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Please don't add Ninja as a Lego.

Please don't add Ninja as a Lego.

Jul 12, 2021, 20:5107/12/21

Please don't add Ninja as a Lego.

It would ruin the game atmosphere and lore. It doesn't make sense.

Or at least make it some sort of free lego that will be available temporary, and then vanish forever.

Just wanted to share my opinion on this.

Jul 12, 2021, 20:5607/12/21

I thought it was supposed to be temporary.  Looks pretty bad though, the art department either dropped the ball or were not included.

Jul 12, 2021, 20:5707/12/21


Jul 12, 2021, 21:0207/12/21

There is no sense in a "temporary" character...

How are u suposed to use it? Rank up, asscend, book... who should invest in a temporary character?

Maybe they will be "inspired" in Ninja to introduce this new lego, with its own lore...

I dont know if Saito is the same situation.

Anyway... meanwhile, just wait and enjoy the free gift from codes :D

Jul 12, 2021, 21:3207/12/21

There is no sense in a "temporary" character...

How are u suposed to use it? Rank up, asscend, book... who should invest in a temporary character?

Maybe they will be "inspired" in Ninja to introduce this new lego, with its own lore...

I dont know if Saito is the same situation.

Anyway... meanwhile, just wait and enjoy the free gift from codes :D

they said that it will be a free claimable lego for the whole community. The concept itself is pretty broken, unless it is a pretty weak lego. It could have a 'bit' of sense if they make it temporary, which means that each and every user will be able to use this lego in every content for a certain amount of time, then it will vanish. I really don't like this thing. Please keep the real life people out of from a fantasy world.

What are these gifts you're talking? From what codes?

Jul 12, 2021, 21:3307/12/21
Jul 12, 2021, 21:34(edited)

they said that it will be a free claimable lego for the whole community. The concept itself is pretty broken, unless it is a pretty weak lego. It could have a 'bit' of sense if they make it temporary, which means that each and every user will be able to use this lego in every content for a certain amount of time, then it will vanish. I really don't like this thing. Please keep the real life people out of from a fantasy world.

What are these gifts you're talking? From what codes?

Code: NINJA (i used already in my account and it works perfectly)

Extended version: From HellHades web:

" ...Enter the Promocode: NINJA in game for 5x Energy Refills – 150x Multi Battles – 3 Days of extra XP & 500,000 Silver!  ... "

Jul 12, 2021, 21:4407/12/21

they said that it will be a free claimable lego for the whole community. The concept itself is pretty broken, unless it is a pretty weak lego. It could have a 'bit' of sense if they make it temporary, which means that each and every user will be able to use this lego in every content for a certain amount of time, then it will vanish. I really don't like this thing. Please keep the real life people out of from a fantasy world.

What are these gifts you're talking? From what codes?

Of course the concept of free legos is completely broken, unless they are very weak. Just imagine, Plarium would give free legos to the players. Everybody would have a good lego like Scyl of the Drakes at his account. Impossible!

Jul 12, 2021, 21:5007/12/21

Ninja who???? never heard  of this guy before. The character looks so stupid with that face plant

Raid standards have really sunk to a new level, good grief

Free or  not this is STUPID!

Jul 12, 2021, 22:0207/12/21

Ninja who???? never heard  of this guy before. The character looks so stupid with that face plant

Raid standards have really sunk to a new level, good grief

Free or  not this is STUPID!

This was my reaction as well, I've never heard of this guy, The character that was shown looks really bad artwise.

Jul 13, 2021, 00:5007/13/21

I'm sure they are aiming at attracting his followers.  I would bet arena remains easy for a while longer as the fastest way to get them to quit would be to throw a wall up in front of that Silver 1 mission.

Might want to brace for the rage posts from people with no understanding of how probabilty works.

Jul 13, 2021, 06:5007/13/21

i still can't figure out where to enter this 'promo code' everyone is talking about.  literally nowhere on my game for this.  maybe i'm missing something...

