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Another "tag team is dumb" post

Another "tag team is dumb" post

Nov 23, 2020, 22:0411/23/20

Another "tag team is dumb" post

As a player, I figure I'm thoroughly average. I spend some... but not much. I have some good toons, a few legendary's (fun side note - all have come from blue crystals - never gotten one from Void or gold), and I have I think 8 over 200 speed. I'm lvl 53 with just under a million power and I've played for just under 4 months. I've been ending up around the middle of the pack in Gold 4 in the regular arena since the update (I think I overachieve here as before the update I couldn't get to Silver 1... but since the update who knows/whatever, I'll take it). Context here to say... my teams are plenty capable, but not god-mode/whale and that's totally fine - I'm not at all complaining about my status in the game. I'm here for fun, not a youtube income. 

And yet, I cannot get past bronze 1 in TTA to save my life. I do the minimum 5 battles, I land right about the same place if I do all 20 after a refill. It's just silly - there doesn't seem to be any way to advance. So I paid a little bit of attention for once and I noticed this...


(so we're on the same page, I'm saying 1 battle=3 matches. 1 battle means hitting that battle button 1 time to face 3 teams... not at all confusing I'm sure)

I think this is showing that there are 3226 "places" (or that's how many points that dude has?... I've tried to type all this out several times and I can never make sense of how this works) in Bronze 1 and I'm right there in the middle of the pack at around 1450 (after being spotted 1000 to start I guess right?). And the guy right at the top of Bronze 1 is there at the top of my battle list. So looking at our scores, is this really saying I would have to win 148 matches (starting from base 1000, 15 points per win x 215= 3225)? Without losing any of the three matches, that would be 50 attempts which would take 5 days if I didn't use any refills. Realistically, I pick my battles very carefully and still only win 70% of the battles on offense and lose 70% on defense (the majority of the teams I see in Bronze 1 are like that LW Hui0da person with 150k+ teamsx3 while my teams are between 50-70k per). So there effectively is no way to advance right? That's honestly how I read this: I would have to win all my battles on offense and never lose on defense to advance. Soooooooo... what's the point of doing it at all? 

That also seems to suggest that everyone above him has three teams of (after looking at his team) 175k+ each? The vast majority of teams I see in Bronze 1 have at least 330k+ power in those 3 teams while I have 170k total for my 3 teams. I really don't get it.... the tiers suggest that a total of 188,840 players fill the tiers above me... but there are only 2226 (as everyone is spotted 1000) in Bronze 1? Points? People? What? Is? Happening? HOW DOES THIS WORK? WHY IS THIS PART OF THE OTHERWISE REALLY WELL ORGANIZED GAME SO TERRIBLE?

Nov 23, 2020, 22:5711/23/20

You seem pretty confused... the 3226 is the highest score in your tier, and it just so happens that that guy is on your screen, that's quite a coincidence. But the score that you need to promote to bronze II is way, way lower than that - in fact, looking at your progress bar, you shouldn't be more than a couple wins away from it (or a couple more wins than losses, anyway...). 

I'd suggest sharing your teams and your roster, so people can help you create better teams that may allow you to get a couple more wins and perhaps get into bronze 2. That being said, just because the bots came and made regular arena absurdly easy, with everybody and their grandmother getting into gold IV, doesn't mean that it's easy to get so far in tag team arena. Beyond bronze 3 or 4, things start getting actually tough (I never bothered going beyond bronze 4 myself, but getting out of that into silver 1 would be tough already for most players). 

Nov 23, 2020, 23:4311/23/20

I agree it is pretty confusing and hard to get outa bronze 1. 

Nov 23, 2020, 23:5211/23/20

You are confused.

Here is an example to help you.


The player you are talking about has 3226 points.

This means they have reached the upper limit of the Tier.

They are ranked number 1 in the Tier.

If you look at the above picture, The Red Arrow demonstrates how the player bar is.

The whole player bar should be all Green for that player.

However, the Promotion Bar is far less.

The promotion bar determines whether or not you will reach Bronze 2.

If you look at the above picture, The Blue Arrow demonstrates where the Promotion bar is.

You would need to be over the breaking point of the Promotion Bar during Arena Reset.

The game also likes to give out different colors to help people.

Red Bar = Your getting Demoted to a lower Tier

Yellow Bar = Your staying in the same Tier

Green Bar = Your getting Promoted to next Tier

Nov 23, 2020, 23:5411/23/20


Not quite. He's close to promoting to the next tier of Bronze 1. Each week, you get to at most move up 1 bar. After earning his 3rd bar, he'll get promoted to Bronze 2. You can find fantastic videos explaining this in greater detail on YouTube. 


