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Beating Bommal & Dark Fae with F2P teams

Beating Bommal & Dark Fae with F2P teams

Sep 14, 2021, 15:0609/14/21

Yes, but we are talking about NORMAL doom tower.  When you can complete other rotations, and then suddenly ONE boss blocks everyone, there is a balance problem.  Stop defending your poor dev work.

You  still  seem  angry  here.  I'm  not  a  dev,  I  don't  even  work  for  Plarium. 

Floor  90  stopped  me  for  3  days,  but  then  I  completed  it.  It  was  a  challenge  and  through  trial  and  error  I  was  able  to  succeed,  just  as  it  was  intended.  I'm  glad  I  can't auto  through  the entire thing anymore.

Sep 14, 2021, 15:2209/14/21

The boss doesn't block everyone, it blocks only two types of players.

1. Very new players, that have just one or two lvl 60 champs so far. For me, from the point of judging as a customer who plays a lot of games, that's ok. If you are new to a game, you can't do every content from the start, you have to develop your account. Remember games from the old days (pre internet gaming), they where build with a given path the player had to follow, in order to fight the final boss, you had to do the complete rest of the game before. Imagine Doom Tower as the "final boss" of Raid.

2. Players, that don't read what the boss does and bring TM-control champs, champs with useless debuffs (gets bombs in retunr in the same way as usefull debuffs) and low resistance to the boss.

Everybody (exept players of category 1) could make a team like this. Tons of players made teams like this. How can you say the boss blocks the progress for everybody?


Well said Skadi.

Sep 15, 2021, 06:1109/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 06:12(edited)

All of the champs in the first post are free or easily obtainable.

You totally miss the point, they don't have them for one reason or another. They never said they couldn't get them.

Early on, people have to make sacrifices to get even a decent champ powered up and they might have gotten rid of one or more of these champs to power a different one up. And since then, have not been able to regain those champs for one reason or another.

I am seeing a lot of "I've forgotten what its like to be new to this game" posts from people who think they are being helpful but instead of helping, are just frustrating more people with posts like this.

Sep 15, 2021, 06:3009/15/21

It's  so  easy!  All  you  need  is  Nekhret,  f2p  ez  clap


Man, Harbby, again, how are you a moderator here with how you act towards people? 

Nekhret? F2P, like maybe over a year ago you could get him F2P, before I even started playing so no longer F2P. Sethalia? Drexthar? NOT F2P currently either for a long time now.

The problem is, even with my teams and some darn good champs across a pretty broad spectrum, even beating these two in normal DT is hard. And I was able to get to Hard DT level 119 the prior rotation and yet I struggle with these new bosses, trying all sorts of combos of my lego's. Its rough for even the experienced players.

I was able to complete DT normal but that Fae boss... had to manual it and even then, it took a long time to beat her. She is simply a beast and there is just simply the matter of luck in getting the needed gear and the needed champs to be able to equip the right gear on them to make it past these new bosses. Yeah, some of the other new bosses were tough, but compared to these two, far easier.

Its not that people can't beat them, or are lazy and want things easier, its that the devs of this game have put in a challenge that is simply NOT comiserate with the average skill level of the game, and especially not comiserate with the fact that most people aren't going to drop the money needed to power up quick enough to actually be able to get their champs ready for these bosses. So by the time they even get one champ ready to take on these new bosses, the DT will rotate and players will either have lost interest in this aspect of the game, given up on trying to beat this aspect of the game, or simply quit playing the game altogether because the devs have put up such massive roadblocks to a large group of players.

These new bosses were better suited to maybe having been added to a 3rd level of difficulty to DT than to be thrown into normal, where lots of lower powered people were able to at least grind a little to slowly progress. But now, for a lot of players, these bosses have blocked them from being able to progress in DT at all.

Most of the players are looking at the different strategies that people have out there and are trying to adapt but without the right gear on the right champs, its extremely difficult for many players. Maybe not impossible but for some, it sure feels that way when they basically get stonewalled for days or weeks without being able to get past these new bosses. 

