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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Aug 8, 2021, 10:5808/08/21

But they haven't stated that they will be champions that haven't been possible to pull previously, nor have they made any statement about the quality of them. Either way, it doesn't take away the fact that you're trading in 4 chickens and on average 3.36 epics and 0.64 legendaries in exchange for that one guaranteed legendary.

Aug 8, 2021, 11:0408/08/21

But they haven't stated that they will be champions that haven't been possible to pull previously, nor have they made any statement about the quality of them. Either way, it doesn't take away the fact that you're trading in 4 chickens and on average 3.36 epics and 0.64 legendaries in exchange for that one guaranteed legendary.

Go to your Portal

Then click the info

Then read that Cleo cannot be pulled. Its a fact and rest assured the legends to follow will be the same

Aug 8, 2021, 11:0708/08/21

I think you're missing the point. She could be pulled prior to this change. Several people have her. Plarium has, to my knowledge, made no statement saying that any future fragment summon from the daily login bonus will be brand new champions that you couldn't get from shards before.

Can't help but notice that you also completely ignored the 2nd half of my comment. Unfortunate, considering that's probably the most relevant part of the objection.

Aug 8, 2021, 11:2308/08/21

I think you're missing the point. She could be pulled prior to this change. Several people have her. Plarium has, to my knowledge, made no statement saying that any future fragment summon from the daily login bonus will be brand new champions that you couldn't get from shards before.

Can't help but notice that you also completely ignored the 2nd half of my comment. Unfortunate, considering that's probably the most relevant part of the objection.

If your second half of the argument is again about a 5 star chicken anyone can farm up from a Rare in a single day

MEH , again its too obvious to me to be any point of argument

Aug 8, 2021, 11:3208/08/21

Go to your Portal

Then click the info

Then read that Cleo cannot be pulled. Its a fact and rest assured the legends to follow will be the same

She can be pulled from ancient shards, much like the rest of the daily login champs



Aug 8, 2021, 11:4408/08/21

She can be pulled from ancient shards, much like the rest of the daily login champs



In desperation I knew this would be brought  into the light. Lets think about this a little bit

How many ancient shards you going to pull to get cleo?  1000's yes I said it 1000's THOUSANDS !

Since all you free to play are hard  on my case with this thread, how many of you FTP going to pull 1000's  of ancients and get Cleo?

Thats about as good a argument as a 5 star chicken which you can farm yourself and a sacred your going to get from NM CB

But its all good, we just have to "agree to disagree"  on this one

I am on your guys side when it comes to Clan quest update, but this daily login is a good thing for ALL!

Aug 8, 2021, 11:4908/08/21

I understand you, but you need understand not everyone love that shard, my luck sucks so i love a free lego.

Aug 8, 2021, 11:5208/08/21

I understand you, but you need understand not everyone love that shard, my luck sucks so i love a free lego.

Thankyou :)

Aug 8, 2021, 11:5208/08/21

In desperation I knew this would be brought  into the light. Lets think about this a little bit

How many ancient shards you going to pull to get cleo?  1000's yes I said it 1000's THOUSANDS !

Since all you free to play are hard  on my case with this thread, how many of you FTP going to pull 1000's  of ancients and get Cleo?

Thats about as good a argument as a 5 star chicken which you can farm yourself and a sacred your going to get from NM CB

But its all good, we just have to "agree to disagree"  on this one

I am on your guys side when it comes to Clan quest update, but this daily login is a good thing for ALL!

It doesn't matter.  Every FTP normally gets a number of legendaries to kick start their account, and statistically speaking a lot of them will get Cleo.  I'm FTP and I've personally pulled over 700 ancients that I recall since I started playing, and that's just a guess as I've easily lost count.  I had 150 with the last 2x Ancient, and I'm back up to 50 now.  You can snag Ancients so easily in this game.  With the mercy system in place, it is also much easier to get legendaries from Ancients.

All of this wouldn't matter if Cleo was given as a single day, but the fact that it is 4 months of logins mean that a lot of players who draw Cleo from a shard pull will have 4 months of dupe lego shards to look forward to.  You can dig your head in the sand as much as you want but it'll happen.  Alot.  There's nothing you can say that will justify that this is a good game change

I appreciate the effort that you are doing to try and view this as a good thing, and I hope Plarium is paying you well, but you are really grasping for straws here.  Nothing about this is good, and everyone knows it

Aug 8, 2021, 11:5408/08/21

If your second half of the argument is again about a 5 star chicken anyone can farm up from a Rare in a single day

MEH , again its too obvious to me to be any point of argument

It's at a minimum 452 energy lost (12-3 brutal, 2x), and that's assuming you happen to have 15 rares to spare which will not be the case for everyone. It's also, as I said, trading in 0.835 epics in exchange for 0.09 legendaries per month, not to mention that you completely lose the ability to use it for a summon rush event and at a minimum cut the return in half for a champion chase event.

If you think it's an obviously beneficial deal then good for you, but a lot of people seem to disagree and I have absolutely no problem understanding why. 

Aug 8, 2021, 11:5608/08/21

It doesn't matter.  Every FTP normally gets a number of legendaries to kick start their account, and statistically speaking a lot of them will get Cleo.  I'm FTP and I've personally pulled over 700 ancients that I recall since I started playing, and that's just a guess as I've easily lost count.  I had 150 with the last 2x Ancient, and I'm back up to 50 now.  You can snag Ancients so easily in this game.  With the mercy system in place, it is also much easier to get legendaries from Ancients.

