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To Summon or Not to Summon

To Summon or Not to Summon

Mar 18, 2021, 12:2803/18/21

To Summon or Not to Summon

New player here. Level 39atm. Spend a few bucks and opened 1 sacred, some void en some ancient shards. But not much luck.

My composition is 50 Kael, 50 Spirithost, 50 Ursine Ironhide and 50 Shaman. Did not get or pulled and rare or legendary and have not been blessed with S rank or A rank Rares

So I have been saving up some shards since I see a lot beginners guide say that you should wait for the Double chance event. I just missed that since I have not played from the start of March but iam wondering now if I should wait for the next one (dont know when that is) or use my Shards to hopefully get something usefull that helps me progress better.

Have 14 ancients shards, 1 void shard and 1 sacred shard atm. What do you guys think. Should I use them and hopefully get something usefull or wait for X period of time and struggle some more

Mar 18, 2021, 12:3803/18/21

Tomorrow is 2x on sacreds, if you have just 1 the odds of getting a legendary are still not very high, but you might get lucky, or at least get a strong epic. 

But if your Kael isn't even level 60 yet, then clearly you still have progression to make even without any new champions. Ursine Ironhide isn't used that often but is certainly not bad - unless you pull something great tomorrow or you have some rares that you're overlooking, probably Ursine would be your second level 60. If you don't have a Warmaiden yet, try to farm one from the campaign since AOE decrease defense is extremely important. 

So after pulling your 1 sacred tomorrow, you probably don't need to pull anything else just yet. Now, once you've leveled Kael, Ursine and any useful rares you may have (Frozen Banshee? Coffin Smasher? Bulwark? etc.), if you still don't have any good champions to work on then, you might indeed consider to pull some shards even outside a 2x. 

OracleCommunity Manager
Mar 18, 2021, 12:4703/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 12:47(edited)

Hi, @Gondorath! The next such Summon Boost (2x for Sacred Shards) starts tomorrow (March, 19). You will notice it when the Portal starts glowing bright. 

Follow our channel on Discord to stay tuned for the most recent news:

Mar 18, 2021, 12:5003/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 12:50(edited)

I  personally  would  save  them  and  wait  until  you  have  quite  few  more.  Yes  you  may  get  lucky  but  the  odds  strongly  favor  you  not  getting  anything  A  or  S  tier.  If  you  can  wait  for  another  month  or  so,  build  up  a  good  amount  of  shards  and  pull  them  all  during  a  champion  chase  event  on  a  2x.  You  will  stand  a  chance  of  getting  some  good  rewards  from  the  tournament.  Concentrate  on  levelling  up  Kael,  if  you  must  spent  the  monthly  pack  is  decent  value  and  only  buy  energy  outside  of  that  (  unless  you  want  more  shards  of  course  )  Run  the  highest  level  dragon  dungeon  you  can.  Save  all  your  epic  and  legendary  books,  run  potions  keeps,  build  up  a  huge  stock  of  all  consumables  so  you  can  level  and  gear  a  decent  champ  or  two  when  you  get  them.  

To  give  you  an  idea,  when  i  was  paying  i  pulled  10  sacreds,  12  voids,  59  ancients  and  not  one  legendary  and  only  a  few  usable  epics. Save  all  your  gems,  dont  waste  gems  on  masteries!   

Mar 18, 2021, 12:5303/18/21

Also,  buy  all  the  mystery  shards  from  the  market  and  pull  them,  you  will  see  an  armiger  in  there, he  does  well  at  5  star  but  you  will  six  star  him  eventually.  In  fact  also  Shieldguard  is  another  great  ine  to  level.  

Mar 18, 2021, 13:0303/18/21

Personally I'd pull the sacred shard, and save the rest. Chances may still be slim for a leggo but it's a 2x weekend anyway, and you may get lucky. You'd probably pick up some free energy along with the Summon Rush too. 

Good luck!!

Mar 18, 2021, 13:0503/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 13:12(edited)

Hi, @Gondorath! The next such Summon Boost (2x for Sacred Shards) starts tomorrow (March, 19). You will notice it when the Portal starts glowing bright. 

Follow our channel on Discord to stay tuned for the most recent news:

Great thanks. I will probably use the Sacred shard then

Also, the discord says invalid invitation :'(

Mar 18, 2021, 13:0703/18/21

Tomorrow is 2x on sacreds, if you have just 1 the odds of getting a legendary are still not very high, but you might get lucky, or at least get a strong epic. 