Sep 15, 2021, 13:5609/15/21

Yes, but we are talking about NORMAL doom tower.  When you can complete other rotations, and then suddenly ONE boss blocks everyone, there is a balance problem.  Stop defending your poor dev work.

What part of Doom Tower being "endgame" isn't being understood?  If you are having issues finishing Doom Tower normal - you aren't endgame yet.

Sep 15, 2021, 14:4009/15/21


I am not sure what you consider ideal?

I am a mid game player (maybe late midgame but midgame player) and i am also ftp. I got through the tower on normal, but no i couldnt auto the bosses i had to manual them and i had to think about the team i was using  and the relative speed of the champs in my team and i had to time my buffs/debuffs carefully..

Its the most enjoyable content i have done on raid to be honest. I got a real sense of satisfaction beating them.

Are you saying it should all be doable on auto? is that what you want?

Or are you saying early game players should be able to finish doom tower?

If so, why? if people can finish doom tower from early game, then where is their challenge going to be when they progress?

As for the last boss (normal) yes i had to manual it, but i also did it with 2 level 50's in my team and no legos. 

I definitely think the first boss should be easy for all so that people can use their keys

But i actually think this content has been good, it requires you to think not just power through with amazing gear. And i dont think being completeable for early game players should be a doom tower requirement

Sep 15, 2021, 14:4209/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 15:29(edited)

Man, Harbby, again, how are you a moderator here with how you act towards people? 

Nekhret? F2P, like maybe over a year ago you could get him F2P, before I even started playing so no longer F2P. Sethalia? Drexthar? NOT F2P currently either for a long time now.

The problem is, even with my teams and some darn good champs across a pretty broad spectrum, even beating these two in normal DT is hard. And I was able to get to Hard DT level 119 the prior rotation and yet I struggle with these new bosses, trying all sorts of combos of my lego's. Its rough for even the experienced players.

I was able to complete DT normal but that Fae boss... had to manual it and even then, it took a long time to beat her. She is simply a beast and there is just simply the matter of luck in getting the needed gear and the needed champs to be able to equip the right gear on them to make it past these new bosses. Yeah, some of the other new bosses were tough, but compared to these two, far easier.

Its not that people can't beat them, or are lazy and want things easier, its that the devs of this game have put in a challenge that is simply NOT comiserate with the average skill level of the game, and especially not comiserate with the fact that most people aren't going to drop the money needed to power up quick enough to actually be able to get their champs ready for these bosses. So by the time they even get one champ ready to take on these new bosses, the DT will rotate and players will either have lost interest in this aspect of the game, given up on trying to beat this aspect of the game, or simply quit playing the game altogether because the devs have put up such massive roadblocks to a large group of players.

These new bosses were better suited to maybe having been added to a 3rd level of difficulty to DT than to be thrown into normal, where lots of lower powered people were able to at least grind a little to slowly progress. But now, for a lot of players, these bosses have blocked them from being able to progress in DT at all.

Most of the players are looking at the different strategies that people have out there and are trying to adapt but without the right gear on the right champs, its extremely difficult for many players. Maybe not impossible but for some, it sure feels that way when they basically get stonewalled for days or weeks without being able to get past these new bosses. 

Hello  friend,  

This  is sarcasm,  this  is  a  joke.

This  team  is  the  only  way  I  was  able  to  beat  level  90.  It  is  clearly  not  f2p  friendly  as  you  can  see  by  all  the  legendaries,  especially  the  void  champions.  

Sep 15, 2021, 14:4409/15/21

What part of Doom Tower being "endgame" isn't being understood?  If you are having issues finishing Doom Tower normal - you aren't endgame yet.

^^ 100%

How far you got on previous rotations doesn't matter.  New content, new challenge, ... Enjoy!

Sep 15, 2021, 14:5309/15/21

^^ 100%

How far you got on previous rotations doesn't matter.  New content, new challenge, ... Enjoy!

I actually think it is well thought out content, i am dragging out level 50's from my vault because they do a role and are the relative speed i need- rather than just blasting through with over geared legos. I did 120 normal with a level 50 armina and a level 50 alure on my team.

