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Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Jan 25, 2021, 09:3701/25/21

Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

I started out brand new and found it impossible to progress in bronze arena.  So I waited for a summon boost, got some good dudes and made a decent arena team.  But I'm still facing teams >1.5x my power in about 19/20 rolls.  I can win some, but usually it's not worth the risk.  Still end up treading water losing on defense.

So I thought I'd make a fresh account and try again, and focus on a strong arena team from the start.  Same deal -- always with almost all opponents much stronger.  The VERY first reroll, when they first open arena for you, had at least 2 epics and many had legendaries on every team, all of them with multiple level 40s.

It looks like arena has been a problem at least since last year.  Is this company just gonna pretend it's not an issue?  They gatekeep progression behind arena progress, and then have a broken system that makes no sense.

Jan 25, 2021, 10:0301/25/21

Don't be intimidated by the Epics and Legendaries you spot in Bronze. Some players get legendaries early on but have no proper understanding of gear or team synergy. They're in Bronze for a reason. Read some early game arena guides- most of those will only require your starter champ, a Spirithost, and a Warmaiden, and High Khatun. 

For now I'd suggest that you focus on Campaign first, and get your starter to 6*. You'll climb quickly once you get that done- like you said, the epics and legendaries you spot are only on the level 40s. Good luck!

Jan 25, 2021, 14:1601/25/21

It is frustrating. I've crept up the levels to bronze IV now with 3 6*s but  now meeting teams of all 6*s, many legendaries. Speed is most important - I'm almost always below the opponent's power level but manage to win pretty often as long as I act first and get all my shots in first. Hopefully I'll get out of bronze soon ...

Jan 25, 2021, 16:0001/25/21

 Bronze through to silver was an absolute nightmare, but once you hit gold it gets easier fire some reason. 

Jan 25, 2021, 21:1201/25/21

Don't be intimidated by the Epics and Legendaries you spot in Bronze. Some players get legendaries early on but have no proper understanding of gear or team synergy. They're in Bronze for a reason. Read some early game arena guides- most of those will only require your starter champ, a Spirithost, and a Warmaiden, and High Khatun. 

For now I'd suggest that you focus on Campaign first, and get your starter to 6*. You'll climb quickly once you get that done- like you said, the epics and legendaries you spot are only on the level 40s. Good luck!

It's not about being intimidated -- it's about literally having impossible matchups.  It's not just the fact that they have epics/legendaries.  It's that they are leveled up and kitted out.  I have the noob nuke team setup and it just does not work.

Like I said, I started a new account because I thought opening some epic guys might have put me in a harder bracket or something.  On my old account I have a level 60 and in bronze III I face only teams with 2-3 60s, the rest 50s, at least 1 or 2 strong legendaries, full team kitted out.  These are not noobs who got a lucky legendary.  These are people who got multiple characters up to level 60.  My team is high khatun (40) warmaiden (40) galek (50) and miscreated monster (60).  It's not perfect but the fact is, it should get me out of bronze III.

The problem is whatever their matchmaking algorithm is.  It seems to estimate your power, double it, and find opponents.  It makes no sense -- in other games, either you face people at your power level OR you can overcome stronger opponents by getting stronger.  In this game, when you double your strength they throw opponents twice as strong at you.

And "focus on the campaign"?  What about the fact that you get bottlenecked in the campaign because eventually you need the rewards from missions and challenges that are gatekept by arena progression?  Or needing arena medals to get great hall bonuses?

There is a glaringly obvious issue with matchmaking in bronze level arena.  Saying "don't get discouraged" puts it on me, but the fact is the devs need to have a look at it and they obviously have not.  So my question stands: will they fix this, or do they just not care?

Jan 25, 2021, 21:4001/25/21

Arena is BRUTAL ,, plain and Simple ,,, 

Tier 1 with Teams that have 2 or 3 Lego 60s fully accended sitting at 900 points 

IE, they probably Quit and have been Beat down to 900 where they stay .....

Need to write a plain Simple Algorythm that says 

** Inactive for consecutive 45 days team removed from Board **

That would clear up a Lot of the Problems in all tiers 

After the 45 Days, 60% of the inactives would be gone 

and we would be fighting Teams that are active 

Jan 25, 2021, 23:2901/25/21

The main problem of the arena is that you can't progress by fighting in the arena itself when stuck. If you are stuck in dungeon lvl x, you can still do the same dungeon x - 1 and even progress your chars by finding better gear (it's possible to find 5* gear at dungeon lvl 7 and 6* gear at lvl 13). 

