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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 3, 2021, 14:2209/03/21

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

In the last rotations of DoomTower I was able to get up to level 89 on hard.

With the new BombBoss I am having heavy problems to get past level 10 on hard.

Every solution I have seen so far includes the usage of very special champs with very high requirements on gear, equip and masteries.

As you have installed this boss on a level I was formerly able to complete with my not so badly developed account, do you think I am motivated now, that I was punished for not having specific chamsp? Do you think I will spend more money to beat this level? Do you think I will just pay the immense silver costs to reequip all my champs to be able to beat this stage of DoomTower? Do you think I have the impression you tested this boss in game-play? Do you think it is fun to wake up and see that you have been kind of banned from content due to this new boss?

The answer to all these questions is a simple 'no'.

You could have installed a third iteration of DoomTower where you place all those bosses for the 1-3% of players who might be able to beat the Dreadhorn even on did choose to deny access to the lower stages of DT for many players.

With this kind of non-quality...the only thing you achieve is making my look out for other games and for sure not to even consider spending a single dollar more.

Oh...and the best thing is that oyu mentioned in an interview, that DT is the place to get sacred shards and stuff...that is getting insulting more and more by every day.

Sep 3, 2021, 14:4409/03/21

I also struggle in finishing the first boss of hard haha. Manage to kill it after few tries and different combination of champions, but this is only the first boss haha. Don't know if I will be able to finish higher stages of Bommal

Sep 3, 2021, 14:4809/03/21

LOL, only a couple hours after release and its too hard... Shouldn't we expect each new rotation to be more difficult?  There are 3 areas of end-game content imo:

1. Hard DT (beat 1st two rotations, not expecting to beat this one 1st time through)

2. Tag Arena (brutally competitive)

3. Plat classic (not for me, whales only lol)

I expect each of these to be difficult, not click auto and win.

Though putting the new boss at 10 and not 30 or 40 was a kick in the nuts :)

Sep 3, 2021, 14:5109/03/21

I also struggle in finishing the first boss of hard haha. Manage to kill it after few tries and different combination of champions, but this is only the first boss haha. Don't know if I will be able to finish higher stages of Bommal

Duchess only reason I beat it.  A well built duchess means I can wait and figure out actual strategy later.  I'll do normal 10 next just so I can do my extra keys daily easier....

Sep 3, 2021, 15:0909/03/21
Sep 3, 2021, 15:18(edited)

LOL, only a couple hours after release and its too hard... Shouldn't we expect each new rotation to be more difficult?  There are 3 areas of end-game content imo:

1. Hard DT (beat 1st two rotations, not expecting to beat this one 1st time through)

2. Tag Arena (brutally competitive)

3. Plat classic (not for me, whales only lol)

I expect each of these to be difficult, not click auto and win.

Though putting the new boss at 10 and not 30 or 40 was a kick in the nuts :)

It is exactly this kick in the nuts....for months I have built up my teams and champs to progress in with placing this insane boss at level 10, they essentially erased 3 months of building my account...

Sep 3, 2021, 15:1909/03/21

Duchess only reason I beat it.  A well built duchess means I can wait and figure out actual strategy later.  I'll do normal 10 next just so I can do my extra keys daily easier....

I don't have Duchess. I am thinking of different approach in dealing with Bommal. 

Sep 3, 2021, 17:3509/03/21

I am on my day 57  game play and i understand that DT should be hard for me but at least i could do 1st or 2nd boss on my Normal DT before and helped me to possibly getting advance quest done (spending 5 silver keys).  For now, at least for the moment by glancing my champ roaster and silver amount, plus with my mastery put on TM control , i really dont think i can afford to re-do my team to just beat the 1st boss.  Personally, I think putting a new boss at level 10 really discourage me alot especially when i just beat the 3rd boss on normal an hour before the DT reset.  Anyway forgive me to complain here as i really not knowing whether i should keep on playing as something i could achieve :beating 1st or 2nd dt normal tower / completing advance quest became suddenly unachieveable.  I did spend some money on my progression before and I have the feeling that i wasted it as well as my time.  I guess i may try other games suggested by CC in their utube channel.

