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Spider 18-20

Spider 18-20

Nov 7, 2020, 20:1211/07/20

Spider 18-20

Hi, i'm almost ready to reach arbiter. Tomorrow i can clear void dungeon 10 times on auto and ascend finally a void champion, i have a 13M per key team for nightmare clan boss (and a lots of gems for buy some keys), i'm in gold4 arena with a level 10 great hall and i have at least 5 champions full masteries.

Furthermore, i'm able to clear all stage 20 dungeons on auto, except... Spider's Den.

In reality, i don't know if i'm able to clear spider 20 or not, because i'm stuck on 18. 

I clear green and red without difficulty, but in this blue my stag knight is going to die sooner or later.

I show you my roster:


I tried different teams: 

Apo(L), Big'un, Kael, Coldhearth, Stag Knight   -----> Stag knight dies very soon, and bye bye

Apo(L), Big'un, Sinesha, Coldhearth, Stag Knight ---> A little bit resistant than previous, but sg is going to die anyway, then coldhearth and big un , and bye bye

Vergis(L), Apo, Big'un, Coldhearth, Stag Knight ---->  Vergis dies first, then sg, and bye bye

Apo(L), Stag Knight, Big'un, Coldhearth, Mausoleum mage ---> The most resistant, MM is a god, and he kept the whole team alive almost to the end.

Apo(L), Sinesha, Big'un, Coldhearth, Mausoleum mage ---> Naah, without aoe def break, the team die soon.

The fourth team seems to be the better, but i miss something... All champions have masteries and accessories, +16 for % artifact and for flat hp/def.

Can someone suggests me please?

Nov 7, 2020, 21:1911/07/20

Alure and vergis 

Nov 7, 2020, 21:3011/07/20

Probably with bigun stag and coldheart. Give vergis less than hp so he is spider bait. Speed order of team is important. Maybe apothecary instead of 

Nov 7, 2020, 22:4611/07/20

Manually and with patience, i beated with Apo(L), Stag Knight, Big'un, Coldhearth and Mausoleum mage 

Now it's time for stage 19: this is red, so Big'un and apothecary suffer too much.

I tried with the sinesha instead of big un, but my apothecary is going to die and then the rest of the team.

Any suggests for red stage 19? i can try vergis, but i don't know who drop.

Maybe Vergis(L), MM, Sinesha, Coldheart, Stag Knight could be good?

Nov 7, 2020, 23:1611/07/20
Nov 7, 2020, 23:18(edited)

If "normal" teams fail, you can turn Big Un or Sinesha into a random tank. Retribution and Warmaster masteries, lifesteal set and low hp, so that every hit is above 25% threshold (27k hp or so).

Nov 7, 2020, 23:3611/07/20

If "normal" teams fail, you can turn Big Un or Sinesha into a random tank. Retribution and Warmaster masteries, lifesteal set and low hp, so that every hit is above 25% threshold (27k hp or so).

Unfortunately, blue champions are unusable (at least for me!). Big un is simply unacceptable, he dies in few seconds. Apothecary resists a little longer, but then he dies too.

i have only a tank in lifesteal, with retribution and warmaster as a masteries and with low hp: is bulwark, that i use for clan boss with good results. I can try him, with sinesha mm stag knight and coldhearth.

I forgot to mention: among my epics, MM and Sinesha are full booked, Stag Knight has 2nd skill maxed, and Vergis is unbooked.

I have a Yannica unbuilded, she can be a good champion for spider? I'm trying all i can do, but this stage 19 is really hard for me.

Nov 8, 2020, 00:3611/08/20
Nov 8, 2020, 00:45(edited)

Nah, Bulwark is not for this strat. It works because of AoE A1 that heals a champ to full on every retribution proc. You tailor hp and def so that every spiderling hit deals between 25% and 33% of champion HP. Every hit has 50% chance to proc retribution then. If this coinflip fails 3 times in a row, your team dies.

Nov 8, 2020, 07:2211/08/20

Your MK is so strong. 