But when you are stuck in the arena, this part of the game is dead for you.

I recommend to put a single lvl 1 champ in the arena defense team to go down, where you can win again to earn medals for the great hall. But there is something wrong in the game if you first have to lose voluntary to achieve long term further progression.

Jan 25, 2021, 23:4401/25/21

So now noobs cry again... even vs was easy to go silver before with campaign heroes and ez now. . Pfff fix your brain.... they allready made bots so you noobs will not cry... yet someome reached new bottom skill line and cry

Jan 26, 2021, 14:1101/26/21
Jan 31, 2021, 08:10(edited)

Since you already took your time to make this forum post, I guess you won't mind a longer reply.

I agree with you that arena is tough. What I noticed is that opponents seem to be primarily selected depending on your account's power score. I think your account's level could also play a role, but not sure about it as to how much it matters. Your team power doesn't matter at all. Basically this means that if you keep all your champions in your vault and have them geared that you are more likely to find harder opponents.

You got fairly good champions for arena [High khatun (40) Warmaiden (40) Galek (50) and Miscreated Monster (60)]. Generally, your problems could be the following:

  1. You use the wrong champions, team composition or team lead.
  2. You have too low speed and/or their turn order is not correct.
  3. You have too low damage output and/or don't land your debuffs.
  4. You don't have enough good gear and/or use it incorrectly.
  5. You don't have your skill upgraded and/or your masteries unlocked.
  6. You attack the wrong teams/champions.

I'm really no expert on the topic, but let me try to give some insight that may help you with your journey.

(1) You got fairly good champions and decent good team composition, although I'm not entirely sure about Galek - he alright but not fantastic. Who is your team lead? Personally I go for a speed lead, because speed is key, especially if you have lower team power than your opponents. Keep in mind that an Aura only increases stats based on your champions' base stats, not they total stats. Let's say you had a 20% speed lead and your champion has 100+80 speed. The 20% only refers to the 100 base speed, not the 80 gear speed. So you end up with (100 * 1.2) + 80 = 200 instead of (100 + 80) * 1.2 = 216 speed. Thos is the case for any aura.

(2) Generally, it's really important to have the correct turn order and enough speed. If you use High Khatun as a speed lead, you will go first in more battles. If you have lower power score than your opponents and don't go first, you basically lost (unless you have S tier arena champions). Seeing your champions, you want your turn order as follows: High Khatun -> Warmaiden -> Galek or Miscreated Monster. In terms of speed, you want about 104 + 70 on your High Khatun. The higher, the better.

You also want to make sure that there is no (big) speed gap between her and your following champions. Otherwise, your opponent could get their speed boost going and attack you first. If I'm not mistaken, if you had High Khatun's speed aura and the following speed values

  • High Khatun: (104 * 1.19) + 66 = 190
  • Warmaiden: (97 * 1.19) + 60 = 175
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 40 = 161  (Edit: actually 161 speed is enough, turn meter is a mysterious topic).
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 30 = 151 

that the enemy could get a chance to take full control of the battle after Warmaiden took her turn. That is because High Khatun's 15% speed meter boost isn't enough to ensure that Galek takes his turn next. I'm not entirely sure how much more speed Galek would need in this example to go next for sure, but I hope you get the idea. Another edge case to keep in mind that it's possible that the aura messes your order up. This can be the case when a champion with low base speed and much speed gear doesn't receive a lot of speed from the aura.

  • Champion A: 85 + 85 = 170. With 19% speed aura = 186 speed.
  • Champion B: 107 + 60 = 167. With 19% speed aura = 187 speed.

That already happened to me and can be huge pain when you don't have the needed gear/glyphs to fix it. So keep that in mind.

