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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 5, 2021, 03:3809/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 03:46(edited)

Just a little update on Normal manual

First of all...need rng on your side

1. I tried pop one minor bomb so that my EE skill champ could use the default skill on it

2. Avoid any debuff on except i used Kael A3 on 1st turn and when team health was okish and had at least one reviver ready

3,  Ursala was there for speed and rez and lucky she survived the whole battle (rng).  Lucky that i havent full mastery her yet so no EE on her..or else she had to use A1 when no minor bomb at the start of turn 1, couldnt use A2 (debuff)..A3 reserved for rez)

4. Gorg for 2nd revive and some heal to keep team heal

5.  Armiger for A2, i used A1 on minor bomb except that kill hit on boss (the boss had a low hp so as my team, if that A1 didnt kill the boss, that would be another wipe. So rng..

6. Apo for heal, TM boost and heal..basically only heal Ursala for the whole battle. [Rng on the A1-3hits didnt trigger EE, again rng)

7.  Kael A1 on minor, A2 rest..A3 stated at point 2

8. Its all rng on this battle with my team and gear setup.  Just sharing my exp here.


Sep 5, 2021, 04:0509/05/21

i walked through it with 4 nukers and a duchess as a safety, but i do agree they should swap level 10 and 20 boss so newer players at least have a chance at those advanced quests.

new bosses are meant to be new challenges with new strategies and new teams and new builds... throwing 5 op champs at it shouldn't just magically work, so as far as that goes i don't think they should nerf this guy just yet.  give people time to figure those strats out.

Sep 5, 2021, 04:4809/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 05:02(edited)

i walked through it with 4 nukers and a duchess as a safety, but i do agree they should swap level 10 and 20 boss so newer players at least have a chance at those advanced quests.

new bosses are meant to be new challenges with new strategies and new teams and new builds... throwing 5 op champs at it shouldn't just magically work, so as far as that goes i don't think they should nerf this guy just yet.  give people time to figure those strats out.

Totally agree on what u said.  As i had 1/3 of free energy no longer avaliable so i had more spare time to have do some crazy thinking last nite.  The new 2 bosses are desgined with revenging in mind.  The game gave you mastery EE to reduce TM to beat content, lets make u suffer from having it, your champ can debuff right?  I will make you suffer from casting debuff too.  You pulled shards and have a team of better champ to beat me, I will make copy of your team to beat you.   Ofc i am joking but...its like have the mindset of what I gave u, i can always make your life harder whenever i like.  I wont be surprised hydra boss can do WM or GS, or reduce your resources/reward if you get defeated.  By the same rational..u forbiden me to have the chance getting of free energy, i will just spend less time on game then LOL

Sep 5, 2021, 05:2109/05/21

Just a little update on Normal manual

First of all...need rng on your side

1. I tried pop one minor bomb so that my EE skill champ could use the default skill on it

2. Avoid any debuff on except i used Kael A3 on 1st turn and when team health was okish and had at least one reviver ready

3,  Ursala was there for speed and rez and lucky she survived the whole battle (rng).  Lucky that i havent full mastery her yet so no EE on her..or else she had to use A1 when no minor bomb at the start of turn 1, couldnt use A2 (debuff)..A3 reserved for rez)

4. Gorg for 2nd revive and some heal to keep team heal

5.  Armiger for A2, i used A1 on minor bomb except that kill hit on boss (the boss had a low hp so as my team, if that A1 didnt kill the boss, that would be another wipe. So rng..

6. Apo for heal, TM boost and heal..basically only heal Ursala for the whole battle. [Rng on the A1-3hits didnt trigger EE, again rng)

7.  Kael A1 on minor, A2 rest..A3 stated at point 2

8. Its all rng on this battle with my team and gear setup.  Just sharing my exp here.


HEY! Good job! :D

Sep 5, 2021, 05:3809/05/21

I was still able to get past it using the Skullcrusher to survive the bomb explosions. and I must say even so it was difficult that it does not correspond to the boss of the 10th floor

Sep 5, 2021, 06:1509/05/21


Ty, but i have to admit its rng..if 1 of the 3hitter triggered the boss or the final blow from Armiger A1 didnt kill it, it would be another wipe.  And it wasnt a very intentional try as i was just waiting for energy refill for my getting more greater void potoins for the Progess mission - Mix 10 Superior Void Potions.

