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Im done with arena

Im done with arena

Dec 5, 2021, 17:2112/05/21

Champs  dont  have  to  be  booked  to  make  it  in  arena  im  gold  3  and  some  of  my  champs  dont  Have  full  mastires  or  even  booked  all  the  way  i  learned  awhile  back  that  stats  go  over  sets  alot  of  my  champs    Dont  have  full  sets  on  them  

Dec 5, 2021, 18:4512/05/21

I still need to know if seeker is suppose to be tanky if i use khatun for speed lead.

Dec 5, 2021, 19:2612/05/21

Yes  you  want  seeker  to  be  a  brick  wall  when  it  comes  to  getting  hit  and  she  Needs  to  be  the  speed  lead  

Dec 5, 2021, 20:0312/05/21

I'll humbly disagree. If you lose the speed race, you're losing the fight - period. Seeker being tanky won't change that.

Your team is a glass cannon. Build it as such. HK should be 100% geared for speed - every single item you're wearing should have a speed substat, ideally with at least one substat roll on speed. She should be wearing speed/perception/swift parry sets - given your progresion that shouldn't be a problem. Literally the only stat that matters on her is speed, so focus only on that.

Seeker is a bit more flexible - he needs to be fast enough to go right after HK with no cut-in, but that leaves some space for other stats. His second most important stat is probably going to be accuracy. In the odd case that you are up against a team you can't completely wipe out, his provoke might come in handy. Don't worry about defensiveness at all.

Zargala's most important stat is going to be accuracy. Her role is to debuff the enemy team. Damage is nice, but it's secondary. Gear her to go right after Seeker with no cut-in, and get at least 300 acc, preferrably closer to 400. If you reach those two objectives and have stat points to spare, the rest go towards ATK%/CR%/CD% just like any other nuker.

If you can, drop Kael from the team. You have Nethril, and he's pretty much better in every way. Yes, technically, Kael's A2 is a tad better from a pure damage perspective because of the extra 15% CR, but it's an extremely minimal amount of extra damage, since the multiplier is slightly weaker (4.7X for Nethril vs 4.65X for Kael). Nethri's A2 comes with a massive stun/speed down, though, and his A3 is just bonkers for control. Gear him for pure damage - focus on getting 100% CR, then balance the stats between ATK% and CD%. Try to get some accuracy, but don't sacrifice the other stats. If Nethril is geared/masteried differently for other places and doesn't fit here, then fine, use Kael, but otherwise follow the same stat advice.

Dec 5, 2021, 20:3712/05/21

Here is nethril, i prefer him over kael anyway.


I built him for speed acc and hp since i use him in dungeons a lot.  He does well in arena too. 


I think his masteries could use a tweak maybe. 

Dec 9, 2021, 20:4012/09/21

Arena has been crazy hard Lately 

Dec 10, 2021, 02:1912/10/21


The  Nethril  build  you  have  is  bad  for  Arena.

The  Nethril  build  you  have  is  good  for  Dungeons.

You  can't use  Nethril  in  1  build  for  both  things.

The  Gear  set  ups  are  completely different.

Night  vs.  Day  -  Its  not  the  same.

If  your  using  Nethril  as  a  Nuker  in  Arena,  You  only  care  about  damage.

-  4k  ATK

-  100%  C.Rate

-  200%  C.Damage

-  Enough  Speed  to  be  Speed  Tuned

-  ACC  is  optional

-  Resist doesn't matter

-  Health  doesn't   matter

-  Defense  doesn't matter

Dec 15, 2021, 22:0812/15/21

I'm having the same problem with the arena just like a lot of folks in the channel I'm in. I hsve asked on channel and have gotten a lot of help and I know my team is powerful. But it needs to be fixed. I just may take my toys and money and go.

Dec 16, 2021, 07:0912/16/21

Doesnt matter. Im not a good player as i dont spend more on this game than the gdp of most countries, so im sol with the arena.

The rng in the dungeons is so abysmal it takes for me tens of thouasands of energy to get maybe a handful of halway useful artifacts.  I dont know how everyone is getting great artifacts with 3 and 4 substats their champs can actually use.  Im not kidding, im getting crap drops in all dungeons.  The stuff i do keep at best has 2 useful substats for my champs. Im lucky to get 3.  I wont mention the rolls, boosting substats my champs dont need. 

Its been months since i got an artifact i was genuinely thrilled about getting.  Not kidding.

