually) ; only here players have to fight vs ghosts :))))

To get some real PvP here Raid need to :

- do not allow to attack players that are 5-10 levels under yours ( this way veterans will fight with other veterans and lowbies with players arround their levels) . 

- random opponent - system will chose the opponent for you when you apply for arena ( that will eliminate a lot of "tricks" that players are doing today in order to get easy opponents 

- eliminating strict number of players on each tiers ; when you reach the needed number of points  you should go next tier and so on

- eliminating inactive players/accounts 

-eliminating accounts that have 150-300 days and lv 2 or 7 ( that will solve the problem of selling accounts sites)

I shall be arround for another 2-3 days ( until I get Arbiter- personal task to get Arbiter before reaching lv 60) and after that moving to another game cause i do not see myself spending years in a game in order to hunt lowbies after for some gold medals .

So if you want to discuss more about this ideas still there is plenty of time :)

Jan 10, 2022, 21:2401/10/22
Jan 10, 2022, 21:25(edited)

I am playing  this game only for less than 2 months but i have a lot of experience on other games and what I can say is :

1.PvP isnt exist in this game- arena and TAG are just bad jokes . System is completely wrong and have nothing to do with PvP ( real one). I am 59 level and i am G4 and constantly attacked by players 95-100 ( best day - 14 attacks and from that 9 from 100lv players , 4 from 95-99lv players and only 1 from a player 87 lv). Seriously guys - to invest 2-3 years time and money , to get 250+ team power and to attack players 40 lv under your level.... that is what you consider PvP????  In other game is a shame to attack lowbies and is not allowed or is bringing 0 benefits ... 

2. raid should stop the sites that are selling accounts ( they knew them very very well) because that are the biggest problem makers for regular players . I  saw few days ago a 63lv player heaving 3 from 4 legos in arena team on +2 .... bought account ...... no chance to compete for normal 60lv players ..... and funniest part is that some guys that obviously bought their accounts ( low level heaving SCYL+ another 3-4 legos = bought account) put the FTP in their name ( pathetic)

3. posibility of picking opponent need to be changed ; on other game you apply on arena and get random opponent ( never know what you can get ) . This way the positions on arena top will be better deserved than now ( when i saw on G4 teams that probably dont deserve to be on S4 even). On actual system with poor team and hunting ( spending diamonds on refreshing pages) single champ teams you can stay comfortable on G4 ( as I did to be honest) .... but that is no PvP just a bad joke !!!! People that dont deserve are on G4 , players that should be on G4 are on G1 or 2 ( after lowering by intention theyr ranks for easy opponents )  ... actual arena system is not reflecting anything 

4. posibility of seeing opponent team's champions with their atributes ; on any other game is possible to see other characters and atributes .... only on Raids seems to be World Secrets :)))

5. players that give up on game for a long time are still present on arena pages; any other normal game eliminate those inactive players after some resonable time ( 2-3 weeks usually) ; only here players have to fight vs ghosts :))))

To get some real PvP here Raid need to :

- do not allow to attack players that are 5-10 levels under yours ( this way veterans will fight with other veterans and lowbies with players arround their levels) . 

- random opponent - system will chose the opponent for you when you apply for arena ( that will eliminate a lot of "tricks" that players are doing today in order to get easy opponents 

- eliminating strict number of players on each tiers ; when you reach the needed number of points  you should go next tier and so on

- eliminating inactive players/accounts 

-eliminating accounts that have 150-300 days and lv 2 or 7 ( that will solve the problem of selling accounts sites)

I shall be arround for another 2-3 days ( until I get Arbiter- personal task to get Arbiter before reaching lv 60) and after that moving to another game cause i do not see myself spending years in a game in order to hunt lowbies after for some gold medals .

So if you want to discuss more about this ideas still there is plenty of time :)

1. The matchmaking from account level you suggest does indeed happen to all tiers below gold and is the reason why arena is such a sh***. If there is anything Plarium should NOT do, it's putting this system into Gold as well.

Matchmaking from account level is the biggest bs ever. You have easier arena opponents if you slow down your PvM progress and get harder PvP opponents when you build better faction war teams. Why?

2. What are you talking about? You can buy shards from Plarium in the ingame shop. Of course somebody else may do that before and sell his account for the money he spent + an overcharge as benefit for him, but all champs are generated from shards. Where is the difference for you, if somebody else bought the shards for money and sold the whole account or somebody bought the shards for money and plays his own account? How do you even know if the account is bought or only the shards in the account? Wtf?

4. Ok, I look at the opponent's stats and know if my Arbiter is faster or if I have to put in a go second team instead. Or do you want to show the stats after the team selection is done?