Sep 5, 2021, 07:2909/05/21

it. is. done.

Watched the Burangiri video and said "I have this guy sitting on my bench".

Burned food I had been saving and levelled him up to 5 stars (right now he is level 42) and put him in a crappy regen + immortal set (everything level 12 except speed boots at level 14 I think). 20K HP,  1772 DEF, 126 speed, 64% crit rate, no resistance to speak of.  Like I said, crappy.

Anyway, I barely survived the waves with the team I was using, but he and Miscreated made it to the boss.  Miscreated died after the first set of bomb minions went off,  but my man Burangiri kept recharging by 50% due to his passive (level 3 ascension needed) with every explosion because they count as an enemy death.  Don't attack with anything but his A1 because everything else is a possible buff or debuff.

It took 11:30 and something like 120 turns, but it happened.

If you have this guy, it can be easy, but I feel bad for those that don't.  Hopefully more solutions can be reached in the near future.  Good luck.

Sep 5, 2021, 11:5109/05/21
6. Apo for heal, TM boost and heal..basically only heal Ursala for the whole battle. [Rng on the A1-3hits didnt trigger EE, again rng) 

I think Apo should be the fastest teammember anyway, so he could use his A1 first to place the Dread Bomb that the others use as target. If somebody else hits first, Apo's rng could trigger an additional bomb you avoid if he goes first. And Apo going first, activating tm-boost AND spd-boost is probably the best thing you could do anyway.

Better let him go before Gorgo, so Gorgo benefits from the spd-boost. Could be decisive in arena speed race, too.

Sep 5, 2021, 14:0209/05/21

I don't have a very developed account, still working on it.

For the last year I have completed the daily and advancd quests every day.

But this new new boss causes other problems for me aside from being able to progress on the doom tower..

1. I can't use my silver keys. I can't until I beat this level which I can't do because I have two legendaries, ignoring the three  legendary champs you get through constant play. I don't have Epic champs with good TM, so they don't help.

My Rare chaps have never been able to beat the secret room as I concentrated on levelling up my Epics and level all of the rares up.

2. This means that I can complete all the Advanced quests. So there is little point me doing the Faction War any more (I have lots of components already), or the Arena Teams (I have lots of points and there is not a lot that I want to buy).

And this means that I play the game less.

That will be the case for the next 4 weeks I guess, until this boss changes. 

Sep 5, 2021, 14:0509/05/21


Ty, but i have to admit its rng..if 1 of the 3hitter triggered the boss or the final blow from Armiger A1 didnt kill it, it would be another wipe.  And it wasnt a very intentional try as i was just waiting for energy refill for my getting more greater void potoins for the Progess mission - Mix 10 Superior Void Potions.

I mostly do doom tower when I'm finished with other stuff, or some days I skip DT entirely, so I feel ya. My CB runs take right at 26 minutes each, so I try to get as much done around that as possible!

And RNG or not, you still got it done!

I think Skadi is right about having the zoomiest Apothecary possible. Him going first, often and always is helpful everywhere. Most especially in Arena. You might already have this way though, IDK. :)

Sep 5, 2021, 14:0509/05/21

I don't have a very developed account, still working on it.

For the last year I have completed the daily and advancd quests every day.

But this new new boss causes other problems for me aside from being able to progress on the doom tower..

1. I can't use my silver keys. I can't until I beat this level which I can't do because I have two legendaries, ignoring the three  legendary champs you get through constant play. I don't have Epic champs with good TM, so they don't help.

My Rare chaps have never been able to beat the secret room as I concentrated on levelling up my Epics and level all of the rares up.

2. This means that I can complete all the Advanced quests. So there is little point me doing the Faction War any more (I have lots of components already), or the Arena Teams (I have lots of points and there is not a lot that I want to buy).

And this means that I play the game less.

That will be the case for the next 4 weeks I guess, until this boss changes. 