But if your Kael isn't even level 60 yet, then clearly you still have progression to make even without any new champions. Ursine Ironhide isn't used that often but is certainly not bad - unless you pull something great tomorrow or you have some rares that you're overlooking, probably Ursine would be your second level 60. If you don't have a Warmaiden yet, try to farm one from the campaign since AOE decrease defense is extremely important. 

So after pulling your 1 sacred tomorrow, you probably don't need to pull anything else just yet. Now, once you've leveled Kael, Ursine and any useful rares you may have (Frozen Banshee? Coffin Smasher? Bulwark? etc.), if you still don't have any good champions to work on then, you might indeed consider to pull some shards even outside a 2x. 

I just gave my spirit host enough speed to go first to buff and then my Kael attacks. But most often this is not enough indeed (Arena). I guess I should aim for the Warmaiden yes. Have been trying to level up food to get my Kael to 60 (almost there)

Mar 18, 2021, 13:1103/18/21

Also,  buy  all  the  mystery  shards  from  the  market  and  pull  them,  you  will  see  an  armiger  in  there, he  does  well  at  5  star  but  you  will  six  star  him  eventually.  In  fact  also  Shieldguard  is  another  great  ine  to  level.  

Allready buying them yes. Ill look into Amiger and shieldguard. Have not considered them but iam guessing they have some specialty. Basically iam trying to get a l60 first and then maybe see if I can create special teams for Arena or Dungeons etc

Mar 18, 2021, 13:5503/18/21

12.3 brutal

Mar 18, 2021, 14:4503/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 14:51(edited)

Personally I'd pull the sacred shard, and save the rest. Chances may still be slim for a leggo but it's a 2x weekend anyway, and you may get lucky. You'd probably pick up some free energy along with the Summon Rush too. 

Good luck!!

how can you know in advance when there will be a 2nd SUMMON boost, Trips said that too. Is that already announced somewhere?

 personally haven't seen any change with the SUMMON boost , and without boost I drew better champions like legend.

In fact without boost I drew better champions.

Mar 18, 2021, 15:2203/18/21

Allready buying them yes. Ill look into Amiger and shieldguard. Have not considered them but iam guessing they have some specialty. Basically iam trying to get a l60 first and then maybe see if I can create special teams for Arena or Dungeons etc

Well  because  they  are  commons  they  are  not  really  considered  but  there  are  a  couple  of  commons  and  a  good  few  rares  that  function  as  well  as  epics  and  even  legendaries  in  some  cases.  The  reason  i  mention  the  commons  is  because  you  will  get  free  "books"  from  the  market  and  mystery  shards  in  the  form  of  duplicates.  I  guess  it's  up  to  you  what  you  do  with  your  shards  but  at  this  point  getting  a  good  campaign  farmer  is  top  priority,  not  getting  epics  and  leggos.  If  you  happen  to  see  a  Soulbound  Bowyer  in  your  pulls  then  she  will  make  a  better  campaign  farmer  than  Kael.  

Mar 18, 2021, 16:0803/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 16:14(edited)

Allready buying them yes. Ill look into Amiger and shieldguard. Have not considered them but iam guessing they have some specialty. Basically iam trying to get a l60 first and then maybe see if I can create special teams for Arena or Dungeons etc

Your strategy to make one lvl 60 first is definetly right. Make your Kael lvl 60, he can farm campaigne stage 12.3 solo and lvl up 3 useless champs as "food" that way.

Armiger is a specialist for some dungeons, but that is stuff for later. 

Do NOT invest in trash champs like Shieldguard. There are videos on youtube with Shieldguard browsing throug dungeon waves in a crazy way - but that is just because he wears incredible gear. Any champ with an AoE-Attack can work with perfect 6* gear. Shieldguards def at lvl 60 is 1024, the damagemultiplier of his AoE attack is 3.4 x def. It's easy math that your Kael with 1200 atk and a damagemultiplier of 4.65 x atk does just much more damage. There is absolutely no reason to build a Shieldguard.

Mar 18, 2021, 16:2703/18/21

Your strategy to make one lvl 60 first is definetly right. Make your Kael lvl 60, he can farm campaigne stage 12.3 solo and lvl up 3 useless champs as "food" that way.

Armiger is a specialist for some dungeons, but that is stuff for later. 