5. I agree with that.

Jan 10, 2022, 22:3301/10/22

Matching by account power or account level in arena is a horrid idea (and it happens below gold which results in ridiculous matches)

If you have been playing for only 2 months, perhaps you simply arent developed enough for G4?

Why is G4 an automatic right?.

Having said all that, i do think expanding up to G5 and allowing more into plat is a good idea.

Jan 11, 2022, 06:0201/11/22

1. The matchmaking from account level you suggest does indeed happen to all tiers below gold and is the reason why arena is such a sh***. If there is anything Plarium should NOT do, it's putting this system into Gold as well.

Matchmaking from account level is the biggest bs ever. You have easier arena opponents if you slow down your PvM progress and get harder PvP opponents when you build better faction war teams. Why?

2. What are you talking about? You can buy shards from Plarium in the ingame shop. Of course somebody else may do that before and sell his account for the money he spent + an overcharge as benefit for him, but all champs are generated from shards. Where is the difference for you, if somebody else bought the shards for money and sold the whole account or somebody bought the shards for money and plays his own account? How do you even know if the account is bought or only the shards in the account? Wtf?

4. Ok, I look at the opponent's stats and know if my Arbiter is faster or if I have to put in a go second team instead. Or do you want to show the stats after the team selection is done?

5. I agree with that.

1. Matchmaking is a system that work fine in a tone of other games with good results and system that is pushing peoples to try to improve their account !

He is not working on Raid because system is broken .

System of picking weak oponents from list that you could refresh for 5d is leading on what is arena today on Raid .... 0 PvP. And i never saw this system on other game ive played !

Here people are so desperate to get wins and medals  that they are hunting only weak opponents .... 

Why to go on 95-100lv , spend time/money on account if you are going for weak players ?

This morning I was attacked by 99, 95,97 lv .... me 59 lv :)) .... you think that is PvP????

If they will get random opponents , with simmilar account/team power .... than they will will have some PVP; selecting weaker opponents is no PvP pls belive me 

2. when you start is normal to start from simillar conditions ; that you buy stuffs ingame after is your decision !

But when you buy those accounts that have 4-5-6-7 legos , serious number of epics, 30-40k free energy, 20-30 rank5 and another 20-30 rank 4 chickens .... you are not FTP player , you are no match for a regular player that start on same time with you and you are no customer for Plarium ( that way they should be intrested to stop this :))))

4. in any game ive played , going with cursor on some player I was able to see his stats or his champions stats ( lv, parameters ....) . Why to not see that opponents Arbiter have 340 speed , 50k HP, 300 resistence.... why this should be a "great" secret? If you are allowed to pick opponents why to didnt know their team stats? Because you will need to tkink of ways to beat those parameters?

5 glad that we could agree on something :)

Jan 11, 2022, 09:5801/11/22
But when you buy those accounts that have 4-5-6-7 legos , serious number
of epics, 30-40k free energy, 20-30 rank5 and another 20-30 rank 4
chickens .... you are not FTP player , you are no match for a regular
player that start on same time with you and you are no customer for
Plarium ( that way they should be intrested to stop this :)))) 

Player x buys 100 or 1000 or whatever number sacred shards and openes them. As a result he gets a bunch of legendary champs. Same player buys chicken packs and makes all his good champs lvl 60 immediately. Maybe he sells his account to player y afterwards, maybe he does not.

How, in every sense of logic, will you, as opponent in the arena, know, if you fight vs. player x or player y? Can you hack their account and their e-mail to prove that the account was sold to another player after it was started?

And even if so, where is the difference for you or for the arena? Why should Plarium be interested to stop this? Even if it's against the terms of condition, they earn the money in the first step. Player x buys 1000 sacreds, you remember?

Your whole posting doesn't make any sense, but that point with the account selling is even far below that.

Jan 11, 2022, 10:5301/11/22
But when you buy those accounts that have 4-5-6-7 legos , serious number
of epics, 30-40k free energy, 20-30 rank5 and another 20-30 rank 4
chickens .... you are not FTP player , you are no match for a regular
player that start on same time with you and you are no customer for
Plarium ( that way they should be intrested to stop this :)))) 

Player x buys 100 or 1000 or whatever number sacred shards and openes them. As a result he gets a bunch of legendary champs. Same player buys chicken packs and makes all his good champs lvl 60 immediately. Maybe he sells his account to player y afterwards, maybe he does not.

How, in every sense of logic, will you, as opponent in the arena, know, if you fight vs. player x or player y? Can you hack their account and their e-mail to prove that the account was sold to another player after it was started?