If you'd like, post your roster and lets see if we can help you get it done. :)

Sep 5, 2021, 14:1509/05/21
Sep 7, 2021, 09:24(edited)

Thanks HarleQuinn

Any help would be very welcome.

5 Legendaries

Visix - 60

Basileus - 60

Scyl - 60

Just got Big 'Un - 28/60

Just Ranked Ninja 1/60

And the Epics




Captain Temila -60


Fang Cleric-60


Royal Guard-50


Tainix Hateflower-50

Rector Drath-50

Lady Etessa-50

Yaga the Insatiable-50

Dark Elhain-50

Dark Athel-50

High Khatin-50

Sep 5, 2021, 14:4709/05/21

This is an interesting list Thanduil. So what do we do?

Kaiden seems like he'd be great here. Then Godseeker Aniri for her TM boost upon revive. (You could use Scyl in this spot if you aren't having any luck getting through the waves, but then be very careful with how you use WIngbeat Flurry during the boss fight). Double Revive has been working well for people on the discord and in my clan.

I personally would be afraid of running Big 'Un with how those bombs work, and I expect most people have him built so his A1 is an AoE hit. So instead for damage, Basileus and his hard hitting A1 and then a leveled up Ninja. Ninja just hits SO HARD.

Unfortunately, you don't wanna manipulate his TM and Visix and Tayrel both do that on their A1s And you can't use Etessa cause her Ally Attack will freeze the game until it's patched. So this spot is maybe for more damage. And I guess Scyl does hit pretty hard when built.

Okay, maybe I'd try Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Godseeker. If that doesn't work, I'd try Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Battlesage (or one of your other block damage/unkillable champs in Fang Cleric). In that second team, Battlesage/FangCleric's job is to keep your revivers alive and give you a speed aura.

Good luck! Keep us updated!

Sep 5, 2021, 14:5709/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 14:59(edited)
6. Apo for heal, TM boost and heal..basically only heal Ursala for the whole battle. [Rng on the A1-3hits didnt trigger EE, again rng) 

I think Apo should be the fastest teammember anyway, so he could use his A1 first to place the Dread Bomb that the others use as target. If somebody else hits first, Apo's rng could trigger an additional bomb you avoid if he goes first. And Apo going first, activating tm-boost AND spd-boost is probably the best thing you could do anyway.

Better let him go before Gorgo, so Gorgo benefits from the spd-boost. Could be decisive in arena speed race, too.

Ya you are right my Apo is fastest in this team with ursa the 2nd and Apo there.  As i pulled Apo liked 2-3weeks ago so he had abit of better gear. Well late comer get better.  Actually before he show up, warpriest was my only healer.  Apo/ursa/Kael came from my CB team and Arm is for Spider, gorg was from last 2xancient event and its in my arena team to replace HK.  I didnt change any gear for 10/f boss as i said in my previous post that i dont have enough resources to do my regearing mainly this team member already set with their role currently.  Apo did use his A1 once when 2 bombs poped cuz things got messed up after 1st/2nd rez.  That is why i said lucky that his 3hits missed the boss. 

Btw, as i wont have my free enery (1/3 of free) cuz of advance quest, i will have to slow down the pace, but still, spider 15 auto 10 will be my next bottle neck. Currently on mixing 10Superior which i can compete any sec but was holding it as i want to see whether i can get some larger ones from CB before i use silver on mix lesser one.  The rest of stage15xauto can be done without problem as i already passed those stages.  So I will post here when i need advice from you fellows for spider 15+  And CB improvement , currently 3key on Brutal.  But i normally only spend 1key on normal+hard then rest 2 key on Brutal.

Sep 5, 2021, 15:1109/05/21

Ya you are right my Apo is fastest in this team with ursa the 2nd and Apo there.  As i pulled Apo liked 2-3weeks ago so he had abit of better gear. Well late comer get better.  Actually before he show up, warpriest was my only healer.  Apo/ursa/Kael came from my CB team and Arm is for Spider, gorg was from last 2xancient event and its in my arena team to replace HK.  I didnt change any gear for 10/f boss as i said in my previous post that i dont have enough resources to do my regearing mainly this team member already set with their role currently.  Apo did use his A1 once when 2 bombs poped cuz things got messed up after 1st/2nd rez.  That is why i said lucky that his 3hits missed the boss. 

