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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 5, 2021, 15:4809/05/21

If you want some CB advice, just drop a new thread and we'll all take a look. :D

Thanks in advance.  Will certainly do as I cant decide whether i should upgrade my current gear with better defense or wait till i can get frozen banshee/grave as i have Buwlak and coffin in vault atm.  Btw, advice for spider 15 is also welcome right?  I did some tests several days ago to see how tanky (squishy) if i just use KALE or Apo as suedo tank on 15 with team set /kael/ursa/apo/CH/WM.  I have zep sniper 50 sitting in vault (not yet geared tho). Was thinking make it 60 but R5 only and lowest HP 21kish without mastery WM so as to replace KAEL, just not sure whether it works or not.  Also depends on the residual gears i have ofc.  And again, i have to complain about missing 124energy per day for me..which is 7.75 attemp on stage18 dragon (217 attempts in 28days).....tats huge, at least in my case.  On the bright side, i have more spare time in RL, at least i dont have to clean my vault after getting 200+ gears LOL

Sep 5, 2021, 15:5009/05/21

Thanks in advance.  Will certainly do as I cant decide whether i should upgrade my current gear with better defense or wait till i can get frozen banshee/grave as i have Buwlak and coffin in vault atm.  Btw, advice for spider 15 is also welcome right?  I did some tests several days ago to see how tanky (squishy) if i just use KALE or Apo as suedo tank on 15 with team set /kael/ursa/apo/CH/WM.  I have zep sniper 50 sitting in vault (not yet geared tho). Was thinking make it 60 but R5 only and lowest HP 21kish without mastery WM so as to replace KAEL, just not sure whether it works or not.  Also depends on the residual gears i have ofc.  And again, i have to complain about missing 124energy per day for me..which is 7.75 attemp on stage18 dragon (217 attempts in 28days).....tats huge, at least in my case.  On the bright side, i have more spare time in RL, at least i dont have to clean my vault after getting 200+ gears LOL

Didn't you show me a team that can beat it? Keep improving that team and in a few days, or a week or two, you'll be back to getting that energy pot! :D

And you are welcome to create whatever threads you'd like about whatever you want advice on!

Sep 5, 2021, 16:1409/05/21

Didn't you show me a team that can beat it? Keep improving that team and in a few days, or a week or two, you'll be back to getting that energy pot! :D

And you are welcome to create whatever threads you'd like about whatever you want advice on!

Well..for real i admit i am lazy.  Manual it for 5times 5+mins and pray to rng god is too tedious for me.  Interesting fact is tat..and disclaimer here, i am not trying to dis-motivate or motivate other players here. But not having that 1 pot saved me half of my game time and i felt more relaxing..except just not knowing what to do next in game.  Afterall, been playing non-stop for 58 days, adjustment have to be made after having 1/3 salary (resources/energy) cut. 8).   Well well well...its cuz of no energy that i started posting here and keeping on posting.  8)

Sep 5, 2021, 20:2109/05/21

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Godseeker 

OK, so none of these have an Aura skill, but I guess that is of little importance here.

I had a go (I levelled up Ninja with Brews to 56 but failed on round 3 after taking only 25% off his health) but I'm going to have to level up Ninja to see for sure. 

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Battlesage 

Battlesage leading here to provide Aura, doesn't really change much. I get him down to about 75% health, and then the first tof the bombs kills everyone

Wil let you know what happens in a few days after I have levelled up Ninja to 60.

Meanwhile no more Advanced Quests for a while.

I would not use Scyl in this fight. Her A1 has a 30% chance (50% when booked) to reduce turnmeter, so to many Dread Bombs appear.

I would try the following:

  • Fang Cleric: spd aura, spirit affinity, revive, heal and allready lvl 60
  • Basileus: hits hard, neutral afiinity, block buffs debuff (can block the atk buff the boss wants to set), lvl 60
  • Ninja: hits hard, decrease def, hp burn, can freeze the bombs. Use his hp burn only, when no Dread Bombs are active, as this skill hits randomly and you definetly don't want hp-burn on the Bombs
  • Taya: decrease acc on the A1, neutral affinity, insane damage.
  • Godseeker: heal, revive, neutral affinity

I guess Taya needs to be lvl 60 before she is able to help. I would lvl this champ anyway, poison explosion is great. It's only single target for Taya, but that is still very strong vs. bosses. Maybe you have some good poisoners among your rares, you could pair with Taya (Frozen Banshee?).

Sep 5, 2021, 21:5409/05/21

I'm running a fairly new (pre-Yaga) FTP account, so I'm not expecting to set the world on fire, but it's kind of a bummer to be basically locked out of completing the "Advanced" daily quests for the foreseeable future.  Am I going to be able to beat fricking  Normal 10 before the Doom Tower resets?  All indications point to "no"!

Sep 6, 2021, 01:2109/06/21

Doom tower is just another paywall designed to make people pay more cash to try and catch up to everyone else.  Clan V Clan is killing young clans because who would want to be in a clan that cant compete.  Basically all new players in trouble and its no fun to play for them.  Good thing I will be leaving this game shortly to go play something else.

