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How many Legos do you have?

How many Legos do you have?

Jul 8, 2021, 14:5707/08/21

How many Legos do you have?

I'm currently at 41. Many of them are not worth much and I have a couple of dupes.  I wonder how running 2 Zavia would work out.


Jul 8, 2021, 15:0107/08/21
Jul 8, 2021, 15:06(edited)

I'm sitting at 1...


My only Lego is Samar...


Also I would like to borrow your Bad-El for the next 10 eons...

Jul 8, 2021, 15:0207/08/21

damn, who dont u have :)

Jul 8, 2021, 16:2307/08/21

'Many of them are not worth much'? For having that many legos, you seem to have remarkably few bad ones or dupes, it's a very nice list. 

Jul 8, 2021, 17:0507/08/21

'Many of them are not worth much'? For having that many legos, you seem to have remarkably few bad ones or dupes, it's a very nice list. 

In another thread I was questioned for using a B rank lego champion for food.  That's what happened to all my C ranked and a few of my B rank legos.  I'd have 51 champions if I hadn't used some real crap ones for food.

Jul 8, 2021, 17:2007/08/21

In another thread I was questioned for using a B rank lego champion for food.  That's what happened to all my C ranked and a few of my B rank legos.  I'd have 51 champions if I hadn't used some real crap ones for food.

I think I have greater quantity of legos but far lesser quality, will count after my dragon sliver mining is complete

Jul 8, 2021, 17:2707/08/21

In another thread I was questioned for using a B rank lego champion for food.  That's what happened to all my C ranked and a few of my B rank legos.  I'd have 51 champions if I hadn't used some real crap ones for food.

And if someday Plarium rework uno of these, u´ll wanna shot your nuts hahaha.

By the way, i have 9 Lego´s

Obtained = Ghostborn - BEK - Ma´Shalled -Visir - Lilitu - Blind Seer

Fused = Razhin - Ruel - Hurding

If we count Scyl (i´ll get her in 20 days...) ... 10 legos, don´t complain, all usefull 

Jul 8, 2021, 17:3207/08/21

And if someday Plarium rework uno of these, u´ll wanna shot your nuts hahaha.

By the way, i have 9 Lego´s

Obtained = Ghostborn - BEK - Ma´Shalled -Visir - Lilitu - Blind Seer

Fused = Razhin - Ruel - Hurding

If we count Scyl (i´ll get her in 20 days...) ... 10 legos, don´t complain, all usefull 

Ya, I would say amazingly good rng on the legos!

Jul 8, 2021, 17:3807/08/21
Jul 8, 2021, 17:40(edited)

I have exactly 41 as well, though I have kept all my dupes so far...


Jul 8, 2021, 18:2007/08/21

I have exactly 41 as well, though I have kept all my dupes so far...


Nice, very nice.  But man you have to max out Nethril.  He's a help in FK and a well rounded champion.

Jul 8, 2021, 19:2507/08/21


43 if you don't count the dupes, 47 if you do.

Jul 8, 2021, 19:2907/08/21

I can't keep up with you whales. I have 5 legendaries. Scyl from daily log-ins, Yoshi and Ruel from events, Teela Goremane and Ghostborn from shards.

Jul 8, 2021, 21:5807/08/21

At level 57 I have 5 Legendaries.  Dutchess Lilitu, Khronovar, Saito, Maulie Tankard and Norog. I'm not that impressed with any but the Dutchess.  She is a cut above the rest.

Jul 8, 2021, 22:0407/08/21

What criteria do you use to classify a champ as A, B or C ranked?

Jul 8, 2021, 22:4007/08/21

At level 57 I have 5 Legendaries.  Dutchess Lilitu, Khronovar, Saito, Maulie Tankard and Norog. I'm not that impressed with any but the Dutchess.  She is a cut above the rest.

duchess is amazing. maulie is as well, she should go 2nd in your arena team.

Jul 8, 2021, 23:2507/08/21
Jul 8, 2021, 23:25(edited)

In order I got Basileus Roanas, Gurptuk, Brogni, Dutchess Lilitu, Ruel (not summoned yet), Riho Bonespear, Hurndig, Drexthar, Ursaga, Arbiter (not summoned yet, finished over the weekend and figured I could wait less than a week).  I'm a definitely getting Versulf and am on day 163 so I'm 2.5 weeks away from Scyl.  I'm also one character away from Rhazin so he could be tomorrow or a year from now.

