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brand new seeking advice

brand new seeking advice

Jul 24, 2021, 08:1007/24/21

brand new seeking advice

Hello folks!!  New here, 7 days in.  Just got Ninja.  I wanted to get some advice I was lucly enough to Pull some really cool champs and I dont know where to really start with ranking up and so forth here is what I have atm 

Kael,  Cupidus, Ninja of course just got him, Valerie, Pain Keeper and Coldheart.

Kael and Cupidus are tearing up the campaign but I am unsure how far these two can go at 5 star.  should I get both Fully ascended?  which one should I try and get to 6 first?  and how do I go about getting to 6..seems so difficult to get the 5 stars needed for it!  I am overwhelmed lol.

any advice would be awesome.  thank you. 

Jul 24, 2021, 09:3207/24/21

First get Kael 6* and buy masteries for him. You can farm 5* as food for him in 12 3 brutal campaign; if u can't do that do 12 3 hard. Then rank up cupidus. Set 6* Kael as a priority. His gear should be Lifesteal and perception, which u can get in fw. 🤟🙂🤟

Jul 24, 2021, 14:2207/24/21

Don't bother maxing Kael. Cupidus can do the campaign farming job much more effectively, and can function effectively as your starter arena nuker as well. In fact, between Ninja and Cupidus, you have a pretty good arena team ready - Khatun will be the team lead, and you just need a second speed booster to round the team out, someone like Apo.

As for food - basic progression is to just level your common and uncommon champs, and use other common/uncommons to feed them. Takes a while to get enough for progressing a 50 to 6*, but that's the nature of the game.

Jul 24, 2021, 17:3407/24/21

Man I was wondering the same things when I started, I 6 starred Kael first and turned him into a monster, idk if you plan to buy anything with real money on Raid, but the daily gem pack for 9.99 is the best bang for your buck. save em until you get 800 and max out Masteries for Kael or Ninja. I have both of them fully maxed as far as masteries and rank. The only offset with using Kael and Ninja are they both have the same affinity which can hurt you if you  fight Force champions in campaign or Arena.  Best gear for Kael is Lifesteal, the more damage he does the more you get healed, once you 6 star him youll hardly ever die. I use Cruel with Lifesteal for him too, and basically the same with Ninja. Together they are my strongest champs right now for Clanboss. Hope this helps,

Jul 24, 2021, 20:1207/24/21

Don't bother maxing Kael. Cupidus can do the campaign farming job much more effectively, and can function effectively as your starter arena nuker as well. In fact, between Ninja and Cupidus, you have a pretty good arena team ready - Khatun will be the team lead, and you just need a second speed booster to round the team out, someone like Apo.

As for food - basic progression is to just level your common and uncommon champs, and use other common/uncommons to feed them. Takes a while to get enough for progressing a 50 to 6*, but that's the nature of the game.

I would still tell op to max kael first because he will be easier to book than cupidous. Not that you're wrong but booking legos early on it even in general can be hard or expensive. Kael will also be more useful early on in clan boss.

So imo @OP should still max out kael. Forums correct me if I'm wrong please.

Jul 25, 2021, 20:0607/25/21

I would still tell op to max kael first because he will be easier to book than cupidous. Not that you're wrong but booking legos early on it even in general can be hard or expensive. Kael will also be more useful early on in clan boss.

So imo @OP should still max out kael. Forums correct me if I'm wrong please.

Even unbooked, Cupidus should be able to do a better job, because his A1 is AOE. And it has the benefit of not wasting resources on Kael.

Jul 25, 2021, 22:4807/25/21

I am less experienced than others, so bear that in mind, but i would still 6 star kael, he will get poisons down on clan boss which is important, and is easy to book.

Jul 26, 2021, 03:4307/26/21

Normally I would agree with 6* your starter champ, but usually people don't have many other options.  In this case I'd say forget about Kael and focus on Cupidus, Ninja, and Coldheart.

Cupidus doesn't need books, his cooldowns are already low (4 and 4), and his A1 is an AOE.  Higher base stats, the attack up and multiplier on his A3 is insane, and HP Burn will serve him in most places in the game.

Take Cupidus to 60* (and max his masteries, use him as a campaign farmer), then Ninja, then Coldheart.  All 3 you'll use throughout the entire game, and you should definitely max them, even if you pull more useful champs before you get these guys to 60, you'll still want to get them there.

Kael and Painkeeper both work fine at 50*.  You can decide to take them higher if you have the resources later on.  I wouldn't do anything with Valerie personally.

Save your legendary books for a future pull.