When i was earlier game i didnt worry about not being able to finish doom tower, i just worried about being able to use my keys- im not sure why people want to be able to finish it all on auto.

Sep 15, 2021, 19:1709/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 19:18(edited)

For those stuck on Hard 50 or 90, check out this solo Crimson Helm build by my fellow Moderator Ophelia. It's a cool team:


You can check out their video here:

Or the Reddit thread Ophelia made:

I am not sure the speeds shown here will work for 50. I need to test it myself. Will report back in a few days. :D

Sep 16, 2021, 10:4609/16/21

I know you guys mean well but.......

First you have to have these champs, I have still yet to pull a Metalshaper  to help with SK.

Second the gear 😍, My fastest arena champ is at 230ish speed and this one here is at 200 for just this one boss.

I know i have a long road ahead still but sometimes posters come off as it is so easy and it is not even close to easy 😭

Sep 16, 2021, 12:4009/16/21
Sep 16, 2021, 12:42(edited)

I know you guys mean well but.......

First you have to have these champs, I have still yet to pull a Metalshaper  to help with SK.

Second the gear 😍, My fastest arena champ is at 230ish speed and this one here is at 200 for just this one boss.

I know i have a long road ahead still but sometimes posters come off as it is so easy and it is not even close to easy 😭

A lot of content was blocked to me until I farmed gear forever, and then started getting the top chest in Nightmare Clan Boss. If you're having problems with a 200 speed, my best advice to you is focus on farming gear, ranking up gear and leveling up champs.

For example, Scarab was a huge wall for me until I had enough bloodshield rings to make up for not having the right shield champs. I was extremely lucky if I could beat him on the lowest normal level, while manualing. Now he's not a problem at all.  If he was at 50 or above, I was just done with Doom Tower.

Sep 16, 2021, 14:5109/16/21

A lot of content was blocked to me until I farmed gear forever, and then started getting the top chest in Nightmare Clan Boss. If you're having problems with a 200 speed, my best advice to you is focus on farming gear, ranking up gear and leveling up champs.

For example, Scarab was a huge wall for me until I had enough bloodshield rings to make up for not having the right shield champs. I was extremely lucky if I could beat him on the lowest normal level, while manualing. Now he's not a problem at all.  If he was at 50 or above, I was just done with Doom Tower.

Sorry having a rough week at work so I may argue more than i mean to.

I have been farming Dragon as much as i can stomach.

I am 7 months in and really not having the RNG Gods smile on me most of my gear is 5 star.

Bloodshield rings more RNG, I have to first be in a clan that does not have silly requirement for CVC but also wins CVC to obtain these then have to have them drop for the correct faction so on and so forth. Sorry for CVC i normally contribute between 5 and10k points a day.

Yes i understand this game is based on RNG, but for posters such as yourself to have response such as above is disheartening to me as it does not seem like progression is possible without a ton of luck.

On the plus i really hope they expandd this 2X thing to all dugeons because it really helped the time involved 😀

Sep 16, 2021, 15:4409/16/21

Sorry having a rough week at work so I may argue more than i mean to.

I have been farming Dragon as much as i can stomach.

I am 7 months in and really not having the RNG Gods smile on me most of my gear is 5 star.

Bloodshield rings more RNG, I have to first be in a clan that does not have silly requirement for CVC but also wins CVC to obtain these then have to have them drop for the correct faction so on and so forth. Sorry for CVC i normally contribute between 5 and10k points a day.

Yes i understand this game is based on RNG, but for posters such as yourself to have response such as above is disheartening to me as it does not seem like progression is possible without a ton of luck.

On the plus i really hope they expandd this 2X thing to all dugeons because it really helped the time involved 😀

If you are only doing 5k a day for CvC and only 7 months in, you likely haven't progressed far enough where DT progress should be a priority.  You are still early game approaching mid-game, pre-Arbiter I assume, would be my guess.  You either need to grind more dungeons or spend $$$ to progress.  Just because the content is there, doesn't mean you get to skip past the grinding.  Most in hard DT, played long before DT even existed.  

If you are stuck at 10 normal you are either <30 days in or just not very good at the game.

