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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Jul 31, 2021, 08:0207/31/21

I don't have a Cleopterix yet, so for me personally it's a good change right now. 

But when they ever put a champion you allready own on the sheet, that will be very frustrating. You get a dupe lego, and you know it will be a dupe allready for months.

Agree.  I know it's true for champions like Scyl as well which were acquired through daily logins, but at least it is just a single day to get the dupe and move on.  With these proposed fragment summons it will be 4 months of pain

Jul 31, 2021, 08:5207/31/21
Aug 3, 2021, 13:35(edited)

For me :D I dont mind geting cleopterix,i dont have her and i think she help me progress whit fraction wars(finaly somone worth leveling up).But what about those who have her?I think they should make pool of champs whitch you can get in case you have her,so then you move to another champ. To awoid geting dupe. Also why they dont make sacret sumon for specific fraction(i have from some too many and from another only from fusions,fragment sumons) Also if they make it to 3 moths that would help too 😁

Jul 31, 2021, 10:1007/31/21

The player never played or spending very much never count lego book from summoing event. The player call is good, because every month, they buy all offer and become best money for Pla, don't like people disagree, hope in scared shard every months to get a lego books =)). For every scared = 500 point in summoing event = higher chance to get lego book. But they don't care because money they have from the sky, they don't need to work, family do for all. The player always buy scared shard and doesn't care about F2p and poor people, they just want to top, to win and when they win at all, only they alone with money they spent, F2P player is gone, nothing more for them and they will leaving soon =))

Jul 31, 2021, 18:5407/31/21
Aug 1, 2021, 13:37(edited)

I'm with RoseRoyal on this one. They could have picked any other reward to make the swap, but they went for the most valuable ones, basically the only two worth anything in this rewards block.

I to do not have Cleopatrix yet, but still would go for the 4 shards and chickens due to the reasons RoseRoyal already stated.

Also I am wondering if PriestGuardian will be changing his point of view if he pulls her from a shard in the next four months and it will be a dupe for him as well. ;)

I already spent way to much money on this "game" - it is more like a gamble. They could find other ways to implement access to guaranteed champs, but they are not interested in it. I am also quite sure, that also the upcoming dupe system will be just some disappointing piece of shit, like their other latest implementations (except for DT, that one is cool).

So again, they are treating their long term players very poorly. They take away the good stuff, replace it with some decent stuff but expect you to stay with the game 4 months until you get it. That is not a great incentive. It would have been a way cooler move in the first place to show some more appreciation of their loyal customers, if they would have removed the 50 each forge materials instead......

So, to finish up. It is not a bad change in total, it is just badly executed, like a lot of stuff that Plarium does.

Aug 1, 2021, 01:3108/01/21

I  would  prefer  the  4  Sacreds  +  4  Chickens  vs.  Garaunteed  Fragment  Hero.

It  comes  down  to  simple  reason.

The  Fragment  Hero  isn't the  Hero  I  want.

I  want  Bad-El-Kazar.

I  have  pulled  shards  every  Bad-El-Kazar  event  the  game  has  ever  done  for  over  2  years.

I  still  haven't  pulled  him.

RNG  or  NO  RNG

I  just  want  the  champion  I  want.

Am I  asking  for  to  much?

I  have  70  Legendaries and  none  of  them  are  of  the  champion  I  want.

This  game's  player  satisfaction experience is  a  total  failure.

Aug 1, 2021, 03:5808/01/21

I'm with RoseRoyal on this one. They could have picked any other reward to make the swap, but they went for the most valuable ones, basically the only two worth anything in this rewards block.

I to do not have Cleopatrix yet, but still would go for the 4 shards and chickens due to the reasons RoseRoyal already stated.

Also I am wondering if PriestGuardian will be changing his point of view if he pulls her from a shard in the next four months and it will be a dupe for him as well. ;)

I already spent way to much money on this "game" - it is more like a gamble. They could find other ways to implement access to guaranteed champs, but they are not interested in it. I am also quite sure, that also the upcoming dupe system will be just some disappointing piece of shit, like their other latest implementations (except for DT, that one is cool).

So again, they are treating their long term players very poorly. They take away the good stuff, replace it with some decent stuff but expect you to stay with the game 4 months until you get it. That is not a great incentive. It would have been a way cooler move in the first place to show some more appreciation of their loyal customers, if they would have removed the 50 each forge materials instead......

So, to finish up. It is not a bad change in total, it is just badly executed, like a lot of stuff that Plarium does.

I agree with you, Pla want so many people leave for own game !

Aug 1, 2021, 06:5308/01/21

Yes, exactly, but only in 4 months! 

So you lose the 5 * Chicken and the Sacred Shard 4 times

Anyone who still says that is better has not heard the bang. 

The change is crap !!! 

In addition, the shards and chicken are missing food for events and tounaments. 4 Sacred Shars score good points, much more than just a fragment fusion. And well 4 times 5 * chickens come on top  

Aug 1, 2021, 15:1308/01/21

not all players are whales ho spend tons money to game

you say you are siting on 80 k energy

and yours nm and unm team get you gold shard or chicken over time

thats good for you

also you forget about FTP  players ho dont spend tons money in game

and it will affect them alot

5 star chicken and shard means alot for them

Aug 1, 2021, 17:1508/01/21

Im ftp, for me is better the legenday, sacred only have 6% (That is like 18 for a leg).