I'm in the exact same boat as you. It's frustrating as all get out but given enough time, the stronger players will get promoted and make matchmaking at the lower levels easier for everybody. 

Nov 24, 2020, 00:5811/24/20

I prefer to stay in Br1.  The battles are easier.  I collect gold bars that I can use for purchases.  There are so many things to accomplish in this game that building a high quality tag team is at the bottom of my list.  

Nov 24, 2020, 07:5111/24/20
Andiel Ralck


Not quite. He's close to promoting to the next tier of Bronze 1. Each week, you get to at most move up 1 bar. After earning his 3rd bar, he'll get promoted to Bronze 2. You can find fantastic videos explaining this in greater detail on YouTube. 


I'm in the exact same boat as you. It's frustrating as all get out but given enough time, the stronger players will get promoted and make matchmaking at the lower levels easier for everybody. 

You say not quite and then you repeat exactly what I said... huh? 

As for the other point - given the space limits on the higher tiers and how long tag team arena has been around by now, I wouldn't expect that bronze 1 will get any easier over time. It's just your team (or just your tactics and ability to pick the right battles) should be getting stronger over time. 

Nov 24, 2020, 08:3511/24/20

I actually enjoy more staying at Bronze 4...

Nov 24, 2020, 08:4011/24/20

I actually enjoy more staying at Bronze 4...

Same here.

I get enough gold bars to buy Drexthar fragments (100% win rate), and even some Energy and maybe an Ancient shard. I do not have higher aspirations for the time being.

My token defensive teams allow others to earn their gold bars.

Nov 24, 2020, 11:4111/24/20

you are bang on about shards, you are the second person who won a legendary from a ancient instead of a void or a legendary. 

Nov 24, 2020, 13:0911/24/20

you are bang on about shards, you are the second person who won a legendary from a ancient instead of a void or a legendary. 

Void shards have exactly the same rarity chance as Ancient shards. The only difference is the Void affinity of the champions. Given the much higher availability of Ancient shards, I would be surprised if more people didn'r get their Legendaries from Ancients, rather than Voids.

I currently have 13 unique Legendaries and one duplicate. As far as I remember, I got at least 4 of them from Ancient shards:

- Arbiter (missions)

- Scyl of the Drakes (daily login reward)

- Rhazin Scarhide (fusion)

- Kantra the Cyclone (fusion)

- Kreela Witch-arm (fragment summon)

- Drokgul the Gaunt (fragment summon)

- Siphi the Lost Bride (Void shard)

- Drexthar Bloodtwin (Ancient shard)

- Rotos the Lost Groom (Ancient shard)

- Martyr (Ancient shard)

- Ma'shalled (probably Sacred shard)

- 2x Mountain King (at least one was from an Ancient shard)

- Cillian the Lucky (probably Sacred shard)

Nov 24, 2020, 14:5311/24/20

Kantra the Cyclone from Fusion, I checked out the Fusion options I do not see Kantra the Cyclone, I would love to have her in my team.

Nov 24, 2020, 14:5911/24/20
Nov 24, 2020, 15:01(edited)

Kantra the Cyclone from Fusion, I checked out the Fusion options I do not see Kantra the Cyclone, I would love to have her in my team.

Some fusions are permanently available, some are temporary.

You can see the list of fusions (past and present) here:

Edit: note, that it inludes fragment summons among the fusions too.

Nov 24, 2020, 20:2511/24/20


As written, your message implies he's a couple of battles from Bronze II. I said he was a couple of battles from the next tier of Bronze I. If you think there isn't a difference, I suggest you look at the tiers page of 3V3 and look at the rewards. 

Nov 24, 2020, 20:4311/24/20
Andiel Ralck


As written, your message implies he's a couple of battles from Bronze II. I said he was a couple of battles from the next tier of Bronze I. If you think there isn't a difference, I suggest you look at the tiers page of 3V3 and look at the rewards. 

Erm. You know that 'the next tier of Bronze I' is Bronze II, yeah? If he wins enough points to cross into the next stage on his progress bar and he manages to stay there until the reset, then, as the visual shows, he'll get into Bronze II after the reset. 

Nov 24, 2020, 21:3411/24/20


Incorrect. I was in the OP’s shoes last week and finished with both my first and second bars showing green but wasn't promoted to Bronze II.