Btw, as i wont have my free enery (1/3 of free) cuz of advance quest, i will have to slow down the pace, but still, spider 15 auto 10 will be my next bottle neck. Currently on mixing 10Superior which i can compete any sec but was holding it as i want to see whether i can get some larger ones from CB before i use silver on mix lesser one.  The rest of stage15xauto can be done without problem as i already passed those stages.  So I will post here when i need advice from you fellows for spider 15+  And CB improvement , currently 3key on Brutal.  But i normally only spend 1key on normal+hard then rest 2 key on Brutal.

If you want some CB advice, just drop a new thread and we'll all take a look. :D

Sep 5, 2021, 15:1709/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 15:18(edited)

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Godseeker 

OK, so none of these have an Aura skill, but I guess that is of little importance here.

I had a go (I levelled up Ninja with Brews to 56 but failed on round 3 after taking only 25% off his health) but I'm going to have to level up Ninja to see for sure. 

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Battlesage 

Battlesage leading here to provide Aura, doesn't really change much. I get him down to about 75% health, and then the first tof the bombs kills everyone

Wil let you know what happens in a few days after I have levelled up Ninja to 60.

Meanwhile no more Advanced Quests for a while.

Sep 5, 2021, 15:2209/05/21

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Godseeker 

OK, so none of these have an Aura skill, but I guess that is of little importance here.

I had a go (I levelled up Ninja with Brews to 56 but failed on round 3 after taking only 25% off his health) but I'm going to have to level up Ninja to see for sure. 

Scyl, Kaiden, Ninja, Basileus and Battlesage 

Battlesage leading here to provide Aura, doesn't really change much. I get him down to about 75% health, and then the first tof the bombs kills everyone

Wil let you know what happens in a few days after I have levelled up Ninja to 60.

Meanwhile no more Advanced Quests for a while.

Do all of your champs have the Evil Eye mastery?

Sep 5, 2021, 15:2409/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 15:26(edited)

I mostly do doom tower when I'm finished with other stuff, or some days I skip DT entirely, so I feel ya. My CB runs take right at 26 minutes each, so I try to get as much done around that as possible!

And RNG or not, you still got it done!

I think Skadi is right about having the zoomiest Apothecary possible. Him going first, often and always is helpful everywhere. Most especially in Arena. You might already have this way though, IDK. :)

I also do DT and faction war last so that i can regen some energy before I decided to other things or probably just took some rest etc.  Tats why i was so upset without that extra energy from advance quest as i often can finish it except when FW stage boss poped as there are still some factions that i couldnt pass stage 7 and i can accept those failing on advance quest cuz its my own problem of not having enough champ and regear to finish it.  So its like 1 days per week that i missed or so.  But i will lose all for this month *sigh*.  As stated before, i still have some resources stored or else i may have rage quitted.

I may try 20/F may be next week or so as i already have Metalshaper, Elf guards etc as u can see from my roaster which i prepared for 1 month.  Anyway...i never consider putting this boss on 10/F is a good move from player point of view.  However, IF i were in shoe of Plaruim I may probably come up with the same attempt too see what turns out and make changes if really necessary.  Its all about maxing income so I can understand but not welcome.  Its another topic anyway.

Sep 5, 2021, 15:3809/05/21

Do all of your champs have the Evil Eye mastery?

Only Scyl and Kaiden have. Basileus is  Offence/Defence And I don't have the scrolls for Battlesage / Ninja yet.

Sep 5, 2021, 15:4509/05/21

Only Scyl and Kaiden have. Basileus is  Offence/Defence And I don't have the scrolls for Battlesage / Ninja yet.

Okay. That DEF makes it hard. This is going to take some fiddling I think. 

Just thinking about it here... maybe you would want Scyl and Kaiden to drop his TM right at the beginning, try and speed up a bomb so that you only lose 40% of your health at a time. Then protect Kaiden when his health gets low with Battlesage's A3 so that he can survive and bring two more back, and so on. 

IDK, just a thought. Even that rare/uncommon team, I just didn't drop his TM at all, tanked one of the bombs and solely focused on burning Bommal down.