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Arena Medals Bottleneck

Arena Medals Bottleneck

Feb 24, 2021, 22:5502/24/21

When you start fighting in the Arena , you start with less than 1000 points and you are Bronze stage 1. Generally, there is a high probability to find easier opponents as compared to difficult ones.

Wait...are you suggesting that I drop 300 points on purpose so that I can find easier opponents?  The  whole point is to climb the rankings and build your great hall by attaining medals.  Dropping down to go back up again makes no sense.

Feb 24, 2021, 23:2802/24/21

Wait...are you suggesting that I drop 300 points on purpose so that I can find easier opponents?  The  whole point is to climb the rankings and build your great hall by attaining medals.  Dropping down to go back up again makes no sense.

It makes sense under some circumstances - if you're already in the tier you want to be in and managing to farm medals, but you find that after a bunch of wins you reach a level where you can't beat anyone anymore, then it makes sense to want to drop down a bit, and better to do that through losses on defense than to have to waste resources losing deliberately on offense. That's why you sometimes see people putting just the single low level champion on defense, in order to keep themselves from getting up too high.  

But I agree it's a pretty weird reply to a thread full of people who can't manage to get out of bronze despite their best attempts and clearly don't want to drop at all... 

Feb 25, 2021, 00:0202/25/21

It makes sense under some circumstances - if you're already in the tier you want to be in and managing to farm medals, but you find that after a bunch of wins you reach a level where you can't beat anyone anymore, then it makes sense to want to drop down a bit, and better to do that through losses on defense than to have to waste resources losing deliberately on offense. That's why you sometimes see people putting just the single low level champion on defense, in order to keep themselves from getting up too high.  

But I agree it's a pretty weird reply to a thread full of people who can't manage to get out of bronze despite their best attempts and clearly don't want to drop at all... 

I guess I understand the point if it was somebody wanting to drop out of gold and then climb back up again, or platinum, but for players like myself it makes things a lot harder.

1)  You cannot get silver medals anymore.  Not only are silver medals required for upgrades and challenges, but the +6%/+8%/+10% bonuses from silver make a real difference on my account at every level.

2)  I'm not buying extra coins for arena matches, so I'm limited to how many I can do in a day, and I will lose points when I'm asleep lol.  The climb takes a while for the idea of always dropping is a kick in the nuts.

Feb 25, 2021, 12:4302/25/21
Feb 25, 2021, 12:44(edited)

the strategy of dropping down is to be followed under exceptional circumstance after weighing pros and cons. Even I am looking to get silver medals. 

Feb 25, 2021, 17:3702/25/21

Individual heroes don't matter.  I have Trunda and I'm in a cycle of Bronze III -> Silver II.  Once you understand arena mechanics...and I's ALL about gear.  The arena issues are real, and the only way to overcome them is to have the kind of gear that gets your team above 200 speed and builds your nuker to actually nuke.  

F2P folks like me, and light spenders as well, just struggle to get the necessary gear.  Arena is built for whales.  It is what it is.  But it's frustrating how everybody avoids the issues in arena.

I enjoy other aspects of the game, and eventually I'll get the gear, but arena is NOT why I play.

*most* individual heroes don't matter.

Skullcrown is the exception. Skullcrown can literally singlehandedly carry you to gold. And I don't even mean like, Skullcrown with a team of randos - I mean literally Skullcrown on a team *alone*.

Her passive means unless you're against a team that has a stun, you're guaranteed to get an attack off. And if you stack her with crit dam / crit rate / atk, you can often oneshot other teams flat-out.

Basically - take SK, and put her up against speed teams (IE the Kael/Warmaiden/etc...). You'll win every time.

If you want to win even more fights, you can build a team around her, but honestly, even just her alone is enough.