So 8 currently on the account.  1-2 more will be summoned tomorrow morning.  2 more will be aquired within 3 weeks. Then Rhazin will remain my white whale.

If you'll notice the order, I summoned Dutchess during the summon rush for Ruel which was near the end of that fusion.  Prior to her, I'd been fairly unlucky going to pity for both ancients and sacreds for champs who were pretty situational.  Since I got Dutchess though, I've been fairly ludicrously lucky with voids.  During that same summon rush where I got Dutchess, I also got CH and Madame Serris.  Then I got Riho during the 2x void 10x shadowkin.  I was only going to pull one void shard and then wait until sunday but got Runekeeper Dazdurk, Broadmaw, Basher, and then Riho followed by a rare.  On Sunday I went for Ursala and got 14 pretty bad rares, Ursala, and then I pulled 4 more and got Painkeeper and ended with Maneater.  I pulled the Ursaga during the summon rush for this fusion (had 2 void shards which I pulled and then got another from clan boss and got Ursaga).  My best voids through 5 months were Bellower, Golden Reaper, and Suwai... how things change.

Jul 9, 2021, 00:0507/09/21
Jul 9, 2021, 00:14(edited)

At level 57 I have 5 Legendaries.  Dutchess Lilitu, Khronovar, Saito, Maulie Tankard and Norog. I'm not that impressed with any but the Dutchess.  She is a cut above the rest.

duchess is the best of the lot, but all of those champions are at least decent. khoronar is amazing in arena and pretty much every dungeon, particularly if you have him in a stun or taunting set. as trips mentioned, maulie is another great one for arena, in particular due to her passive. she and khoronar do have a bit of overlap as they both provoke, so if you want to use both of them you'd best tailor the ai a bit. norog is a bit more niche, but he provides two uncommon debuffs that can come in clutch in certain situations and the constant damage reduction is great. saito i admit i'm not particularly familiar with, but those i've talked to with him have been generally positive and his ignore def ability seems useful against bosses.

Jul 9, 2021, 02:0107/09/21

I got my first leggo three months into the game and it was cillian the lucky, who lucky for me is still not even level 50 and zero stars into ascension. I have some junk gear on him and use him in fw only.

From fusion/log in/mission  I've gotten brogni, rhazin, ruule, yoshi, scyl, hurndig, arbiter and will have vursulf.

Overall I'm up to 18 legos atm. My most recent is valk who I will have 6* probably by tomorrow(thanks champ training events) I had 20 or 30 ancients saved that I pulled as well as blowing 900 gems twice during the last 10x praying for valk and didn't get her, then at cb reset last Saturday I got 2 ancients, used 3 keys to do the final arbiter mission and right after summoning arbiter I pulled a ancient and got valk. Probably the best morning I'll ever get out of this game lol.

Jul 9, 2021, 02:0107/09/21

Trips-  all  i  see  when  i  look  at  your  list  is  Dutchess  and  Warlord  haha.

And  I  have  27  legos  including  Fused  and  Pulled  and  from  other  ways,  1  or  which  are  dupes,  and  two  I  haven't  pulled  yet  (Ruel  and  Drexthar)  so  my  total  is  29  or  28  without  dupes.

Jul 9, 2021, 02:4707/09/21

19, 1 is a dupe (scyl).  Also have 1 waiting to be summoned and 1 waiting to be fused.

Scyl, Drogkul, Nekret, Drexthar, Yoshi, Skartorsis, Brogni, Astralon, Rotos, Duchess, Septimus built out.

Hurndig, Crypt King, Genzin, Harvest Jack, Richtoff the Bold partially built.

Countess Lix, Scyl , Siphi at level 1.

On top of that, Rhazin will be fused for the event, Ruel will be summoned another day, and still buying fragments for a second Drexthar (purely for a summon event, i saved the points then realized i had to buy one fragment a day, first one from a shard pull).

I recently acquired duchess and built her asap, what a game changer she's been in literally every area of the game.  I pulled Siphi for the summon rush event last week and am looking forward to building her out too.  Next will be Rhazin though for my CB team I think.

Jul 9, 2021, 02:5007/09/21

Not  gonna  lie...  I've  eaten  several  dupes  like  a  dummy.  