Do NOT invest in trash champs like Shieldguard. There are videos on youtube with Shieldguard browsing throug dungeon waves in a crazy way - but that is just because he wears incredible gear. Any champ with an AoE-Attack can work with perfect 6* gear. Shieldguards def at lvl 60 is 1024, the damagemultiplier of his AoE attack is 3.4 x def. It's easy math that your Kael with 1200 atk and a damagemultiplier of 4.65 x atk does just much more damage. There is absolutely no reason to build a Shieldguard.

That  is  simply  not  true,  sheildguard  can  be  very  effective  as  his  damage  scales  off  defense.  Easy  to  build  and  easy  to  book  there  is  every  reason  to  build  one.  

Armiger  is  a  specialist  in  some  dungeons....  well  lets  see....  enemy  max  hp  skill  and  turn  meter  reduction....  so

Ice  Golem  -  Check

Fire  knight  -  Check

Spider -  Check

Doom  Tower  -  Check

hmmm...  so  he's  actually  viable  in  all  but  one  dungeon  then?  

Mar 18, 2021, 16:3403/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 16:36(edited)

You don't have to explain Armiger to me, I recommended him to players here in the forum very often and use a lvl 60 Armiger myself. 

But Armiger is NOT your next lvl 60 when you have actual ZERO lvl 60 champs - like the thread opener. Armiger is Dungeon stuff. He can't farm campaign, he is no champ for CB and not for Arena. Armiger is a champ that can be the sixth or seventh (or something like that) lvl 60. He is a specialist for dungeons, that is stuff for later.

The numbers I wrote about Shiledguard's damage compared to Kael ARE simpley true. Or do you have alternative facts on that?

Mar 18, 2021, 18:1103/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 18:17(edited)

My goals are basically

- get 60 with Kael

- Clear campaign as much as possible

- Farm at 12.3 (I cannot do that yet with 4 l50 in my OP)

- Get 4 l60 that can do good in Dungeons

- Get 4 l60 that can do good in Arena (and hopefully get Silver 1 since arena now is crazy with Legendaries and epics in bronze :D) and continue the Quest chain

ps trying to build a nuke team in Arena so trying to farm warmaiden now and hopefully find another usefull AOE nuker or SPD champ that can help next to Keal and Spirithost

I do have a 3star l30 Soulbound Bowyer in my vault. Checked and found it was an A tier so saved it. Didnt look that strong to me but maybe as a nice glass canon. Will go watch some videos on her.

The main issue with those tutorials and video's imo is that they are completely decked with 6star gear and tier 6 and fully ascended etc. But that is not the stage iam at now and that might make quite a huge different if a hero is good or bad :D

Mar 18, 2021, 18:5703/18/21

You don't have to explain Armiger to me, I recommended him to players here in the forum very often and use a lvl 60 Armiger myself. 

But Armiger is NOT your next lvl 60 when you have actual ZERO lvl 60 champs - like the thread opener. Armiger is Dungeon stuff. He can't farm campaign, he is no champ for CB and not for Arena. Armiger is a champ that can be the sixth or seventh (or something like that) lvl 60. He is a specialist for dungeons, that is stuff for later.

The numbers I wrote about Shiledguard's damage compared to Kael ARE simpley true. Or do you have alternative facts on that?

I  didnt  say  armiger  should  be  the  next  level  60  champ  i  said  they  he  is  worth  building.  

dungeon  content  is  not  for  later  it  is  for  right  now,  every  effort  should  be  made  to  farm  dungeons  at  the  highest  level  you  can  at  the  earliest  opportunity. 

Honestly  since  the  datamining  of  damage  multipliers  became  knowlege  people  are  obsessed  by  them.  in  the  warly  game  and  mid  game  too  champs  that  scale  off  defense  are  far  far  more  valuable  than  attack  champs.  Beating  campaign  whilst  trying  to  get  Kael  also  built  for  clan  boss  and  probably  arena  too  will  be  very  very  hard.  Building  a  cheap  to  build  shieldguard  will  help  with  campaign  farming and  also  help  progress  further  in  dungeons.  You  are  missing  the  point  totally,  he  doesnt  beed  insane  gear  at  lower  levels  stop  thinking  like  an  mid-end  game  player  and  start  thinking  like  a  new  player  and  you  will  give  better  advice.