Sep 6, 2021, 02:2409/06/21

Dark Fae. One word: PATHETIC

Sep 6, 2021, 03:5509/06/21

New boss in doom tower is terrible. Imagine someone saying..Here's an idea. You have to beat yourself, and then beat a boss...But, heres the kicker. We will keep knocking your players out.

And then, they devs say. Yes , thats a great idea. That will keep people playing, knowing that only the elite can win.

Sep 6, 2021, 04:4709/06/21

I'm used to this kinda of system, EA uses it to force players to either build better rosters or deal with losing. Each Doom Tower uses different teams/strategies. It's how they pay the bills.  Shame really, I really thought RSL was different. Oh well live and learn.

Sep 6, 2021, 05:0309/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 05:04(edited)

Hello, wait until you are on dark fairy t40 and you will see how the devs think this big boss is what you want but surely not a stroke of genius. Clone of your teams and all these beautiful people UNDER PERFECT veil Will take a long time to kill this boss with buff / heal  

Sep 6, 2021, 05:4009/06/21

Dark Fae on level 40 hard is easy. 

Sep 6, 2021, 06:1609/06/21

Dark Fae on level 40 hard is easy. 

How did you beat her? Mind sharing?

Sep 6, 2021, 06:2309/06/21

How did you beat her? Mind sharing?

He  got  her  hp  to  zero  before she  got  his  to  0.  

Sep 6, 2021, 06:2709/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 06:28(edited)

He  got  her  hp  to  zero  before she  got  his  to  0.  

This kind of staggering intellect is the reason you can't beat her. You're too busy thinking deep thoughts and being smarter than me to focus on #winning

Sep 6, 2021, 06:3209/06/21

This kind of staggering intellect is the reason you can't beat her. You're too busy thinking deep thoughts and being smarter than me to focus on #winning

While this  is  100%  true.  I  was finally able  to  beat  her  after  sending  wave  after  wave  of  my  own  men  at  her  until  she  hit  her  pre-set  kill  limit.  Harrby  strategy  -  1  Quinn  strategy  -  0

Sep 6, 2021, 06:3409/06/21

How did you beat her? Mind sharing?

Lyssandra, 2x Alure, Lydia, and Trunda.  I just save my skills going to the boss stage then at the boss, Lyssandra decreases turnmeter, Alure moves, Lydia decrease defense and weaken, 2nd Alure moves, Trunda nukes then auto. Boss never moves.

What I don't like on this boss stage, I can not fully auto the runs. 

Sep 6, 2021, 06:3909/06/21

While this  is  100%  true.  I  was finally able  to  beat  her  after  sending  wave  after  wave  of  my  own  men  at  her  until  she  hit  her  pre-set  kill  limit.  Harrby  strategy  -  1  Quinn  strategy  -  0

Yeah, but someone had to moderate while you henned and pecked at any old champs that happened to be at level 60, futily and nonsensically trying out combination after combination for hour after hour, watching videos from CC without understanding, a veritable gang of capuchins typing out A MIdsummer Night's Dream randomly and purely by chance. And then when you finally not so much as settled on a team, but stumbled into one, even you knew it was the mental arithmetic of the purely lost, the work of a beautiful mind, and you were so embarrassed by the accidental success you didn't even bother telling me until now.

Sep 6, 2021, 06:4109/06/21

Yeah, but someone had to moderate while you henned and pecked at any old champs that happened to be at level 60, futily and nonsensically trying out combination after combination for hour after hour, watching videos from CC without understanding, a veritable gang of capuchins typing out A MIdsummer Night's Dream randomly and purely by chance. And then when you finally not so much as settled on a team, but stumbled into one, even you knew it was the mental arithmetic of the purely lost, the work of a beautiful mind, and you were so embarrassed by the accidental success you didn't even bother telling me until now.

That  was the  most  beautiful insult  I  have ever read  😊.  I  don't think I stand a  chance here.  

Sep 6, 2021, 06:4409/06/21

Lyssandra, 2x Alure, Lydia, and Trunda.  I just save my skills going to the boss stage then at the boss, Lyssandra decreases turnmeter, Alure moves, Lydia decrease defense and weaken, 2nd Alure moves, Trunda nukes then auto. Boss never moves.

What I don't like on this boss stage, I can not fully auto the runs. 

I would really, really, really like to have Alure.

Thanks for sharing the team JoinME. I am now going to see what I cane do to keep her from ever going.

Sep 6, 2021, 06:5309/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 06:59(edited)

This  is  the  team  I  used.  Obviously  it's  not  f2p  friendly  but  the important  part  of  the  team  is  the  ability  to  place  skills  on  cooldown  and  at  least  one  good  nuker.  Preferably 2  in  case  one  gets  banished.  It  works  even  better  with  a  reviver  and  another  support  with  something  like  ally  protect.  

I  threw  Cleo  in  there  just  for  fun,  she  was  too  slow  to  be  useful.  