(3) In terms of dealing damage, it's extremely important that your Warmaiden lands her decrease defense debuff! It massively increases your nukers' damage, so you want to make sure to have a minimum of 100 accuracy, preferably 150+. That should be more than enough to reach Silver. In terms of Warmaiden's masteries, you want go for the support tree and get Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus and Swarm Smiter. These three masteries will effectively increase your accuracy by 10 + 20 + 16 = 46, which is huge! Also keep in mind that against weak affinity (Spirit), Warmaiden has the chance to score a weak hit and thus apply no debuffs. That's why she is most effective against Magic and Force champions. I think the chance of a weak hit to happen is 35%, so don't underestimate that!

The next thing to note is that you want 100% crit rate on your nukers and a balance between attack and crit damage. If you have 2.500 attack but 50% + 0% crit damage, then you will deal less damage than you could with, for example 2.000 attack and 50% + 50% crit damage. I don't know the specifics, but going full attack is not good, neither is full crit damage.

The last thing I want to say about this topic is that a single nuker could be more powerful than two nukers. That is the case when you use another support champion that casts additional buffs (like increase attack) or debuffs (like weaken). Also note that Miscreated Monster's damage is based on HP, so you won't be easily able to increase it. It's not affected by increase attack buffs. The good thing about that is that it's also not affected by decrease attack buffs.

(4) Another topic I want to mention is gear. You really want to make sure that you don't use gauntlets, chestplates or boots that have "flat stats", so no +1.000 HP, no +100 DEF, no +100 ATK. This is especially true for your nukers. It's not as important for your turn meter and debuff champion, since they rather need speed (and accuracy) over anything else.

Give Warmaiden as much Perception gear as possible, since it will increase her speed and accuracy, exactly what she needs. It's craftable in the Forge and even a solid 4* piece is more than enough. Accuracy and Speed set are also fine on her. Consider equipping her with a chestplate that has accuracy as main stat. Equip ALL your champions with speed boots. Even if you have to sacrify a 2-set combo, do it! The additional speed is what matters! There are a few exceptions to that, but most likely, they don't matter here.

Your Galek should have ATK% chestplate, crit rate % gauntlets and speed boots. Try to get enough crit rate from the other gear and the +5% from the offensive mastery Deadly Precision. If you somehow manage to get 100% crit rate without gauntlets, go for crit damage gauntlets. If you somehow manage to have high speed without speed boots, go for ATK% boots. I guess with Galek, you want 2.500+ damage and 150%+ crit damage. If it's only 2.000 damage and 100% crit damage it's also fine and probably enough to get you to silver, since the decrease damage debuff from Warmaiden is the most important part.

I'm not sure about Miscreated Monster, I don't have him. Probably give him high speed and HP gear. If you got a Shield set, consider giving it to him. He could keep your nukers alive for that one extra turn that you may need to win a battle.

A last note about gear is that your nukers won't be too useful outside of arena, since they are basically glass cannons and quickly die. If you also want to use them in dungeons, consider giving them a HP% chest, as that is advised in order to distract the enemy AI on targeting them. However, the lower damage could reduce your chance of winning arena battle though, you probably need to make a compromise.

(5) At first glance skill upgrades and masteries don't seem like a big deal, but they have a massive impact. In this case I mean the nukers, whose damage will be increased massively if they are fully booked and have the correct masteries. Galek's Hellraiser skill for example will deal an additional 25% damage if you fully book it. That is massive! Further damage can be gathered from Keen Strike (+10% crit damage), Heart of Glory (+5% damage), Bring it Down (+6% damage) and so on. I'm not sure about Shield Breaker. It sounds good on paper, but I heard some people say that it's not that great. I think Ruthless Ambush also doesn't work as most people think it does. Consider doing some research about masteries and watching a YouTube video may help too. Also, don't blindly copy suggested mastery trees from the internet!

(6) The last point I want to mention is the enemy teams and champions. First of all, you preferably attack enemy teams that have many weak affinity champions against your Warmaiden. In your case, you probably want to attack teams that have 2-3 champions of Magic affinity. Next you want to avoid enemy teams with low power score, a speed lead and Kael as a nuker. Chances are that they have 200+ speed and 1-hit kill you in the blink of an eye. I also would avoid teams with a (high) resistance lead, since it could mean your Warmaiden won't hit her debuffs. However, if she has the accuracy masteries and 150+ accuracy, there usually isn't a problem attacking teams with resistance lead, at least in Bronze and Silver. Another thing is that enemy teams with high team power usually have rather high resistance and health and fairly low speed. At least, that's my experience in Bronze and Silver. Apparently, since my current speed lead Gorgorab has bad gear, I prefer to attack opponents with higher power score than mine, since it increases the chances for me to go first.

