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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 10, 2021, 12:1510/10/21


Before his nerf he was on par with legendaries, after the nerf he's still an exceptional epic champion.


Just because you or I haven't seen people complain about the issue doesn't mean there aren't complaints. We get maybe a couple hundred users on the forums, and some other relatively small number of people on Discord which means the majority of complaints come from in-game tickets. 

Please note that when your game crashes during a fight you can submit a bug report by just tapping yes, and this is likely how they were made aware of the issue.

They fixed the issue of the decreased damage to different affinity clan boss based on player feedback relayed by the Mod teams. 

As of right now, my geo unkillable team actually does slightly more damage than it used too. But non unkillable teams have suffered. 

Appreciate the feedback, my point here is why release something that coule have been tested in the first place and let players invest on it and nerf it without compensating the players?I read that mods relayed the feedback when players wanted a compensation for the said nerf so what was the response of the devs?

With the geomancer 'unintentional nerf', what was the reason behind him not being able to leech fron gears after the changes?was it a coding issue or was it because it was too op?

So whats stopping them from doing it say with demytha who is behind a paywall event rn, its so easy to say "hey demytha is causing some issues right now and causes error so we gonna change her and unintentionally nerf her too"

Im pro nerfs and changes especially when they are needed and to provide balance in the game, but why do you refuse to compensate people back from the investments they made to something you break

Oct 11, 2021, 07:0010/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 15:05(edited)

Appreciate the feedback, my point here is why release something that coule have been tested in the first place and let players invest on it and nerf it without compensating the players?I read that mods relayed the feedback when players wanted a compensation for the said nerf so what was the response of the devs?

With the geomancer 'unintentional nerf', what was the reason behind him not being able to leech fron gears after the changes?was it a coding issue or was it because it was too op?

So whats stopping them from doing it say with demytha who is behind a paywall event rn, its so easy to say "hey demytha is causing some issues right now and causes error so we gonna change her and unintentionally nerf her too"

Im pro nerfs and changes especially when they are needed and to provide balance in the game, but why do you refuse to compensate people back from the investments they made to something you break

The response of the Devs was to change Geomancer the very next workday so that his passive worked like Giantslayer again. And they put out a news post about that reversal here:

Yes, this did change the way his reflects and leech works, but it also let you take Warmaster and still benefit from a psuedo-Giantslayer. Like Harbby has said, some teams do a little more damage (like his), and some teams do a little less. The change was, from what Harbby has explained and what I understand, neccessary to prevent game crashes for some decent portion of people.

I know it is not their intention to change any champs right now, or in the foreseeable future if possible. They said that in the forums, and to the mod team. I would be unhappy if they changed Demytha. Cause even though I am going to get her F2P without dropping money for any shards or anything, she has certainly been tough to get. Had to plan out my points very carefully and push hard to get a tourney win.

Whelp, hope that helps answer a couple of those questions. Just my understanding of how/why things worked out how they did.

Oct 11, 2021, 07:4410/11/21

"Please note that when your game crashes during a fight you can submit a bug report by just tapping yes, and this is likely how they were made aware of the issue. "

My battles with Rector Wrath crash occationally (like once in probably 10 fights). I am normally clicking "Yes" for sending report - but probably should re-evaluate seeing "corrections" like this.

Oct 14, 2021, 21:3010/14/21

I  dont  know  why  plarium  has  not  returned  to  this  topic.  Geo  is  still  good,  but  not  nearly  as  good  as  he  was  before  the  nerf  that  you  claim  was  not  a  nerf.  before  you  flipped  the  switch,  i  was  doing  over  23  million  per  key  on  nm with  a  CA  team and  now  im  lucky  to  break  19.  he  was  also  amazing  in  spiders  den,  but  without  the  lifesteal  on  his  passive,  he  just  cant  hang  without  great  support  around  him.To  all  the  people  saying  hes  still  an  all  star,  maybe  you  have  awesome  gear  or  a  better  team  around  him.  i  recently  fused  Rhazin,  so  ill  be  replacing  Geo  with  him.  GEO  NEEDS  THE  PASSIVE  LIFESTEAL.  PLARIUM  NEEDS  TO  COME  BACK  TO  THIS  AND  EITHER  COMPENSATE  US  OR  REVERT  THE  CHANGES.  I  know  of  nobody  that  was  getting  game  crashes  while  using  him.

Oct 15, 2021, 02:5810/15/21

 The passive heal can be fixed if they were willing. Other champions have heal effects on their passive, heck Vrask heals his whole team with his passive! All they need to do is add a lifesteal eqiuvalent effect to Geomancer's passive that checks to see if a lifesteal set is actually equipped before it activates.