Sep 3, 2021, 17:3909/03/21

I fully agree here. I am a casual player and it takes weeks or months to build up anything, not so many champs available....

But the new Boss is a joke, never had such a problem like there only for the first boss. It has taken over one hour to kill hem for me and it was more luck then skill. So i know i will never kill hem on the next stage he will come. 

And if I see what other people need to kill hem, this is freakly a heavy pay to win boss. 

For me the doom tower will be in future a no go area it this will stay. 

Sep 3, 2021, 17:4909/03/21

I fully agree here. I am a casual player and it takes weeks or months to build up anything, not so many champs available....

But the new Boss is a joke, never had such a problem like there only for the first boss. It has taken over one hour to kill hem for me and it was more luck then skill. So i know i will never kill hem on the next stage he will come. 

And if I see what other people need to kill hem, this is freakly a heavy pay to win boss. 

For me the doom tower will be in future a no go area it this will stay. 

No go for me to DT too..also implies no more free enegry for me from advance quest completion 8...reminded me of the 1st month of gameplay when i am nearly getting into my 3rd month...

Sep 3, 2021, 17:5909/03/21

I beat it on normal with brute force and can do so on auto, but this is the most niche boss so far. I feels like the boss basically forbids me from interacting with it in any way lest I get debuffed that can't be resisted, blocked or purged. Except of course for bomb debuffs which is a debuff that a grand total of 11 champions have. I guess my Candraphon also works seeing how he doesn't have any debuffs, assuming I manage his self-buffs so he doesn't get a ton of bombs whenever the boss takes a turn with that skill available. Other than that, basically my entire roster has some type of debuff in their kit, even if I restrict them to their A1. The boss has a several factors that by themselves would be annoying in their own right, but put together it just makes the entire experience painful for being so incredibly picky with what you can do.

Sep 3, 2021, 18:1509/03/21

Last rotation on Normal I finally worked up to 119, with this new boss I cannot even get level 10 done to use silver keys, so no advanced quests daily, they just took away an energy pot a day from me. Pretty bad change. Gonna lose players over this if they do not fix it.

Sep 3, 2021, 18:3109/03/21

Ran normal on alt to see how tough boss was. Vergis actually died, but just picking green champs should work. 


Sep 3, 2021, 18:5509/03/21

Ran normal on alt to see how tough boss was. Vergis actually died, but just picking green champs should work. 


I think for many endgame players, normal will not be the problem...but the forge materials from normal tower is something which is even only for sale in the late DoomTower normal will not advance your account...

Sep 3, 2021, 19:0509/03/21
Sep 3, 2021, 19:15(edited)

Ran normal on alt to see how tough boss was. Vergis actually died, but just picking green champs should work. 


I wanna see the Trips Green Champs only team. I'll build one too and we can compare!! :D

Or should this be rare and uncommons only? lol

Sep 3, 2021, 19:1409/03/21

I think for many endgame players, normal will not be the problem...but the forge materials from normal tower is something which is even only for sale in the late DoomTower normal will not advance your account...

I don't think any end-game players will struggle with Hard 10.  My post here was referring to Easy 10, but to be fair I have no idea how to guage the difficulty as even the 3 champs I used are fairly well built compared to newer accounts.  But throwing in the towel on day 1 after a couple of tries is pretty lazy, lol.

As for the mats, I don't farm anything in DT really.  Only set I forge really is perception.

Sep 3, 2021, 19:4909/03/21

I don't think any end-game players will struggle with Hard 10.  My post here was referring to Easy 10, but to be fair I have no idea how to guage the difficulty as even the 3 champs I used are fairly well built compared to newer accounts.  But throwing in the towel on day 1 after a couple of tries is pretty lazy, lol.

As for the mats, I don't farm anything in DT really.  Only set I forge really is perception.

Well, to gauge my account, I obtained Lydia several weeks back...but I do not have many champs with Resistence 450+. I would have to reequip like 4 champs and for that I do not have the silver or artefacts with high resistence, speed and accuracy. 