In the battle, you obviously have your general routine of: Increase turn meter -> debuff enemy -> nuke them. If any opponent survives, you should consider attacking the reviver first. However, if the opponent's nuker is about to attack, better target it first, especially if it has damage buff... it really depends on the situation. You will figure these things out on your own. There are also a few champions that you want to avoid fighting, such as Skullcrown, Madame Serris, Duchess Lilitu and so on. It takes a while to know which teams are easy and which ones are hard to fight, but you'll learn it after a while.

I hope this helps.

If any of my information or thought process is questionable or wrong, simply point it out.

Jan 26, 2021, 18:2901/26/21

So now noobs cry again... even vs was easy to go silver before with campaign heroes and ez now. . Pfff fix your brain.... they allready made bots so you noobs will not cry... yet someome reached new bottom skill line and cry

Nice one troll.  You are talking out of your ass.  Make a new account, spend less than $50, make it to silver in a month and send a screenshot.  Otherwise, good luck with your miserable life.

Jan 26, 2021, 18:3901/26/21

Since you already took your time to make this forum post, I guess you won't mind a longer reply.

I agree with you that arena is tough. What I noticed is that opponents seem to be primarily selected depending on your account's power score. I think your account's level could also play a role, but not sure about it as to how much it matters. Your team power doesn't matter at all. Basically this means that if you keep all your champions in your vault and have them geared that you are more likely to find harder opponents.

You got fairly good champions for arena [High khatun (40) Warmaiden (40) Galek (50) and Miscreated Monster (60)]. Generally, your problems could be the following:

  1. You use the wrong champions, team composition or team lead.
  2. You have too low speed and/or their turn order is not correct.
  3. You have too low damage output and/or don't land your debuffs.
  4. You don't have enough good gear and/or use it incorrectly.
  5. You don't have your skill upgraded and/or your masteries unlocked.
  6. You attack the wrong teams/champions.

I'm really no expert on the topic, but let me try to give some insight that may help you with your journey.

(1) You got fairly good champions and decent good team composition, although I'm not entirely sure about Galek - he alright but not fantastic. Who is your team lead? Personally I go for a speed lead, because speed is key, especially if you have lower team power than your opponents. Keep in mind that an Aura only increases stats based on your champions' base stats, not they total stats. Let's say you had a 20% speed lead and your champion has 100+80 speed. The 20% only refers to the 100 base speed, not the 80 gear speed. So you end up with (100 * 1.2) + 80 = 200 instead of (100 + 80) * 1.2 = 216 speed. Thos is the case for any aura.

(2) Generally, it's really important to have the correct turn order and enough speed. If you use High Khatun as a speed lead, you will go first in more battles. If you have lower power score than your opponents and don't go first, you basically lost (unless you have S tier arena champions). Seeing your champions, you want your turn order as follows: High Khatun -> Warmaiden -> Galek or Miscreated Monster. In terms of speed, you want about 104 + 70 on your High Khatun. The higher, the better.

You also want to make sure that there is no (big) speed gap between her and your following champions. Otherwise, your opponent could get their speed boost going and attack you first. If I'm not mistaken, if you had High Khatun's speed aura and the following speed values

  • High Khatun: (104 * 1.19) + 66 = 190
  • Warmaiden: (97 * 1.19) + 60 = 175
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 40 = 161  (Edit: actually 161 speed is enough, turn meter is a mysterious topic).
  • Galek: (103 * 1.19) + 30 = 151 

that the enemy could get a chance to take full control of the battle after Warmaiden took her turn. That is because High Khatun's 15% speed meter boost isn't enough to ensure that Galek takes his turn next. I'm not entirely sure how much more speed Galek would need in this example to go next for sure, but I hope you get the idea. Another edge case to keep in mind that it's possible that the aura messes your order up. This can be the case when a champion with low base speed and much speed gear doesn't receive a lot of speed from the aura.

  • Champion A: 85 + 85 = 170. With 19% speed aura = 186 speed.
  • Champion B: 107 + 60 = 167. With 19% speed aura = 187 speed.