Feb 26, 2021, 00:3702/26/21

That is  why  you  improve  ur  arena  team  and  make  it  to  Gold  IV  lol

Feb 28, 2021, 09:5402/28/21

I  am  so  tired  of  the  "win  against  team  with  higher  team  power "  in  classic  arena!  Tonight  i  tried  over  50  times  and  never  even  got  close.  There  could  be  a  reason  they  have  a  higher  team  power,  they  have  a  stronger  team!  My  poor  little  wimpy  team  just  isnt  going  to  get  it  done.  Please  stop  this  particular  mission!!

Feb 28, 2021, 12:5402/28/21

The  Arena  is  *****  your  stuck  at  the  bottom  fighting  teams  that  are  easily  twice  your  power  and  in  general  levles  above .    Absolute  rubbish  in  relation  to  team  matching .    I  have  spent  money  but  with  the  way  it  is  it  isn't  encouraging  me  to  spend  more.    Itls  about  return  on  investment  and  the  return  isn't  there.

Mar 1, 2021, 08:2603/01/21

Arena is fucked up beyond any recognition. I am pretty sure, Bronze III/IV is not meant to be infested with 120k teams. Plarium are losing a lot of customers due to this. Like me

Mar 1, 2021, 08:5503/01/21

Arena is fucked up beyond any recognition. I am pretty sure, Bronze III/IV is not meant to be infested with 120k teams. Plarium are losing a lot of customers due to this. Like me

I totally agree.

Mar 1, 2021, 15:4703/01/21

Gimn caramen ny

Mar 1, 2021, 22:4403/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 22:46(edited)

I  am  so  tired  of  the  "win  against  team  with  higher  team  power "  in  classic  arena!  Tonight  i  tried  over  50  times  and  never  even  got  close.  There  could  be  a  reason  they  have  a  higher  team  power,  they  have  a  stronger  team!  My  poor  little  wimpy  team  just  isnt  going  to  get  it  done.  Please  stop  this  particular  mission!!

that is very easy once you figure that one out

pick your best champion, ideally someone who you have maxed out 6* and all ,  and then look for an enemy team which has 4 champs at lvl 40 and energy slightly more than yours , now go kill them. 

so I have a Trunda at 34k energy but she can kill a team upto 70k easily, 

alternatively look at all the teams which are under 70k and then see which champ of your can take them out single handedly. takes 5 minutes to figure out.

Mar 1, 2021, 22:4703/01/21

Arena is fucked up beyond any recognition. I am pretty sure, Bronze III/IV is not meant to be infested with 120k teams. Plarium are losing a lot of customers due to this. Like me

bang on target, only option is to go back finish the masteries and take your team upto at least 150k. then you can cut through the clutter.

Mar 1, 2021, 22:4903/01/21

*most* individual heroes don't matter.

Skullcrown is the exception. Skullcrown can literally singlehandedly carry you to gold. And I don't even mean like, Skullcrown with a team of randos - I mean literally Skullcrown on a team *alone*.

Her passive means unless you're against a team that has a stun, you're guaranteed to get an attack off. And if you stack her with crit dam / crit rate / atk, you can often oneshot other teams flat-out.

Basically - take SK, and put her up against speed teams (IE the Kael/Warmaiden/etc...). You'll win every time.

If you want to win even more fights, you can build a team around her, but honestly, even just her alone is enough.

I am working on it, many champions can finish a decent team with good stats and gear, just max out your best champ or put your best nuker with maxed out apothecary , 2 if possible and see what happens

Mar 1, 2021, 22:5303/01/21

bang on target, only option is to go back finish the masteries and take your team upto at least 150k. then you can cut through the clutter.

And neglect everything but the arena team while you're at it. Gaming the system is easy if you're willing to either sacrifice other parts of the game (most notably the crypts), or if you're willing to pay your way to the best heroes available and discard the others you would otherwise get along the way.