I grind this game daily for hours trying to get better artifacts and its a been a total dumpster fire for me. Basically i feel like im getting screwed for not spending thousands of dollars on this game.  

My words... 😂 run dragon 25 and get 9 rare 5-star artifacts in 10 runs... same in spider... once in one or two months I get one that really excites me from the substats, but the roll goes in shit. 

When I have a look in my artifact storage after a year of playing, I just wanna cry. 1300 slots are almost not enough to store all the shit I do not use, mostly because of the substats... those which WOULD have maybe two good substats rolling to the unnecessary substats.

For crying out loud, how to build a team when all the stats and substats and rolls depend on bloody luck? All the silver spending in upgrading has to be earned, and it´s hell of a job, but when it goes down the drain in bad rolls and artefacts that are just NOT ENOUGH but better than nothing, is kinda frustrating.

Dec 16, 2021, 11:5512/16/21

Arena is tough, you need to keep up with daily Arena wins.

High Khatun, I agree is great for Speed Aura, until you get a Legendary Arbiter.

I searched for Ninja Legendary! And you do have one! But your Ninja is level 1...I am staggered since you so need a Magic Attack Legendary Champion, yet its in your Vault? 

I agree progression order for gear is Campaign, then Dragon(Speed boots), then Fire Knight. Hope that you get to Doom Tower one day, to forge improved gear. Clan Boss Nightmare will drop improved gear.

Controversially maybe save up Shards for a 2X Event and spend Gems to buy Shards.I mean, you need more Legendary Champions,like Ninja!!!!

Dec 23, 2021, 12:2112/23/21

Post up your roster of champs theres plenty of great people here who are very knowledgable and im sure will be able to give you some options for arena 


Any help reaching gold we be greatly appreciated    certainly using slot 8,7,2 and 1 in that order    tha

Dec 23, 2021, 19:0312/23/21


Any help reaching gold we be greatly appreciated    certainly using slot 8,7,2 and 1 in that order    tha

Can you show me your build for High Khatun? Also, if you put ALL your fastest gear on her in the fitting room, how fast can you get her?

Dec 24, 2021, 01:1512/24/21


Any help reaching gold we be greatly appreciated    certainly using slot 8,7,2 and 1 in that order    tha

Row  1  -  Slot  4

Row  3  -  Slot  12

Row  2  -  Slot  5

Row  1  -  Slot  10

In  that  Move  Order

Row  1  -  Slot  10  as  Leader

Dang  -  You  sunk  the  enemy  battle ship.


Merry  Christmas  🎁 

Dec 24, 2021, 01:1912/24/21

I would suggest starting your own thread - this one is pretty full of comments already, helping a different person out.

Dec 24, 2021, 04:0912/24/21

I would suggest starting your own thread - this one is pretty full of comments already, helping a different person out.

 I agree, now that Krama has brought it up. Please show us some builds and this roster in a new thread, JojoJobs.

Dec 27, 2021, 19:5412/27/21

Even with good champs and gear, the arena still sucks because, IF you are lucky enough, you might get a couple of items that have good speed substats to allow your team to even keep up with the faster teams so you have a chance. I end up relying on one good solid revive champ that tanks and then brings everyone back in time to be able to get past the initial mega attacks and then smack them down because the opposition has a super fast glass cannon team that I can then take down. 

And tag arena is just the stupidity of regular arena times 3. 

Tag arena should not be factored into the challenges because only top tier teams will ever be able to compete all of them.

Dec 29, 2021, 14:4412/29/21





I'm confused on why you Having trouble with arena cause you have a nice roster have you Considered a stun team using Lady,miscreated,nethral,and seer or scyl. Just Saying alot of ppl never really know what they Really have because they focus meta or don't see potential. I've been smashing Teams that are 200k power when my Team Alone Is barely 130k I use prince kymar, Lanakis, Altan and inquisitor basically my strategy Is to have 2 rounds of hell before enemy and by that time Enemy Is already dead but don't sell yourself short just gotta improvise 

Dec 29, 2021, 15:0612/29/21

My team.  Yes stats suck, refer back to crappy drop rates for that. No their gear is not maxed out, would you want to dump millions into gear that is subpar at best? Me either.  Their masteries are not pvp friendly, i use them for pve and i dont have enough champs/dupes to make a dedicated arena team. 











Example of my team comp your team wouldn't be able to do anything because you are all over the place your team needs to have structure for instance my team counters def teams,fear teams and nuke teams the only team comps I have a difficult time with are turn control teams so I pretty much change my lineup