That already happened to me and can be huge pain when you don't have the needed gear/glyphs to fix it. So keep that in mind.

(3) In terms of dealing damage, it's extremely important that your Warmaiden lands her decrease defense debuff! It massively increases your nukers' damage, so you want to make sure to have a minimum of 100 accuracy, preferably 150+. That should be more than enough to reach Silver. In terms of Warmaiden's masteries, you want go for the support tree and get Pinpoint Accuracy, Charged Focus and Swarm Smiter. These three masteries will effectively increase your accuracy by 10 + 20 + 16 = 46, which is huge! Also keep in mind that against weak affinity (Spirit), Warmaiden has the chance to score a weak hit and thus apply no debuffs. That's why she is most effective against Magic and Force champions. I think the chance of a weak hit to happen is 35%, so don't underestimate that!

The next thing to note is that you want 100% crit rate on your nukers and a balance between attack and crit damage. If you have 2.500 attack but 50% + 0% crit damage, then you will deal less damage than you could with, for example 2.000 attack and 50% + 50% crit damage. I don't know the specifics, but going full attack is not good, neither is full crit damage.

The last thing I want to say about this topic is that a single nuker could be more powerful than two nukers. That is the case when you use another support champion that casts additional buffs (like increase attack) or debuffs (like weaken). Also note that Miscreated Monster's damage is based on HP, so you won't be easily able to increase it. It's not affected by increase attack buffs. The good thing about that is that it's also not affected by decrease attack buffs.

(4) Another topic I want to mention is gear. You really want to make sure that you don't use gauntlets, chestplates or boots that have "flat stats", so no +1.000 HP, no +100 DEF, no +100 ATK. This is especially true for your nukers. It's not as important for your turn meter and debuff champion, since they rather need speed (and accuracy) over anything else.

Give Warmaiden as much Perception gear as possible, since it will increase her speed and accuracy, exactly what she needs. It's craftable in the Forge and even a solid 4* piece is more than enough. Accuracy and Speed set are also fine on her. Consider equipping her with a chestplate that has accuracy as main stat. Equip ALL your champions with speed boots. Even if you have to sacrify a 2-set combo, do it! The additional speed is what matters! There are a few exceptions to that, but most likely, they don't matter here.

Your Galek should have ATK% chestplate, crit rate % gauntlets and speed boots. Try to get enough crit rate from the other gear and the +5% from the offensive mastery Deadly Precision. If you somehow manage to get 100% crit rate without gauntlets, go for crit damage gauntlets. If you somehow manage to have high speed without speed boots, go for ATK% boots. I guess with Galek, you want 2.500+ damage and 150%+ crit damage. If it's only 2.000 damage and 100% crit damage it's also fine and probably enough to get you to silver, since the decrease damage debuff from Warmaiden is the most important part.

I'm not sure about Miscreated Monster, I don't have him. Probably give him high speed and HP gear. If you got a Shield set, consider giving it to him. He could keep your nukers alive for that one extra turn that you may need to win a battle.

A last note about gear is that your nukers won't be too useful outside of arena, since they are basically glass cannons and quickly die. If you also want to use them in dungeons, consider giving them a HP% chest, as that is advised in order to distract the enemy AI on targeting them. However, the lower damage could reduce your chance of winning arena battle though, you probably need to make a compromise.

(5) At first glance skill upgrades and masteries don't seem like a big deal, but they have a massive impact. In this case I mean the nukers, whose damage will be increased massively if they are fully booked and have the correct masteries. Galek's Hellraiser skill for example will deal an additional 25% damage if you fully book it. That is massive! Further damage can be gathered from Keen Strike (+10% crit damage), Heart of Glory (+5% damage), Bring it Down (+6% damage) and so on. I'm not sure about Shield Breaker. It sounds good on paper, but I heard some people say that it's not that great. I think Ruthless Ambush also doesn't work as most people think it does. Consider doing some research about masteries and watching a YouTube video may help too. Also, don't blindly copy suggested mastery trees from the internet!

