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A small change to Daily Quest / Monthly Quest I'd like to see

A small change to Daily Quest / Monthly Quest I'd like to see

Feb 23, 2021, 10:2902/23/21

A small change to Daily Quest / Monthly Quest I'd like to see

With the rise of solo farming or duo farming dungeons I believe it's time to revisit the Daily / Monthly quests.

As campaign farming is becoming inefficient I think a suitable change would be to change all the Campaign farming requirements to Campaign AND / OR Dungeon. 

7 Campaign / Dungeon runs for daily quests and 500 for monthly quests is what would benefit the community the most. 

It is a small change but a very positive one for anyone I believe. Please consider this Plarium.

One thing I liked about daily quests in this game is that they never forced me to do anything I normally wouldn't want to do to progress, but now they require me to spend my energy inefficiently farming Campaign that is all but made obsolette. 

Thank you for listening. 

Feb 24, 2021, 10:2302/24/21

wow that's actually a great idea, i too am solo farming dungeons for EXp and would love to see these changes go through,plarium please listen to this guy

Feb 24, 2021, 19:5402/24/21

Campaign gives much more exp/energy than dungeons. Why is campaign farming inefficent?

Feb 24, 2021, 20:1202/24/21

I have no qualms with the suggestion as it does not impact me, but see no reason for a change that impacts <1% of the people (and not in a significant way) with no benefit to anyone ele or plarium.  I'd prefer a QOL improvement that helps everyone, a X3 speed option!  I don't have the time to do all the content daily anymore.  I think that and X5 speed option for multi-battles would be great, maybe they would increase Raid pass purchases too, win-win!

Feb 24, 2021, 21:4302/24/21

I have no qualms with the suggestion as it does not impact me, but see no reason for a change that impacts <1% of the people (and not in a significant way) with no benefit to anyone ele or plarium.  I'd prefer a QOL improvement that helps everyone, a X3 speed option!  I don't have the time to do all the content daily anymore.  I think that and X5 speed option for multi-battles would be great, maybe they would increase Raid pass purchases too, win-win!

x3 speed option would defeat the purpose of building your teams properly for speed runs. That is a silly idea. 

Feb 24, 2021, 21:4402/24/21

Campaign gives much more exp/energy than dungeons. Why is campaign farming inefficent?

Actually running 4x food + 1 main farmer in dungeons gives more EXP / ENERGY on top of giving you better drops. It's vastly more efficient just farming dungeons instead of campaign.

Feb 25, 2021, 01:4502/25/21

Dragon Lvl 20 exp: 14455, per champ 2891 x 4 = 11564 exp for your food

Campaign 12-3 brutal exp: 17304, per champ 4326 x 3 = 12978 exp for your food

Feb 25, 2021, 07:5902/25/21
Feb 25, 2021, 08:12(edited)

Dragon Lvl 20 exp: 14455, per champ 2891 x 4 = 11564 exp for your food

Campaign 12-3 brutal exp: 17304, per champ 4326 x 3 = 12978 exp for your food

So you get 1k exp less for a chance to get legendary speed items? I'll take that trade.

Why aren't you farming Nightmare campaign btw? It gives even more exp / energy !  

Feb 25, 2021, 08:4002/25/21

So you get 1k exp less for a chance to get legendary speed items? I'll take that trade.

Why aren't you farming Nightmare campaign btw? It gives even more exp / energy !  

You don't get only 1k xp less. Per energy your loss is much bigger, brutal campaign only costs 8 energy per run.

Feb 25, 2021, 09:2002/25/21
Feb 25, 2021, 09:21(edited)

Both are valid points and I'm in the train of it wouldn't hurt to just add the option as it wouldn't penalize players for wanting to use energy in dungeons versus campaign. At this point I'm training champs just to complete the monthly mission, but I'm also probably in the 1% of players. Also if you are a member of the raid discord server, this would be a great topic to post in the suggestions channel in there :)

Feb 25, 2021, 14:2002/25/21

x3 speed option would defeat the purpose of building your teams properly for speed runs. That is a silly idea. 

huh?  I don't think you understand what I wrote.

Feb 25, 2021, 16:5102/25/21

Both are valid points and I'm in the train of it wouldn't hurt to just add the option as it wouldn't penalize players for wanting to use energy in dungeons versus campaign. At this point I'm training champs just to complete the monthly mission, but I'm also probably in the 1% of players. Also if you are a member of the raid discord server, this would be a great topic to post in the suggestions channel in there :)

A lot of people in my clan do not run campaign anymore, or if they do they only do it for those pesky daily / monthly quests. 

Sadly I am banned on the Discord by one of the mods years ago for no reason whatsoever. So I hope you can rely this post or the idea to someone who might think something of it.

It's a small change really and wouldn't benefit too many, but still the Daily requirement being campaign (what if we just wanna farm dungeons for the day?) is kinda weird.

@Trips like I said, people have spent effort getting their dungeon teams to a minimum time, it would be stupid to introduce x3 or x5 speeds that would defeat the purpose of these fast teams. There would be no reason to improve your teams to the point where they are doing dungeons fast since there'd be a button to make it faster.  