If you are stuck at 50 normal, <90 days or don't understand proper gearing or team comps.  Bommel is slighly tougher than other bosses for sure.

Regardless, if you are stuck anywhere in DT normal and think that means you can't progress you have problems unrelated to DT you should be working on.  And it's not lack of champs or bad rng.  It's lack of effort (time or money).  

Thankfully the super-raids are a godsend.  We all agree with you this should be expanded ASAP.  This accelerates progress for all without spending (wasting) more time on a stupid game :) 

Sep 16, 2021, 16:0809/16/21

If you are only doing 5k a day for CvC and only 7 months in, you likely haven't progressed far enough where DT progress should be a priority.  You are still early game approaching mid-game, pre-Arbiter I assume, would be my guess.  You either need to grind more dungeons or spend $$$ to progress.  Just because the content is there, doesn't mean you get to skip past the grinding.  Most in hard DT, played long before DT even existed.  

If you are stuck at 10 normal you are either <30 days in or just not very good at the game.

If you are stuck at 50 normal, <90 days or don't understand proper gearing or team comps.  Bommel is slighly tougher than other bosses for sure.

Regardless, if you are stuck anywhere in DT normal and think that means you can't progress you have problems unrelated to DT you should be working on.  And it's not lack of champs or bad rng.  It's lack of effort (time or money).  

Thankfully the super-raids are a godsend.  We all agree with you this should be expanded ASAP.  This accelerates progress for all without spending (wasting) more time on a stupid game :) 

DT is not a priority.

Just with all these post and vids about how easy this is or how easy that is, can be vert fustrating.

Like SK i saw the vids, they show 2 shields and rest turn meter and bam dead, I try the same thing on normal and 2 rounds in bam I am dead 😀

I really do not understand how people get so many CVC points either bah I am going way off topic.

Just ranting sorry.

Sep 16, 2021, 16:2309/16/21
Sep 16, 2021, 16:25(edited)

Sorry having a rough week at work so I may argue more than i mean to.

I have been farming Dragon as much as i can stomach.

I am 7 months in and really not having the RNG Gods smile on me most of my gear is 5 star.

Bloodshield rings more RNG, I have to first be in a clan that does not have silly requirement for CVC but also wins CVC to obtain these then have to have them drop for the correct faction so on and so forth. Sorry for CVC i normally contribute between 5 and10k points a day.

Yes i understand this game is based on RNG, but for posters such as yourself to have response such as above is disheartening to me as it does not seem like progression is possible without a ton of luck.

On the plus i really hope they expandd this 2X thing to all dugeons because it really helped the time involved 😀

I  understand  your  frustration,  especially  with  dragon.  I  have  done  over  10,000  runs  this  year  and  my  Arbiter  was  only  recently,  like  5  days  ago,  able  to  hit 320  speed. Most  of  my  damage  dealers  are still  having  a  hard  time getting  above  200  speed  if  I  want  them  to  also  smack  faces.  

And  as  for  cvc,  it  gets  much  easier as  you  progress  to  level  20+  dungeons,  especially  with  the  last  update.  85%  of  my  points  last  cvc  came  from  farming  Spider  and  i  average  250k.  

Sep 16, 2021, 16:3209/16/21

Easy CvC points for f2p:

Faction Wars 

Tag Arena (extra refill for 15 gems)

Classic Arena (5k + alone)

CB chests 


Things I only do during CvC:

  •  Book champs - this actually helps with planning champ upgrade priority
  •  Ascend champs, buy masteries with gems - same as above 
  •  Great Hall upgrades (waiting a week or 10 days for that 2% GH upgrade isn't going to hurt)

Lastly use what energy availabe you have.  Even farming 12.3 brutal and making chickens if no decent dungeon event is lots of points.  Our "causal" f2p members started off doing 25k - 50k ish.  Most have figured how to do 100k without spending any money or more time (just as important).  Highly active f2p can do 200k plus.  