(6) The last point I want to mention is the enemy teams and champions. First of all, you preferably attack enemy teams that have many weak affinity champions against your Warmaiden. In your case, you probably want to attack teams that have 2-3 champions of Magic affinity. Next you want to avoid enemy teams with low power score, a speed lead and Kael as a nuker. Chances are that they have 200+ speed and 1-hit kill you in the blink of an eye. I also would avoid teams with a (high) resistance lead, since it could mean your Warmaiden won't hit her debuffs. However, if she has the accuracy masteries and 150+ accuracy, there usually isn't a problem attacking teams with resistance lead, at least in Bronze and Silver. Another thing is that enemy teams with high team power usually have rather high resistance and health and fairly low speed. At least, that's my experience in Bronze and Silver. Apparently, since my current speed lead Gorgorab has bad gear, I prefer to attack opponents with higher power score than mine, since it increases the chances for me to go first.

In the battle, you obviously have your general routine of: Increase turn meter -> debuff enemy -> nuke them. If any opponent survives, you should consider attacking the reviver first. However, if the opponent's nuker is about to attack, better target it first, especially if it has damage buff... it really depends on the situation. You will figure these things out on your own. There are also a few champions that you want to avoid fighting, such as Skullcrown, Madame Serris, Duchess Lilitu and so on. It takes a while to know which teams are easy and which ones are hard to fight, but you'll learn it after a while.

I hope this helps.

If any of my information or thought process is questionable or wrong, simply point it out.

All helpful advice, unfortunately a lot of this is stuff already done... I don't have masteries fully unlocked because I don't have the gems/skill books but I have the first 3 rows on Galek and first 2 on MM, Warmaiden and Khatun.  Galek is fully booked, Warmaiden is booked through her debuff skill, MM is about 3/4 or so booked, Khatun isn't booked but I don't think it really matters much for her (she doesn't usually get an attack in because she usually dies to the enemy rotation after mine).

Turn order is correct, gear isn't perfect but decent for a one-month old account.  I understand that MM damage scales with HP and that flat values are bad.  Speed isn't amazing but vs most opponents, I get my first 3 off and sometimes but not always MM before their lead goes.  Warmaiden debuff usually hits all 4 or 3 of their guys.

Not trying to discount any of your advice -- it's all good, and stuff I've seen elsewhere and tried to follow.  The fact is just that the dumpster tier of the arena is filled with teams that are much, much stronger.  I think you're right about the opponents being based on account power.  Which sucks, because it means while I'm carrying up a bunch of food to get Galek to 60 and trying to fill out a few factions to get over the faction wars bosses, and keeping a few specialists for spider/fire knight my account apparently is rated way stronger than it is.  I dunno, I guess the solution is just to sacrifice random guys to bring my account level down?  Just feels terrible for a game about making teams of dudes and gearing them out/trying them in different stuff.

None of this still explains why my 1-week old account is coming up vs all teams 1.5x as strong literally every reroll.  I'm trying to keep that roster super lean and farm nothing but dragon, so maybe that will help.

Most worrying thing is that either the devs don't know it's a problem, don't know how to fix it, or don't care.  With progression locked behind a broken system there is no way I will put money into the game.

Jan 26, 2021, 18:5001/26/21

It's always the game's fault lol 

Jan 26, 2021, 19:5001/26/21

Nice one troll.  You are talking out of your ass.  Make a new account, spend less than $50, make it to silver in a month and send a screenshot.  Otherwise, good luck with your miserable life.

 I did it with full fp2 in two weeks  even before bots were there... you only cry. Check old posts for screen 

Jan 26, 2021, 20:1101/26/21

In the first 2-3 weeks, I kinda ignored arena because it was impossible. Once I got a good speed lead and increase damage buffer, I easily managed to get to Silver. I didn't even use Warmaiden until recently, which helped me to get to Gold. I'm F2P and have been playing less than two months. The tips that others provided helped me improve my performance in arena massively. At this point, I don't see how we can help you without seeing screenshots of your builds and enemy teams that you face.

Also, don't get rid of your specialists to reduce your account's power score. Rather focus on beating harder dungeons to farm 4-5* gear to make your arena team stronger. That's at least what I did.

Early game arena is a lot of "refresh enemies" in the hope to find someone beatable. That's unfortunately how it is. I don't know if that's intended to trick people into spending money. Either way, it gets better by time. I enjoy arena a lot these days. 