Mar 18, 2021, 19:0603/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 19:07(edited)

a few tipps to go:

once your Kael is 60 buy Masteries for him for 800 gem, its one of the best investments you can make

on day 30 you'll get "High Katun" as login prize, she'll be your arena speed leader unless you get something better from shards

Shaman overall is pretty bad and only "decent" at the beginning, do not level her beyond 50

Mar 18, 2021, 19:1203/18/21

My goals are basically

- get 60 with Kael

- Clear campaign as much as possible

- Farm at 12.3 (I cannot do that yet with 4 l50 in my OP)

- Get 4 l60 that can do good in Dungeons

- Get 4 l60 that can do good in Arena (and hopefully get Silver 1 since arena now is crazy with Legendaries and epics in bronze :D) and continue the Quest chain

ps trying to build a nuke team in Arena so trying to farm warmaiden now and hopefully find another usefull AOE nuker or SPD champ that can help next to Keal and Spirithost

I do have a 3star l30 Soulbound Bowyer in my vault. Checked and found it was an A tier so saved it. Didnt look that strong to me but maybe as a nice glass canon. Will go watch some videos on her.

The main issue with those tutorials and video's imo is that they are completely decked with 6star gear and tier 6 and fully ascended etc. But that is not the stage iam at now and that might make quite a huge different if a hero is good or bad :D

Farming  12:3  is  a  goal  for  the  future  and  you  will  be  able  to  do  it  once  you  have  a  level  60  Kael  and  a  few  50's  but  only  if  they  are  wearing  some  reasonably  good  pieces  of  gear,  that  is  why  you  also  need  to  start  tackling  the  dungeons.  You  will  get  better  gear  from  them,  dont  farm  gear  from  campaign  unless  you  really  really  beed  a  specific  piece.  You  will  be  told  to  focus  soley  on  getting  a  campaign  farmer  but  i  believe  the  most  efficient  approach  is  to  tackle  multiple  areas  of  the  game  as  soon  as  you  can. 

Kael  will  serve  you  well  right  up  until  late  game  but  he  will  need  support,  a  defensive  shieldguard  may  help  you  oit  there.  I'm  not  saying  take  him  to  60  but  maybe  to 50  to  tank  some  damage  and  give  kael  a  chance  to  work  in  the  later  campaign  levels.  

i  think  your  goals  are  good  but  dont  be  in  a  rush  to  6  star  every  new  champ  you  get.  There  are  many  that  can  function  just  fine  at  50.  

Mar 18, 2021, 19:1803/18/21

I  didnt  say  armiger  should  be  the  next  level  60  champ  i  said  they  he  is  worth  building.  

dungeon  content  is  not  for  later  it  is  for  right  now,  every  effort  should  be  made  to  farm  dungeons  at  the  highest  level  you  can  at  the  earliest  opportunity. 

Honestly  since  the  datamining  of  damage  multipliers  became  knowlege  people  are  obsessed  by  them.  in  the  warly  game  and  mid  game  too  champs  that  scale  off  defense  are  far  far  more  valuable  than  attack  champs.  Beating  campaign  whilst  trying  to  get  Kael  also  built  for  clan  boss  and  probably  arena  too  will  be  very  very  hard.  Building  a  cheap  to  build  shieldguard  will  help  with  campaign  farming and  also  help  progress  further  in  dungeons.  You  are  missing  the  point  totally,  he  doesnt  beed  insane  gear  at  lower  levels  stop  thinking  like  an  mid-end  game  player  and  start  thinking  like  a  new  player  and  you  will  give  better  advice.

Armiger is definetly worth lvl 60, but I don't think a new player should invest in Armiger early on. New players don't even have the gear to make Armiger work, the turnmeter decrease from his A1 only occurs when the hit is critical. In addition to that, his A2, based on enemy hp, is not so usefull in early game. The damageoutput compared to normal attacks is rather low here. That changes in higher dungeon levels, where enemies have much higher hp. 

That is why I say Armiger is stuff for later.

Mar 18, 2021, 19:4003/18/21

Armiger is definetly worth lvl 60, but I don't think a new player should invest in Armiger early on. New players don't even have the gear to make Armiger work, the turnmeter decrease from his A1 only occurs when the hit is critical. In addition to that, his A2, based on enemy hp, is not so usefull in early game. The damageoutput compared to normal attacks is rather low here. That changes in higher dungeon levels, where enemies have much higher hp. 

That is why I say Armiger is stuff for later.

I  just  took  a  level  50  Armiger  in  to  Dragon  stage  2  and  his  A2  did  the  same  damage  as  his  A1.  So  it's  not  a  big  nuke  but  still  totally  viable  in  the  early  game.