All of this wouldn't matter if Cleo was given as a single day, but the fact that it is 4 months of logins mean that a lot of players who draw Cleo from a shard pull will have 4 months of dupe lego shards to look forward to.  You can dig your head in the sand as much as you want but it'll happen.  Alot.  There's nothing you can say that will justify that this is a good game change

I appreciate the effort that you are doing to try and view this as a good thing, and I hope Plarium is paying you well, but you are really grasping for straws here.  Nothing about this is good, and everyone knows it

Its no different than me pulling the Void Visix before I got her from daily logins and I knew it was going to be another DUPE of which I have over 30 now(Dupe)

But I have pulled enough shards  in this game to know how RNG works and a Guarantee Legend I will take three of them every year to come  in this game over my RNG chances which I already know the outcome of based  on past experience

Aug 8, 2021, 12:0208/08/21
Aug 8, 2021, 12:02(edited)

Its no different than me pulling the Void Visix before I got her from daily logins and I knew it was going to be another DUPE of which I have over 30 now(Dupe)

But I have pulled enough shards  in this game to know how RNG works and a Guarantee Legend I will take three of them every year to come  in this game over my RNG chances which I already know the outcome of based  on past experience

It is massively different though, because that Visix pull was just 1 day out of your game time.  This is 4 months!  If you pull a Visix you can go onto to bigger and better things the very next day.  If you pull a Cleo, you have to watch those fragments build up again for 4 freaken months.  

If Cleo was just a single day reward then there would be no issue here

Aug 8, 2021, 12:0508/08/21
Aug 8, 2021, 12:09(edited)

Little idea maybe help all:

Create to coins (red, blue): red you buy chicken, blue shard.

red + blue = 25 fregment.

Or 4red + 4 blue = hero (so they only need change the hero every 4 months)

Aug 8, 2021, 12:0908/08/21

Little idea maybe help all:

Create to coins (red, blue): red you buy chicken, blue shard.

red + blue = 25 fregment.

Or 4red + 4 blue = hero (so they only need change the hero every 4 months)

Any addition to the game that gives players choice is welcomed  by me

That way I get to choose how to spend  my coins and the rest can buy their RNG shards :P

Think thats what is coming  in the form of clan quests and clan shop , just the delivery of this system failed

Aug 8, 2021, 12:1408/08/21
Aug 8, 2021, 12:16(edited)

Lets try this from a different angle.

I agree a guatanteed lego is a good thing.


They could have taken the xps pots and silver away and there would have been alot less complaining, heck they could have taken the anceint shard away and most would not have cared.

I think it mostly comes down to what they took away when they could have taken other stuff and the player base would have been much happier. I am really not understanding their bussiness model as they seem to do things that will make people want to spend less money not more.

Aug 8, 2021, 12:4008/08/21
Aug 8, 2021, 12:45(edited)

Lets try this from a different angle.

I agree a guatanteed lego is a good thing.


They could have taken the xps pots and silver away and there would have been alot less complaining, heck they could have taken the anceint shard away and most would not have cared.

I think it mostly comes down to what they took away when they could have taken other stuff and the player base would have been much happier. I am really not understanding their bussiness model as they seem to do things that will make people want to spend less money not more.

Unfortunately this exact type of thing will result in an increase of sales, not a decrease.  The reason why Plarium chose fragments specifically to replace the sacred and 5* chicken is because they don't really sell fragments, but they do sell a lot of shards and chickens.  If everyone is getting these for free each month then no-one is going to buy them.

Prior to this change, every player was essentially guaranteed 2xsacreds and 2x5* chicken each month through daily logins and monthly/advanced quests.  This has now been halved, but the various events that utilize these are still on their same schedule.  This means that players that want to continue to participate in these will now need to source their shards and such from elsewhere, with most probably resorting to the shop.

The purpose of the fragments is to distract people from this.  Plarium wants us to think that they had to find a way to introduce fragments to the daily logins to show players new game mechanics (i.e. Hex), and that they are trying to give us rewards we want.  In reality, they didn't really care what new reward they put in, because all they really wanted to do was remove these 2 items.  They are hoping that the shiney guaranteed lego would mask it.

Edit: To try and word this a bit better:  Plarium didn't one day say "How can we introduce a new method to give people a free legendary".  No, instead they said "How can we remove the sacred and 5* chicken from daily login rewards to make people have to buy them".  The motive was the removal, not the addition.  They would have simply gone through a variety of possible options to replace these 2 items, settling on the fragments

Aug 8, 2021, 13:0508/08/21

I guess what i meant by not understanding, is i beleive this will have the recerse effect.

I think with the free shards there people would tend to spend more money on books,energy, gem ect..., but now peole are mad and will spend less i know i have when i run out of energy now i log out and do something else were in the past i wouldve bought a gem pack, or maybe one of the offers if decent and kept playing.

Aug 8, 2021, 19:3608/08/21

Plarium already stated these free lego will not be able to be pulled from sacred shards. Your  point here is mute

My point is not moot. 

The point I made was that although some will think this is a good change, you cannot deny that the majority of the player base are not happy. 

Also I think you misread my comment or perhaps I was not clear. I was stating that if you already have Cleopterix then this guaranteed champion is kind of nothing for you. So for 4 months all you have to look forward to is getting a dupe champ, at least with the chicken and shard I have the chance to almost completely level up a good epic or pull a lego that I do not have yet. 

As I said originally, I know some people will like this which is great but on the whole it has not been well received by the community. 

Aug 8, 2021, 22:2408/08/21

Is hard say how many like or dislike this change, 90%+ players dont read dont write (forum,face, inte etc.) they only play.

Aug 8, 2021, 22:4308/08/21

Is hard say how many like or dislike this change, 90%+ players dont read dont write (forum,face, inte etc.) they only play.

I'd say that of the 10% who are reading...about 98% is not happy with the changes. 

Most of my clan members do not read the forum or discord...but in our chat...everybody was cursing this change...

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