Jul 13, 2021, 07:3207/13/21

Hello @kwisatzzz 

I can understand the Frustration of some Players in the community however I really think this is a great step forward towards reaching a broader Audiance, real Authentic Gamers who are huge fans of NINJA, this will make the game will love more popular than it is and will bring new blood to the game. (I think NINJA is cool Human being I know his story and how all the fame started with him before)

Alpha H 

Jul 13, 2021, 07:4807/13/21

Hello @kwisatzzz 

I can understand the Frustration of some Players in the community however I really think this is a great step forward towards reaching a broader Audiance, real Authentic Gamers who are huge fans of NINJA, this will make the game will love more popular than it is and will bring new blood to the game. (I think NINJA is cool Human being I know his story and how all the fame started with him before)

Alpha H 

hi there

Reaching a broader audiance is the right goal to have. But in my opinion, this is not the better way of doing this. I understand the marketing thinking behind this.... maybe it will help reaching some portions of audience that were not reachable before... but on the other hand, this will kinda 'ruin' the atmosphere and lore of the game. With a real-life person joining a fantasy world with its specific lore. I'm not discussing ninja as a person, I don't even know him that well.

I think it would be acceptable like a temporary event. Like everyone getting him, already fully booked, and being able to use him for like 2-3 months, and then it will vanish from collections.

However, I hope he won't be too strong since I'll personally avoid to use him for the given reasons :)

Jul 13, 2021, 07:5807/13/21

hi there

Reaching a broader audiance is the right goal to have. But in my opinion, this is not the better way of doing this. I understand the marketing thinking behind this.... maybe it will help reaching some portions of audience that were not reachable before... but on the other hand, this will kinda 'ruin' the atmosphere and lore of the game. With a real-life person joining a fantasy world with its specific lore. I'm not discussing ninja as a person, I don't even know him that well.

I think it would be acceptable like a temporary event. Like everyone getting him, already fully booked, and being able to use him for like 2-3 months, and then it will vanish from collections.

However, I hope he won't be too strong since I'll personally avoid to use him for the given reasons :)

Hello @kwisatzzz, 

Thank you for your feedback, and your positive attitude reponse, I will make sure to take the Feedback to the Community Managers, I understand your point of view, however this is all perosnal and differs from perosn to another, I myself as a player in Top 10 Clan in the world see this move as one of their best moves in a while, now im not suppose to give a personal Openion on Subjects as a Moderator, but it is to prove the point that every persons has a different perspective on such matters, and Im sure you probably know that he is not gonna be an OP champ whatsoever, becuase Game Changers Champs are never Free Champs. 

Now wheather he will be a permenant Lego or not, this is to be decided later and announced in the Official News posts, I personally hope so, becuase who wants to invest in booking a Lego and putting good gear on them just to see them vanish after few months? Me Not. 

Have a great day 

Alpha H 

Jul 13, 2021, 08:0207/13/21

Like FedeNow allready pointed out, there is absoluetly no sense in a temporary character.

And, contrary to your view, it's not a real person entering a fantasy world. It's a real person acting as motion-capture-model and giving his face as model for a char in a fantasy world. The champ modeled from the real world "Ninja" ("Ninja" as name/pseudonym in real world) is supposed to be a Shadowskin Ninja , what fits perfectly into the (spare) lore of the game. 

With your logic, you could say Arnold Schwarzenegger, who started his career as body builder, should not have played the Terminator. A real world body builder joining a sci-fi story?

Jul 13, 2021, 08:3807/13/21

i still can't figure out where to enter this 'promo code' everyone is talking about.  literally nowhere on my game for this.  maybe i'm missing something...

big tab on the left side of your screen, the one that gives access to the daily log in rewards, news etc.

In there you will find an option for Promo Codes, click on it and type NINJA into the box.

Jul 13, 2021, 09:1307/13/21

Like FedeNow allready pointed out, there is absoluetly no sense in a temporary character.

And, contrary to your view, it's not a real person entering a fantasy world. It's a real person acting as motion-capture-model and giving his face as model for a char in a fantasy world. The champ modeled from the real world "Ninja" ("Ninja" as name/pseudonym in real world) is supposed to be a Shadowskin Ninja , what fits perfectly into the (spare) lore of the game. 