From what I can see, once your bar turns green, you don't continue progressing into the next bar until after the weekly reset. This week, the  guy will get to the next tier of Bronze I at best. 

Nov 24, 2020, 22:4711/24/20
Andiel Ralck


Incorrect. I was in the OP’s shoes last week and finished with both my first and second bars showing green but wasn't promoted to Bronze II.

From what I can see, once your bar turns green, you don't continue progressing into the next bar until after the weekly reset. This week, the  guy will get to the next tier of Bronze I at best. 

Once again, there IS no 'next tier of Bronze I'. I don't know if what happened to you was a visual bug showing you as green when actually you weren't, or if you just got attacked at the last minute and lost points or something. But if things work properly and you're in the green at the reset, you promote from Bronze I to II, it's that simple. 

Nov 25, 2020, 16:5011/25/20

Yeeeeeaaaah... I've been on the right side of that bar (green) at reset and not been promoted to Bronze 2. Although, I think you may be saying that that bar has to be full to be promoted to Bronze 2 and that was my impression as well. And no, I'm not a couple of wins away - again, that dude has 3226 points and I have 1450. At 15 points per win, that's 118 wins with zero losses on offense or defense. yeah, you guys are right... totally not worth my efforts at all. Haha! 

Though, I do appreciate your offer to help L9753! 

(I'm not a grandmother, but I will take the easier path to Gold IV status! hahaha!)

Nov 25, 2020, 18:1211/25/20

Yeeeeeaaaah... I've been on the right side of that bar (green) at reset and not been promoted to Bronze 2. Although, I think you may be saying that that bar has to be full to be promoted to Bronze 2 and that was my impression as well. And no, I'm not a couple of wins away - again, that dude has 3226 points and I have 1450. At 15 points per win, that's 118 wins with zero losses on offense or defense. yeah, you guys are right... totally not worth my efforts at all. Haha! 

Though, I do appreciate your offer to help L9753! 

(I'm not a grandmother, but I will take the easier path to Gold IV status! hahaha!)

No, I definitely mean that once you're in the green, you should promote - and you're not far off. You absolutely don't need 3226 points, that's the guy with the highest score in all of Bronze I. You don't need the single highest score in all of Bronze I just to promote. Look at my screenshot - I'm in the green, so if right now was the reset, I'd promote from Bronze III to Bronze IV, as the visual clearly indicates. Doesn't matter that I have less than half of the highest score in Bronze III, it's high enough. 

Though it seems the issues with visual bugs which show people as green and about to promote when actually they aren't (that seems the most plausible explanation for what you and Andiel report...) are bigger than I knew, I thought they had fixed those by now. 


Nov 25, 2020, 18:5711/25/20


I'm not really interested in an argument of semantics. If I misused terminology, fine I'm wrong on that but for you to pretend like that's the crux of what we're talking about is intellectually dishonest.

Let's get back to helping out the OP. 

As I stated and was corroborated by the OP, to promote out of Bronze I you need to do more than just complete the second bar. Maybe that isn't true for higher tiers but I've been living in B1 for a while now despite my best efforts. 

One thing that is unique to me this week (could be a visual glitch, who knows) is that my first two bars are green but I'm still making progress into the third bar. Perhaps if I can push that green all the way through the third bar, I can get out of B1. I don't know but I'll give an update at the end of the week. 

Nov 25, 2020, 19:1811/25/20
Andiel Ralck


I'm not really interested in an argument of semantics. If I misused terminology, fine I'm wrong on that but for you to pretend like that's the crux of what we're talking about is intellectually dishonest.

Let's get back to helping out the OP. 

As I stated and was corroborated by the OP, to promote out of Bronze I you need to do more than just complete the second bar. Maybe that isn't true for higher tiers but I've been living in B1 for a while now despite my best efforts. 

One thing that is unique to me this week (could be a visual glitch, who knows) is that my first two bars are green but I'm still making progress into the third bar. Perhaps if I can push that green all the way through the third bar, I can get out of B1. I don't know but I'll give an update at the end of the week. 

How many times do I have to explain something that should be pretty obvious at first sight from the visual? This is not 'semantics', this is you insisting on a conspiracy theory to explain a bug. 

Making progress into the third bar means that you are now no longer just on the edge of promoting, but a bit more secure. That's definitely better, gives you a better shot at still being in the green by the time of reset, and reduces the risk of facing such a bug again. But you're not going to get anywhere near the end of the third bar, nor do you need to.