Even my 450 resistence Lillitu gets some bombs while Bommel is under decrease accuracy...and with the added dreadbombs it is just over before i reduce Bommel to less than 70% of his hitpoints. 

I admit, that some of my champs have masteries to reduce turnmeter which is contraproductive with Bommel...but that would be several hundred gems to remaster them additionally...and making them less useful for the content they are built for.

It is also not giving up after 1 day...imagine that many CCs are streaming what they try on the test server...and if they come up with a single solution after three days (and those accounts are much more develped than my own)...I somehow do not think the problem is on the players is on the Boss side.

Sep 3, 2021, 20:1609/03/21

Well, to gauge my account, I obtained Lydia several weeks back...but I do not have many champs with Resistence 450+. I would have to reequip like 4 champs and for that I do not have the silver or artefacts with high resistence, speed and accuracy. 

Even my 450 resistence Lillitu gets some bombs while Bommel is under decrease accuracy...and with the added dreadbombs it is just over before i reduce Bommel to less than 70% of his hitpoints. 

I admit, that some of my champs have masteries to reduce turnmeter which is contraproductive with Bommel...but that would be several hundred gems to remaster them additionally...and making them less useful for the content they are built for.

It is also not giving up after 1 day...imagine that many CCs are streaming what they try on the test server...and if they come up with a single solution after three days (and those accounts are much more develped than my own)...I somehow do not think the problem is on the players is on the Boss side.

My duchess has less resistance, I did use warlord lead.  Rest of team way less resist.  

I used Warlord Duchess Brogni Drex Vogoth first time,  Fastest was Warlord Duchess Brogni Geomancer Vogoth.

If no Warlord, I would use Brogni as lead.

Sep 3, 2021, 20:3209/03/21

I just looked at Ayumi about bombers:

11 champions with bombs at all. That's less than I expectet. 

I have none of the legendaries, from the epics I could use Galkut or Grunch Killjoy, but I would have to level them up, as they both are vault-inhabitants so far. 

Rare Magmablood's kit seems nice. The decrease accuracy from the A2 is probably worth the counter-bomb, and with his A3 he can bring out 2 bombs at once. I used that champ so often as food, now I would like to have one left. And all the dead Magmabloods, eaten by cannibal heros in the tavern, laugh at me: "You should have levelled me up."

Sep 3, 2021, 20:3509/03/21

I just looked at Ayumi about bombers:

11 champions with bombs at all. That's less than I expectet. 

I have none of the legendaries, from the epics I could use Galkut or Grunch Killjoy, but I would have to level them up, as they both are vault-inhabitants so far. 

Rare Magmablood's kit seems nice. The decrease accuracy from the A2 is probably worth the counter-bomb, and with his A3 he can bring out 2 bombs at once. I used that champ so often as food, now I would like to have one left. And all the dead Magmabloods, eaten by cannibal heros in the tavern, laugh at me: "You should have levelled me up."

I don't think anyone is using a bomber strategy.  Not saying its not a viable, but certainly not required.

Sep 3, 2021, 20:3609/03/21

My duchess has less resistance, I did use warlord lead.  Rest of team way less resist.  

I used Warlord Duchess Brogni Drex Vogoth first time,  Fastest was Warlord Duchess Brogni Geomancer Vogoth.

If no Warlord, I would use Brogni as lead.

Hmm, will try this as well, thanks for the info

Sep 3, 2021, 20:3709/03/21

I just looked at Ayumi about bombers:

11 champions with bombs at all. That's less than I expectet. 

I have none of the legendaries, from the epics I could use Galkut or Grunch Killjoy, but I would have to level them up, as they both are vault-inhabitants so far. 

Rare Magmablood's kit seems nice. The decrease accuracy from the A2 is probably worth the counter-bomb, and with his A3 he can bring out 2 bombs at once. I used that champ so often as food, now I would like to have one left. And all the dead Magmabloods, eaten by cannibal heros in the tavern, laugh at me: "You should have levelled me up."

Bombs will not kill this Boss...damage is way too low from bombs...