Chicken is only time level up food whit x2 exp (week, clan vs clan, montly, to 30-40) and use pit (take 12hr+ in lvl 40+).

Aug 1, 2021, 17:5108/01/21

shards are even more valuable for FTP because you need them to pull them during fusion/fragment summon events to complete them.  it's going to make those events where you get a gauraunteed usually decent legendary even more difficult.

Aug 1, 2021, 22:3908/01/21

shards are even more valuable for FTP because you need them to pull them during fusion/fragment summon events to complete them.  it's going to make those events where you get a gauraunteed usually decent legendary even more difficult.

Question, how many ftp get all fragments in summon events (try only a few do it)

Aug 2, 2021, 00:3408/02/21
Aug 2, 2021, 01:13(edited)

Little idea create a shard (fusion):

8X number = heroe (they change every 4 month)

X number = chicken 5Star (30 day cd)

X number = sacred shard (30 day cd)

or use xy combination 4xy heroe, x chicken, y shard

Aug 2, 2021, 11:3108/02/21

I dont mind the idea of collecting fragments for a few months

I do wish they hadnt chosen to replace the two best items however.

Aug 2, 2021, 14:2908/02/21

I think as expected:

  • Extreme overreaction by this forum
  • Complaining about the quality of FREE items
  • Over-value the sacred shard, definitely over-value the chicken
  • Completely ignore that we are again getting more FREE rewards with the clan stuff

The amount of free energy, shards, tokens, artifacts, charms, materials, etc.  continues to increase every month:

  • Advanced Quests
  • Doomtower (free everything every month!)
  • Forge (Free perception gear -- best set in the game IMO)
  • Tag Arena Shop (more free sh!t)
  • CvC 
  • New Clan Stuff (TBD/???)
  • Any Login Reward at all (We had none for a long time...)

The game is actually more and more F2P friendly than ever.  Add up all the free stuff you get every month, and it is likely going to be more after this change.  Unless they totally botch the New Clan stuff... ok, I admit that is not out of the realm of possibility.... lol.  My only desires in new updates:

  1. No additional time required for new activities
  2. Reduction in time required for existing activities (what happened to the pseudo 4x?)
  3. More of 1 & 2

I think this forum sees a 3/4 full glass as empty most times...

Aug 2, 2021, 15:3708/02/21

Im ftp, for me is better the legenday, sacred only have 6% (That is like 18 for a leg).

Chicken is only time level up food whit x2 exp (week, clan vs clan, montly, to 30-40) and use pit (take 12hr+ in lvl 40+).

You say you are f2p? So f2p players should always use the 2x chance, so that would be 12% chance of a legendary champion. In addition, as an f2p player, you should always open the chard during a tournament or event in order to receive an additional reward. A Fragment Fusion every 4 months simply cannot offer that.  

Aug 2, 2021, 17:0208/02/21
Aug 2, 2021, 17:35(edited)

Ameise if you read, i put for me i never say every ftp.

and later i put a idea.

i write because "for me " is better the leg.

For the x2, every 5 days you have 1 day expx2 (plus month, cvsc, etc.) that day lvl up to 30+ a few heroes then use pit, normal people can enter 2-3 times per day, the other 4 days, get gear (dragon, icy etc.), masterys or potion. 

You can read how use your energy/time, in guides.

Most people say pit sucks, but in long play help a lot.

Aug 2, 2021, 17:3108/02/21

I think as expected:

  • Extreme overreaction by this forum
  • Complaining about the quality of FREE items
  • Over-value the sacred shard, definitely over-value the chicken
  • Completely ignore that we are again getting more FREE rewards with the clan stuff

The amount of free energy, shards, tokens, artifacts, charms, materials, etc.  continues to increase every month:

  • Advanced Quests
  • Doomtower (free everything every month!)
  • Forge (Free perception gear -- best set in the game IMO)
  • Tag Arena Shop (more free sh!t)
  • CvC 
  • New Clan Stuff (TBD/???)
  • Any Login Reward at all (We had none for a long time...)

The game is actually more and more F2P friendly than ever.  Add up all the free stuff you get every month, and it is likely going to be more after this change.  Unless they totally botch the New Clan stuff... ok, I admit that is not out of the realm of possibility.... lol.  My only desires in new updates:

  1. No additional time required for new activities
  2. Reduction in time required for existing activities (what happened to the pseudo 4x?)
  3. More of 1 & 2

I think this forum sees a 3/4 full glass as empty most times...

Can only speak for myself, i would rather have the shards and chickens, but its not something im overly upset about :) - its a game so i dont get upset about it.

I prefer the shards because im only interested in certain champs now, shards give me a shot at that, fragments are unlikely to.

Aug 2, 2021, 19:3208/02/21

tbh, this post name is INACCURATE, the community is angry, both HH's followers and the forum.