Feb 25, 2021, 18:5102/25/21

A lot of people in my clan do not run campaign anymore, or if they do they only do it for those pesky daily / monthly quests. 

Sadly I am banned on the Discord by one of the mods years ago for no reason whatsoever. So I hope you can rely this post or the idea to someone who might think something of it.

It's a small change really and wouldn't benefit too many, but still the Daily requirement being campaign (what if we just wanna farm dungeons for the day?) is kinda weird.

@Trips like I said, people have spent effort getting their dungeon teams to a minimum time, it would be stupid to introduce x3 or x5 speeds that would defeat the purpose of these fast teams. There would be no reason to improve your teams to the point where they are doing dungeons fast since there'd be a button to make it faster.  

Am not entirely opposed to your ideas presented, but as far as a x3 or x5 speed option, would kinda make some of the f2p champs useless since they are setup practically only for doing fast campaign runs (Saurus for example). Want to emphasize that I'm that I'm not that opposed though, atleast for a x3. 5 may be a bit overkill although tbh I've only been playing for a couple weeks so I'm not really in the position to make game changing decisions for the game I don't think.

Feb 25, 2021, 22:5902/25/21

A lot of people in my clan do not run campaign anymore, or if they do they only do it for those pesky daily / monthly quests. 

Sadly I am banned on the Discord by one of the mods years ago for no reason whatsoever. So I hope you can rely this post or the idea to someone who might think something of it.

It's a small change really and wouldn't benefit too many, but still the Daily requirement being campaign (what if we just wanna farm dungeons for the day?) is kinda weird.

@Trips like I said, people have spent effort getting their dungeon teams to a minimum time, it would be stupid to introduce x3 or x5 speeds that would defeat the purpose of these fast teams. There would be no reason to improve your teams to the point where they are doing dungeons fast since there'd be a button to make it faster.  

I disagree, people will still try to get dungeon times faster.  I would actually like 10x, but thought that was being greedy.  The amount of content in the game is overwhelming to me, I use the minimum 12 fw keys, don't bother farming in doomtower, don't use all my tag arena tokens... And between fusions/fragments I do only bare minimum to do daily and advanced quests and unm cb and let my energy accumulate.  

Feb 26, 2021, 15:5202/26/21

x3 speed option would defeat the purpose of building your teams properly for speed runs. That is a silly idea. 

Am I missing something? Building a speed team has nothing to do with the X2 button, correct? The speed stat on your toons effects how much faster the skill energy builds per round compared to the other toons. The X2 button effects how fast you get through the content. The only advantage having X3 or X5 would be to get through the dailies faster so you can get to other stuff you would rather do! 

Feb 26, 2021, 17:1902/26/21
Alowishus Mudd

Am I missing something? Building a speed team has nothing to do with the X2 button, correct? The speed stat on your toons effects how much faster the skill energy builds per round compared to the other toons. The X2 button effects how fast you get through the content. The only advantage having X3 or X5 would be to get through the dailies faster so you can get to other stuff you would rather do! 

Yes you are missing something. Game would become easier and building current 30 sec team would be pointless when a slow team could do it just as fast. 

Improve your teams and your dailies will be faster. 

Feb 26, 2021, 19:1502/26/21

Yes you are missing something. Game would become easier and building current 30 sec team would be pointless when a slow team could do it just as fast. 

Improve your teams and your dailies will be faster. 

lol, and you call my idea silly.  It benefits everyone, even you in the "elite 1percent".  Not sure how faster runs hurts anyone?  Whereas your grandiose suggestion saves you what 100 energy per day? 

I'd rather spend an hour trying to figure out a strategy to beat floor 114 in doom tower, then an extra hour on CB, FW, & Dungeons.  Getting my spider time to 30 seconds from 90 seconds or dragon from 3 minutes to 2 minutes is less interesting to me.

Feb 27, 2021, 11:4202/27/21

lol, and you call my idea silly.  It benefits everyone, even you in the "elite 1percent".  Not sure how faster runs hurts anyone?  Whereas your grandiose suggestion saves you what 100 energy per day? 

I'd rather spend an hour trying to figure out a strategy to beat floor 114 in doom tower, then an extra hour on CB, FW, & Dungeons.  Getting my spider time to 30 seconds from 90 seconds or dragon from 3 minutes to 2 minutes is less interesting to me.

Well luckily for you you can figure out the strategies to beat floor 114 without even playing the game and just watching youtube / thinking about it instead of derailing topics with your silly ideas.

I see you have 1725 posts on here, that time could've been spent on thinking how to beat the 114, but I sure hope you didn't spend all that time derailing posts. 

If you want to seriously talk about your proposed thing you do have the ability to make your own thread instead of hi-jacking someone else's to troll.

Maybe forum moderation can help clean this place up a little bit so we can all participate in the thread topics rather than get derailed by trolls with 1700+ posts hmm ...