Sep 16, 2021, 17:1109/16/21
Sep 16, 2021, 18:13(edited)

Right.  Thank you for doing this, but, I have a big but. I decided to try with Armiger, from scratch.   I spent over 100 shards and got Armiger this morning. I've then spent 2.5 million upgrading and levelling him, countless pots and energy (wish I'd marked the start with better numbers). Got him to 50, got all new kit up to 8 - and skills to 4 (several hundred more shards and hundreds of thousands) wow....  this all took about 5 hours on and off.  At this point if I want to go any further I need 5 star chickens (have none since you buggers took them away) OR I sacrifice really good toons (nah).  I also need a small fortune to get him to kit up to 16.  Seriously Doom Tower 10 is not worth this.

Edited  out  a  word  -  H

Sep 16, 2021, 18:1109/16/21

DT is not a priority.

Just with all these post and vids about how easy this is or how easy that is, can be vert fustrating.

Like SK i saw the vids, they show 2 shields and rest turn meter and bam dead, I try the same thing on normal and 2 rounds in bam I am dead 😀

I really do not understand how people get so many CVC points either bah I am going way off topic.

Just ranting sorry.

Yes, that's good it's not a priority. From what I'm hearing, your best place to focus right now is Dragon and Spider. Do you have both a Dragon 20 and Spider 20 team yet? If not, perhaps we can help you figure one out. If so, then farm gear, farm gear, farm gear.

Trips and Harbby are both right. I get between 160-240k CvC points every CvC by doing everything Trip says, and then by farming Spider20 for the rest of the balance like Harbby says. I believe my Spider 20 team is 45-50 seconds right now, and my Dragon 20 team is 1:15-1:25.  It wasn't always this way, I was doing 5+ minute runs that were often barely successful when I got there. But enough nights of using my autos, months and months, and months of getting top chest on NM clan boss, and eventually you build up a collection of gear that you can swap around.

Sep 16, 2021, 18:4009/16/21
Sep 16, 2021, 18:42(edited)

Right.  Thank you for doing this, but, I have a big but. I decided to try with Armiger, from scratch.   I spent over 100 shards and got Armiger this morning. I've then spent 2.5 million upgrading and levelling him, countless pots and energy (wish I'd marked the start with better numbers). Got him to 50, got all new kit up to 8 - and skills to 4 (several hundred more shards and hundreds of thousands) wow....  this all took about 5 hours on and off.  At this point if I want to go any further I need 5 star chickens (have none since you buggers took them away) OR I sacrifice really good toons (nah).  I also need a small fortune to get him to kit up to 16.  Seriously Doom Tower 10 is not worth this.

Edited  out  a  word  -  H

Several things.

First, no one in this thread works for Plarium, we are just showing you what worked for us. I built that team AFTER beating Bommal with a different one, paying silver to upgrade all fresh gear that wasn't "endgame" and I did it to try and help others with their attempts.

Second, building up Armiger can do nothing but make your account better, he is amazing in Ice Golem, and equally amazing with every spider, whether regular or doom tower. He's great anywhere you want to drop Turn Meter and he does that really well. So that's really good you decided to work on him.

Third, it is normal to have to spend time ranking food up to get a 6 star. At this point with the login rewards changes, you would only have a single extra 5 star chicken, and that is ONLY if you're over 270 days. Are you? Cause if so, you have the champs you need to beat Bommal 10, without really breaking a sweat. Just dump damage into him and kill him before his bombs go off. Bommal 90 is a different story, but Bommal 10 is no worries for a true midgame or endgame account.

Lastly, there's a lot of subsitutions you can make in Armiger's spot. Put any champ in there that hits single targets hard and can survive the waves. Some commonly used rares or login champs that can do that are Athel and Dark Athel, Coffin Smasher, Executioner (farmable), and Frozen Banshee, as well as any other starters you've pulled. If we don't limit ourselves just to starter or login champs, just use whatever damage dealing champs you're most fond of, especially ones that can CC down the waves with turn meter control, freezes or sleeps.

Here's the thing, I showed you one team with only Uncommon and Login Champs, but you get the benefit of using whichever epics or legendaries you've pulled. Just put in one that you like, and use it around the basic framework you see in my post.

Good Luck!