With your logic, you could say Arnold Schwarzenegger, who started his career as body builder, should not have played the Terminator. A real world body builder joining a sci-fi story?

Yes sure with the only "very little" difference, that for doing movie you can't create "actors/characters" from nothing, you must take reale people (also known as, actors :) in the best cases at least)... unless you're doing a 3d animation movie. For a game on the other hand, you can create a world and its characters from zero, you don't need real people faces or resemblance. Ok, the name ninja can actually fit in the shadowkin factions.... but that character will still and always be 'that famous streamer', in a fantasy world of fantasy characters. Sorry but I don't like it, but I'm sure that many people will and i'm happy for them

Jul 13, 2021, 09:5207/13/21
Jul 13, 2021, 09:53(edited)

Its a cynical move to tap into the market of kids who play fornite and spend money on cosmetics. I'd posit that gambling comissions and variants thereof should be looking into stuff like this.

"real authentic gamers" lol.

Jul 13, 2021, 11:4407/13/21

Yes sure with the only "very little" difference, that for doing movie you can't create "actors/characters" from nothing, you must take reale people (also known as, actors :) in the best cases at least)... unless you're doing a 3d animation movie. For a game on the other hand, you can create a world and its characters from zero, you don't need real people faces or resemblance. Ok, the name ninja can actually fit in the shadowkin factions.... but that character will still and always be 'that famous streamer', in a fantasy world of fantasy characters. Sorry but I don't like it, but I'm sure that many people will and i'm happy for them

I don´t get your point. I mean yes... but cant see the logic in your argument.

Tecnically speaking, all characters came from the imagination of 1 person (or a team), so its based on his own mind and subjetive perspective. Worst case, a copy from other game´s character... but eventually you´ll reach the original mindmaster behind the character. Again, a human.

Anyway, according to your point of view, all characters are based in humans. Bodys, faces, facial expressions, moves, all games wich involves human characters (or humanoids, u get the point), are based in real humans. The unique difference with NINJA is that here Plariun just tell us "Hey guys!, his new character has a streamer face".

What happen if tomorrow we get a list from Plarium and there are the names of the people used for all their human/humanoid characters. Like a lot others games, is a common thing, like easter eggs.

I recommend just erase of your mind all information about this "Ninja thing" and if the new character appears just say "Cool, a new Lego for shadow faction!, a ninja... awsome!"... Haahaha!

Seriously speaking, I respect your possition and i hope this dont affect your game experience.

In the other hand, the thing that WILL affect a lot of players is the fact if this champion will be a free one. I suposse there will be a restriction here, otherwhise new players will take a huge adventage againist older ones. Cant discard this possibility, if the intention here is bring new blood to the game, Ninja fans in particular, cant figure a better way than a free lego with his face to start playing the game (again, not a fairplay particulary here).

Jul 13, 2021, 11:5307/13/21

We are getting free sh!t, and people still find something to complain about here... lol.  No clue who this guy is, or how it will work.  I agree that using resources on a temporary champ is less than appealing to me, but I'll just enjoy the free gifts and wait until this rolls out to evaluate.  I could care less who the character look likes, though I prefer the hot chicks myself :)

Jul 13, 2021, 14:3907/13/21

Yes sure with the only "very little" difference, that for doing movie you can't create "actors/characters" from nothing, you must take reale people (also known as, actors :) in the best cases at least)... unless you're doing a 3d animation movie. For a game on the other hand, you can create a world and its characters from zero, you don't need real people faces or resemblance. Ok, the name ninja can actually fit in the shadowkin factions.... but that character will still and always be 'that famous streamer', in a fantasy world of fantasy characters. Sorry but I don't like it, but I'm sure that many people will and i'm happy for them

Are you sure that character will allways be the famous streamer? I never heard of this Ninja before. If I would join Raid one year in the future, I wouldn't even recognize that a champ called Ninja in the east asian based Shadowkin faction had a streamer as model.

There is allready a champion in the game based on a real human, implemented with motion capture: Saito. I don't have any problems with that. I don't know anybody who has problems with that. 

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