And even if so, where is the difference for you or for the arena? Why should Plarium be interested to stop this? Even if it's against the terms of condition, they earn the money in the first step. Player x buys 1000 sacreds, you remember?

Your whole posting doesn't make any sense, but that point with the account selling is even far below that.

Man - I am speaking about sites that are selling accounts not about players.

And sites do not buy 1000 sacred shardes.... they just keep acount inactive and open the shards that game provide in time ( if u dont know those sittes just go and have an eye on them and u will understand better )

So Plarium do not earn anything from those sites ( i think at least)

Sites selling accounts are toxic for Plarium - if some "new" player buy some account with 6-8 legos , large number of epics, tones of energy , books, rank 5 and 4 chickens ... is no longer intrested to buy enything from Plarium ( at least for a long period of time)

That 'new" player will have in day 1 at least 3-4 legos/great epics ( depending on his will) on lv 60 ( just from rank 4 and 5 chikens) ..... any new players starting on normal condition have no chance in arena in front of sites buyers .

If you look in time lots of newbies complain about low level players they have to face on bronze and silver arena ( many are just players who bought account from sites ). Ive met those players in early arena and if u dont belive me just do a new account and see what you will face in bronze and silver arena (low tiers).

And last: sorry if my post make no sense for u !

I guess that you are happy with actual system so .... keep on going :))

Jan 11, 2022, 12:2101/11/22

Match making per player power or account level is BS.  Match making by team power is BS as well.

Jan 11, 2022, 14:1401/11/22

Match making per player power or account level is BS.  Match making by team power is BS as well.

You are perfectly right :)

Are Bs in Raid even if on lots other games work just fine ( or at least much much much better than actual raid system).

Picking single champs team, low level players and  weak opponents is the essence of PvP and reason to grow account :)))

To understand PvP here : my friend ( that convinced me to try this game) is 96 level and had today exactly 0 attacks on his main account .

i am still 59 lv and got 12....  that is Raid PvP ......why to attack 96lv when u can attack 59lv

Essence of PvP and great PvP players :)))

Jan 11, 2022, 14:2201/11/22

You are perfectly right :)

Are Bs in Raid even if on lots other games work just fine ( or at least much much much better than actual raid system).

Picking single champs team, low level players and  weak opponents is the essence of PvP and reason to grow account :)))

To understand PvP here : my friend ( that convinced me to try this game) is 96 level and had today exactly 0 attacks on his main account .

i am still 59 lv and got 12....  that is Raid PvP ......why to attack 96lv when u can attack 59lv

Essence of PvP and great PvP players :)))

Your account level says nothing about arena strenght, what is the main reason why your idea is so bad. Of course with 2 months in game you know everything better than players that are in the game for years...

HellHades (Youtuber about this game) opened 100 sacreds for a prince from an arabian oil country in one of his videos once. 100 Sacreds! This account will probably have a better arena team with account level 50 than any f2p lvl 100 player has. Account level is irrelevant! Why should the matchmaking depend on a stat that totally irrelevant to arena strength?

Jan 11, 2022, 15:1101/11/22

I dont understand why it is so difficult for them to change the Missions and more importantly, allow us to gather Great Hall Tokens elsewhere in the Game. That is the biggest problem I have with Arena.

I dont mind Arena being tough, I understand that and I think its allright, considering it is the most competitive place in the game. However, by linking key components of the game (mainly Great Hall) to Arena, they FORCE people who would otherwise not be interested in this "hyper competition" to participate even if they dont really want to. They also generate an insane rift between high spenders/no lifes and F2P/casuals. 

Maybe this is on purpose and there is some "psycho mumbo jumbo" going on that I am not greedy enough to understand but on the surface this looks nothing like good game design!

P.S. nobody can tell me that a Team with 202K strength and Arbiter lead in BRONZE ONE is "good game design" (can be seen in YT CC content). Thats like Dragon 1 being as hard as Dragon 25, nobody in his right mind would consider that "ok"!

Jan 11, 2022, 15:1701/11/22

pretty much giving up on arena except for what I can get for the daily tasks, hopelessly drifting from gold, now in silver, waiting to see what bronze looks like, then they'll make a pewter level

everything has gotten harder and faster, cannot keep up

surrounded by champs I can never get

If Hell Hades had to start from scratch today, where would he be??

Jan 11, 2022, 18:2201/11/22

The  OP  of  the  thread  still  hasn't said:

-  what  there  highest  Resist  hero  is.

-  what  there  highest  Shield  hero  is

Are  they  even  thinking  about  a  defensive team  at  this  point?

Jan 11, 2022, 19:4801/11/22

Your account level says nothing about arena strenght, what is the main reason why your idea is so bad. Of course with 2 months in game you know everything better than players that are in the game for years...