Aug 2, 2021, 20:3208/02/21

I think as expected:

  • Extreme overreaction by this forum
  • Complaining about the quality of FREE items
  • Over-value the sacred shard, definitely over-value the chicken
  • Completely ignore that we are again getting more FREE rewards with the clan stuff

The amount of free energy, shards, tokens, artifacts, charms, materials, etc.  continues to increase every month:

  • Advanced Quests
  • Doomtower (free everything every month!)
  • Forge (Free perception gear -- best set in the game IMO)
  • Tag Arena Shop (more free sh!t)
  • CvC 
  • New Clan Stuff (TBD/???)
  • Any Login Reward at all (We had none for a long time...)

The game is actually more and more F2P friendly than ever.  Add up all the free stuff you get every month, and it is likely going to be more after this change.  Unless they totally botch the New Clan stuff... ok, I admit that is not out of the realm of possibility.... lol.  My only desires in new updates:

  1. No additional time required for new activities
  2. Reduction in time required for existing activities (what happened to the pseudo 4x?)
  3. More of 1 & 2

I think this forum sees a 3/4 full glass as empty most times...

Sure sure, we are all whiny ftp players.

Advanced quests, are you kidding me? 275 quests to complete for a ego book. I am 35 days in and can at most complete 8 of the quests usually less. It will take a while to be able to get to complete all of them. Even then it's one leho book a month. For the other lego book/month you need to reach gold in tag team arena. How long do you think it wil ltake for a ftp player to reach that, hm? Then it's 2 lego books/month guaranteed. How many books does itt ake to book the average lego, hm?

Doomtower? A ftp player wil lbe lucky to be able to do normal tower after 90 days the first time. and then won't be able to complete most of the secret rooms.

Forge is great, but please tell me how long do you nee dto play ftp on average to get one faction team for each faction to safely faamr the upper tier levels to actually colelct the materials for 6star gear, hm?

Tag arena shop is free shit for whales. The only thing for ftp players is the wekly energy, Drexthar and the epic book in silver (should they ever evne make it to silver)

CVC is a great ressource boost, yes. Please tell me how many points are you able to make with your 3-4 daily energy refills,hm?And then what high tier clan would accept you with your mesly point potential?Hm?

Lol, overvalue the chicken, right. How much energy does it require to generate one 5star?Hm?

Yes complaining about free items is valid. The login rewards are suppoed to give slight boosts for nonspenders. Not much but just enough to keep them interested and playing ans perhaps spend something in the future. When you take away the almsot only worthwhile items in th login rewards, the incentive to actually keep playing sinks...we allw ant that, right, because no one needs the ftp people anyways, right?

Yes clan rewards are fine, how you obtain them is not, come on have you seen the previews of some of the quests? Complete spider en 20 with rare dwarves? LOl eminently doable for a nonwhale, they will sjurely have the champions, superstated gear and tons of energy to sink into masterinng sai trashchamps to even be able to try to attempt it, right?

Also you get 10 quests for 30 people at the start, now that won't cause any friction, of course not!

Aug 2, 2021, 20:4808/02/21

Sure sure, we are all whiny ftp players.

Advanced quests, are you kidding me? 275 quests to complete for a ego book. I am 35 days in and can at most complete 8 of the quests usually less. It will take a while to be able to get to complete all of them. Even then it's one leho book a month. For the other lego book/month you need to reach gold in tag team arena. How long do you think it wil ltake for a ftp player to reach that, hm? Then it's 2 lego books/month guaranteed. How many books does itt ake to book the average lego, hm?

Doomtower? A ftp player wil lbe lucky to be able to do normal tower after 90 days the first time. and then won't be able to complete most of the secret rooms.

Forge is great, but please tell me how long do you nee dto play ftp on average to get one faction team for each faction to safely faamr the upper tier levels to actually colelct the materials for 6star gear, hm?

Tag arena shop is free shit for whales. The only thing for ftp players is the wekly energy, Drexthar and the epic book in silver (should they ever evne make it to silver)

CVC is a great ressource boost, yes. Please tell me how many points are you able to make with your 3-4 daily energy refills,hm?And then what high tier clan would accept you with your mesly point potential?Hm?

Lol, overvalue the chicken, right. How much energy does it require to generate one 5star?Hm?

Yes complaining about free items is valid. The login rewards are suppoed to give slight boosts for nonspenders. Not much but just enough to keep them interested and playing ans perhaps spend something in the future. When you take away the almsot only worthwhile items in th login rewards, the incentive to actually keep playing sinks...we allw ant that, right, because no one needs the ftp people anyways, right?

Yes clan rewards are fine, how you obtain them is not, come on have you seen the previews of some of the quests? Complete spider en 20 with rare dwarves? LOl eminently doable for a nonwhale, they will sjurely have the champions, superstated gear and tons of energy to sink into masterinng sai trashchamps to even be able to try to attempt it, right?

Also you get 10 quests for 30 people at the start, now that won't cause any friction, of course not!

You realize that the 271+ day login has no impact on you for 8 months, right? 

As for the Clan rewards, I just watched the HH video... was only somewhat paying attention.  But it does look like that rollout will be a disaster... lol

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