Jan 27, 2021, 05:3701/27/21

smh, Arena IS brutal, what business does a 76K and 96K team have hanging around bronze tier 2? Its crazy. They had 3champs at Level60 and blow me away in under 4seconds. Thats not a player who just got lucky with leggos and happen to be in bronze because they dont have good gear and team synergy. Granted the they are far in between for now in my experience, but i encounter 70 to 60K teams alot with great pieces, so for now am stuck because im overmatched at the moment.

Jan 27, 2021, 15:2201/27/21
Feb 2, 2021, 08:40(edited)

So now noobs cry again... even vs was easy to go silver before with campaign heroes and ez now. . Pfff fix your brain.... they allready made bots so you noobs will not cry... yet someome reached new bottom skill line and cry

Posts of foulmouth kids like Tulak... I wonder if you dare to speak face to face like that. Easy to hide on the net. 

Moderators should maintain a level of politeness on this forum.

On a topic: 1st level arena (the noob level) should be a battlefield of new players with low level gear. No Legendarys, few Epics. I agree with flatdude, this system is broken, I really don't get the feeling that I'm progressing and it demotivates me from playing and from spending money. 

Jan 27, 2021, 17:3501/27/21
Jan 27, 2021, 19:39(edited)

Posts of foulmouth kids like Tulak... I wonder if you dare to speak face to face like that. Easy to hide on the net. 

Moderators should maintain a level of politeness on this forum.

On a topic: 1st level arena (the noob level) should be a battlefield of new players with low level gear. No Legendarys, few Epics. I agree with flatdude, this system is broken, I really don't get the feeling that I'm progressing and it demotivates me from playing and from spending money. 

yes, this system is broken . The balance sucks.
90% of the opponents are all 60, and much stronger. while I only have one 60 champion, and the rest 50. level 60 chamions are stronger.

I also don't get any further with farming, because the system gives very little energy for gaming. 

 This is not a fair fight. I'm Working for good artifacts, but the most sucks. Or silver for grading up the artifacts, but many times failed , all energy wasted, and silver gone for nothing.  😭 don't get the feeling that I'm progressing and it demotivates me to from playing and from spending money.  

I'm not playing anymore, and deinstalled the game.

it's a shame, the game has potencals
but few things break the game. 

I do spend my money on other games with fair prices 

Jan 27, 2021, 20:2101/27/21

@flatdude Do your MM's stuns also apply on most enemies? Where exactly does it go wrong in the battles that you lose, if you're fast enough that you can do your rotation and warmaiden does manage to put her debuff? It sounds like you're basically on the right path. Of course you have to get Warmaiden to at least 50 and Galek to 60, but that you need to do anyway for your general progress. Apart from that, it seems more a question of finetuning at this point, at least for those close battles. 

Jan 28, 2021, 00:2501/28/21

I am pretty sure they just did something within the last couple of days to at least try to fix the lower levels of Arena -- I started a new account so I can experiment with a different starter, and the Bronze I Arena I am encountering with it is very, very different from the one I battled frustratedly with my main account 60 days ago. Pretty much all the totally OP Lego zombie teams are gone, the few Legos I see now look like they could easily be legit; even F2P players pull a Lego once in a blue moon, like in a 10x.

Its's still tough because nearly each entire list tends to be higher power than my team, and the beloved singletons most of us put into our defense to give other newbs a chance to get some medals are few and far between. But it's no longer as near-impossible as it used to be. It really helps if you know what you are doing though, which works to my advantage, but I think is still a problem, simply because a lot of newbs don't know, and the game itself doesn't teach you. You can always tell who sadly doesn't have a clue -- the person who doesn't put their speed aura into the leader spot is a dead give-away. I honestly wish I could leave a message for the players of the more powerful teams that I beat, and advise them how to improve.