HellHades (Youtuber about this game) opened 100 sacreds for a prince from an arabian oil country in one of his videos once. 100 Sacreds! This account will probably have a better arena team with account level 50 than any f2p lvl 100 player has. Account level is irrelevant! Why should the matchmaking depend on a stat that totally irrelevant to arena strength?

Ive started to play those kind of games on 2012 i think with Forsaken World and during the time I had more PvP than probably you can dream ever ( including representing my server togheter with some other 9 players) in some World final of forsaken servers .

ive done PvP in so many games and never faced so broken PvP system ( actualy as i said before here is no PvP) and 2 months is more than enough to tell an opinion about PvP here

 And probably I understand PvP better than some guys that spent 2 years here and have as supreme Opinion creator on HellHades and think that PvP means to refresh pages until they got single champ teams or 40 lv lower players to attack 

If you consider that picking opponents and refreshing lists with 5 diamants means Pvp pls be so kind and indicate any other decent game that is using picking fights as PvP system  

Is Ok If you dont understand or agree with my oppinion .... every1 have the right and liberty to think what he want 

But avoid to play any other game that involve PvP; with your years of experience here you will be sitting ducks there .... because PvP means completly other things than what u are trained to do !

PS:Yesterday on some arena list i saw a 100lv guy , 540+ arena team score , all 4 legos on 4+... what to comment on that ??? 59 lv, 1M account power to face that opponent:))) Seriously....

Jan 11, 2022, 19:5801/11/22

I agree that there should be methods to build GH outside arena, and also think it should be changed on missions.

However matchmaking by power / account level?

The idea of the tier system is that the stronger your team, the higher the tier you are in.

If you have a 'weak' team that performs badly, then surely you should not expect to be in a top tier, but matched artificially with other weak teams?

What is the point of a tier system if you do that?

Jan 11, 2022, 20:0801/11/22

Ive started to play those kind of games on 2012 i think with Forsaken World and during the time I had more PvP than probably you can dream ever ( including representing my server togheter with some other 9 players) in some World final of forsaken servers .

ive done PvP in so many games and never faced so broken PvP system ( actualy as i said before here is no PvP) and 2 months is more than enough to tell an opinion about PvP here

 And probably I understand PvP better than some guys that spent 2 years here and have as supreme Opinion creator on HellHades and think that PvP means to refresh pages until they got single champ teams or 40 lv lower players to attack 

If you consider that picking opponents and refreshing lists with 5 diamants means Pvp pls be so kind and indicate any other decent game that is using picking fights as PvP system  

Is Ok If you dont understand or agree with my oppinion .... every1 have the right and liberty to think what he want 

But avoid to play any other game that involve PvP; with your years of experience here you will be sitting ducks there .... because PvP means completly other things than what u are trained to do !

PS:Yesterday on some arena list i saw a 100lv guy , 540+ arena team score , all 4 legos on 4+... what to comment on that ??? 59 lv, 1M account power to face that opponent:))) Seriously....

If you make it into Gold, and especially Gold 4, first of all, congrats! 

However, your player level doesn't actually matter, as spending money on packs accelerates the strength of an account far beyond the player level would indicate. Player Level just shows how long you've been doing dailies, playing tourneys, and for people like me, I need every bit of XP and gem I can get to use on energy. Once you are above 50 or so, level can be very deceiving, and doesn't really tell a long term player much, if at all. If anything, seeing a level 55-60 player kicking butt in high Gold just shows me they have spent money on Raid, while I have not.

Bronze and Silver matchmake pretty much exclusively based on things like Player Power. Gold does not. Once you make it into Gold, you have to fight for your spot. And not becuase there still isn't matchmaking, cause there is, but becuase the quality of opponent goes up significantly. As you progress further and further up Gold4, into 4k and up from Friday onwards, you will see much stronger opponents than you are even talking about.

Also, I would DEFINITELY hit a 4 legendary, 540k power arena team. That's why I have a Yoshi and a Serris built! :)

Jan 11, 2022, 20:0801/11/22

I agree that there should be methods to build GH outside arena, and also think it should be changed on missions.

However matchmaking by power / account level?

The idea of the tier system is that the stronger your team, the higher the tier you are in.

If you have a 'weak' team that performs badly, then surely you should not expect to be in a top tier, but matched artificially with other weak teams?

What is the point of a tier system if you do that?

Totally agree with all of this. :)

Jan 11, 2022, 20:1901/11/22

Totally agree with all of this. :)

i see how you are, I post this Idea I am a Quack, someone else posts it and it is great 😢

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