Mar 2, 2021, 10:4303/02/21

I just don't understand why Plarium are actively destroying their own game. I'm not prepared to drop a tonne of money on shards in the hope of pulling one or two leggo's and then hoping their decent leggo's that can aid my game progression. And if one more person suggests using Skullcrown... Some of us don't have SK because if we did we probably wouldn't be posting our displeasure at being roadblocked. Why is it SO straightforward for people to achieve Scyl of the Drakes and Drexthar Bloodtwin? Arbiter is just one of MANY leggo's but a leggo that can assist in game progression. Personally, had I been able to obtain her in a more straightforward way, I probably would've spent money to max her, Master her and book her. The way it is, I'll probably take my hard earned money and go play Candy Crush.

Mar 2, 2021, 10:5103/02/21
Mar 2, 2021, 11:08(edited)

Oh! And a big shout-out to Plarium for the recent 2X Ancient Shard event where I used 70 shards and received nothing in return. Nothing like a good sound business model of pissing off your player base by blocking their game progression, causing untold frustration and deminished interest in order to keep that money rolling-in. Oh, hang-on. No, wait...

Mar 2, 2021, 11:0403/02/21

The only reasonable explanation I can find for why they have designed the arena the way they have, and with the outright refusal to reconsider its role in the progression missions, is because they specifically want you to feel out of your league and "encourage" you to buy shards in the hopes of that saving you. Well, actually, I have a few other explanations as well, but they are far less complimentary.

Mar 4, 2021, 00:0003/04/21

If it's too hard to fix the Arena matching system then fix the Great Hall. Make the medal requirements more realistic.

Honestly, save yourself a whole bunch of time, heartache and energy... Just leave the game. Plarium don't care about you or your enjoyment of the game, especially if you're not spending money.

Additionally, RSL life doesn't get much better with Arbiter. Sure you get to play in the Gold IV sandbox for months and months, drip feeding your great hall stats, but it's not like Arena becomes an enjoyable piece of content all the sudden.

You just minlessly drone on, skipping battles against 'real player teams' because the next page will be full of bot teams you just one shot and move on your day with.

Makes me laugh at how much of this game I don't actually play....Campaign farm, dungeon 20 spam, potion keeps, minotaur runs, and clan boss, are all run on auto through third party software. I'm not even watching, much less paying attention or enjoying them.

Arena and Tag Team Garbage is the only thing i pay half attention to but I wouldn't say thats out of enjoyment, just efficiency....

TLDR: @OP, don't bother getting invested in this game.

Mar 4, 2021, 19:4003/04/21
Mar 4, 2021, 19:52(edited)

*most* individual heroes don't matter.

Skullcrown is the exception. Skullcrown can literally singlehandedly carry you to gold. And I don't even mean like, Skullcrown with a team of randos - I mean literally Skullcrown on a team *alone*.

Her passive means unless you're against a team that has a stun, you're guaranteed to get an attack off. And if you stack her with crit dam / crit rate / atk, you can often oneshot other teams flat-out.

Basically - take SK, and put her up against speed teams (IE the Kael/Warmaiden/etc...). You'll win every time.

If you want to win even more fights, you can build a team around her, but honestly, even just her alone is enough.

This is probably the most flawed assumption in this entire thread.  Why?

Because for this to even sniff reality, you need your Skullcrown to have 100 crit, 200+ crit dmg, 3000+ atk...and I'm being VERY conservative in those numbers lol...because without decrease defense or increase attack I'm sure you need even higher than that.

Even with my Robar, I don't nuke other teams.  Robar is slow so I'm not talking about when he doesn't get a turn, I'm talking about when he does get a turn.  He has 93 crit, 185 crit dmg, 2800 atk PLUS decrease defense...and he doesn't wipe anything in classic arena.  I get victories because my team ends up winning sometimes, but the point is, with those numbers, he never just "wipes" the speed teams.

F2P accounts will struggle mightily to even come close to the actual numbers that are required to "one-shot" anybody.  And Skullcrown is a uniquely great champ, but Robar actually has higher dmg modifiers than she does.  

So, having Skullcrown is nice but it means absolutely nothing (like literally nothing) if you don't have the gear that is required to make that hero formidable in arena.

Go ahead and post your Skullcrown stats and prove me wrong.

I'll wait.

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