Generally you got good advice, and it doesn't sound like your team is fully up to snuff because you're trying to do too many things at once in too short a time -- I empathize because I did that exact same thing so I wouldn't get bored with the interminable grind. It has benefits (forge materials and glyphs are useful). But it also has repercussions -- you might already beat a Stage 7 FW boss, but your Arena team isn't as strong as it needs to be to progress. Your speed tune is not working well if the enemy team can cut in before your MM goes, and your Warmaiden should really have enough ACC and be booked to smack the DEF- on just about everyone at your level, with the exception of the rare champ that actually has higher resist, and an occasional weak hit on bad affinity. You can't get a better DEF- champ this easily; farm your fingers to the bones to fully book her, and forge some epic Perception gear. My team with which I climbed from Bronze pretty steadily into Gold is a tactical nuke using starter, farmables, and one Lego at the time (Maulie as CC, could be replaced by eg. Graybeard) -- and I am F2P, so I couldn't whale out on the gear either. Pick the gear with the best stats even if it breaks a set. If you can't afford to get all the gear maxed (I still can't), do at least the speed boots, and the crit gloves on your nuker. Pick the teams you fight carefully, watch for bad affinity, watch for faster speed leads and boosters. Alas that means wasting a lot of time refreshing. I use a timer so I can do other things because hey, contrary to Plarium expectations, I have a life.

This game is best played with a laissez-faire attitude, lest you get conned into spending way more money than is good for you. Screw "efficiency" and "progress". Take your time. Play something else when you run out of energy (not another gacha game!), and don't look at the darn game again until the next quest cycle. It's not worth fretting over -- it's just not that good of a game.

Jan 29, 2021, 00:4501/29/21

In the first 2-3 weeks, I kinda ignored arena because it was impossible. Once I got a good speed lead and increase damage buffer, I easily managed to get to Silver. I didn't even use Warmaiden until recently, which helped me to get to Gold. I'm F2P and have been playing less than two months. The tips that others provided helped me improve my performance in arena massively. At this point, I don't see how we can help you without seeing screenshots of your builds and enemy teams that you face.

Also, don't get rid of your specialists to reduce your account's power score. Rather focus on beating harder dungeons to farm 4-5* gear to make your arena team stronger. That's at least what I did.

Early game arena is a lot of "refresh enemies" in the hope to find someone beatable. That's unfortunately how it is. I don't know if that's intended to trick people into spending money. Either way, it gets better by time. I enjoy arena a lot these days. 

Unfortunately, I've just started deleting every guy on my account except for the 4 I use for arena and a few others from my strongest factions for faction wars, a few epics I got during the summoning boost and a couple for clan boss.  My account power level went down ~100k and I started facing much easier enemies.

On the new account, I ate up all the 1 star dudes I had saved up for food, and same deal.

It turns out, the trick to winning arena is just delete all of your heroes.  On my new account, I got it down to 20 (the main guys plus a few that I'm working through to get my first dude to 60) and I got up to bronze IV.

SO ridiculous, that account level scales with # of dudes, more than their levels, masteries, ascensions, rarity, gear.... just deleting 10 1 star dudes at level 1 reduced my "power" TONS and ranking up gear to level 16 and equipping it makes no change.

It's a shame.  The account power rating has NOTHING to do with the power of the player, and yet seems to be the main factor in matchmaking (level does seem to matter, too, but there's no real way to manipulate that).

My advice to new players would be: just don't open any shards.  Only open them if you need to start leveling new food.  It's literally pay to lose.  What a joke.

Jan 29, 2021, 00:4901/29/21

@flatdude Do your MM's stuns also apply on most enemies? Where exactly does it go wrong in the battles that you lose, if you're fast enough that you can do your rotation and warmaiden does manage to put her debuff? It sounds like you're basically on the right path. Of course you have to get Warmaiden to at least 50 and Galek to 60, but that you need to do anyway for your general progress. Apart from that, it seems more a question of finetuning at this point, at least for those close battles. 

I need to get MM up in speed a bit, usually their fastest dude(s) ends up before him.  I like his set for everything but arena so I don't wanna break it up until I get a side-grade with speed.  His stuns seem to hit whenever they proc, but it's only a chance so it's up to luck.

The main problem is (1) getting Galek up to level 60 and in stronger gear for better first nuke, and (2) improving the other 2.  Warmaiden literally does nothing but debuff.  I got a Dhukk which I'd like to use instead but need books.  If I can make her AOE do damage, that would be great but I can't squeeze in the damage and keep the speed up.  Khatun needs acc and def, but same deal.

Basically, I would say the place I'm "going wrong" is having opponents 20K+ higher in power than me.  I can still beat them occasionally, and pick the battles carefully, but every single fight is a risk, which usually means I gain as much as I lose.  Just working on deleting all my guys so I can get my account power down and be in a "fair" bracket.