Nov 8, 2020, 08:4111/08/20

Nah, Bulwark is not for this strat. It works because of AoE A1 that heals a champ to full on every retribution proc. You tailor hp and def so that every spiderling hit deals between 25% and 33% of champion HP. Every hit has 50% chance to proc retribution then. If this coinflip fails 3 times in a row, your team dies.

Ok, now i understand what you mean... i didn't understand before.

My Sinesha is already in lifesteal set, and i not use her in other dungeons, so i can build her with retribution mastery and try this strategy... very interesting. Thanks

Nov 8, 2020, 10:2511/08/20

i didn't understand a crucial thing, if i have in team a weak affinity and a stronger affinity with lower hp, which champion do spiderlings focus on? I want try running Big'un versus stage 19(force affinity) with vergis in same team with lower hp, this can work?

Big'un seems to be irreplaceable for his 3 aoe skills, aoe turn meter reduction and aoe stun.

Without big'un, there is no way to kill spiderlings for me, but in other hand he dies very very soon.

What can i do? This is the reason because i complain my luck on finding legos: ok, i have 6, but 5 of this 6 are completely useless on dungeons. I have no champions to do this stage 19 i think :(

Nov 8, 2020, 11:2411/08/20
Nov 8, 2020, 12:00(edited)

i didn't understand a crucial thing, if i have in team a weak affinity and a stronger affinity with lower hp, which champion do spiderlings focus on? I want try running Big'un versus stage 19(force affinity) with vergis in same team with lower hp, this can work?

Big'un seems to be irreplaceable for his 3 aoe skills, aoe turn meter reduction and aoe stun.

Without big'un, there is no way to kill spiderlings for me, but in other hand he dies very very soon.

What can i do? This is the reason because i complain my luck on finding legos: ok, i have 6, but 5 of this 6 are completely useless on dungeons. I have no champions to do this stage 19 i think :(

They will target weak affinity (Big Un). This is why he is a good candidate for retribution tank. In this role you want him to be focused. To use Sinesha in this role you'll have to remove Big Un. Sinesha in Hell Hades' video is weak affinity at stage 20, same as Big Un at 19.

Legendaries are not required. This is what I used in stage 19 to clear it once on manual. This is not a team to farm spider, this is a team to kill it once. Your version of this team would be Apo, Stag, Bug Un, Alure, Coldheart. But don't expect it to work on the first try, I spent 15 million silver updrading and swapping gear to get through 16-20 :)


Nov 8, 2020, 11:3211/08/20

I wish I would pull Coldheart one day. Judging from the videos I have seen of her in Spider, she looks like the "I win!" button.😁

Nov 8, 2020, 12:0311/08/20

I wish I would pull Coldheart one day. Judging from the videos I have seen of her in Spider, she looks like the "I win!" button.😁

You can pull Royal Guard. He is "I win even faster" button.

Nov 8, 2020, 12:4011/08/20
Nov 8, 2020, 12:41(edited)

They will target weak affinity (Big Un). This is why he is a good candidate for retribution tank. In this role you want him to be focused. To use Sinesha in this role you'll have to remove Big Un. Sinesha in Hell Hades' video is weak affinity at stage 20, same as Big Un at 19.

Legendaries are not required. This is what I used in stage 19 to clear it once on manual. This is not a team to farm spider, this is a team to kill it once. Your version of this team would be Apo, Stag, Bug Un, Alure, Coldheart. But don't expect it to work on the first try, I spent 15 million silver updrading and swapping gear to get through 16-20 :)


I really appreciate your suggests, but i'm a little bit perplexed.

I am not convinced of build big'un as a tank... i mean: i use him in all area of the game except clan boss with a completely different gear and masteries. I builded him with damage and support branch, with accuracy and speed gear and with a lot of crit. rate and atk... i cannot change all his setup only to do spider 19 1 time in my life,  there must be another way to do it

Nov 8, 2020, 12:4711/08/20
Nov 8, 2020, 12:54(edited)

Due to his weak affinity, Mountain King might actually work as a nice tank. His HP is high, and his skills scale with both HP and ATK at once. His A2 also ignores 50% of enemy DEF.

Edit: I am talking about Spider 20, naturally. I am sorry, I only just realized you need to go through 18 and 19 first.

Nov 8, 2020, 13:0611/08/20

Due to his weak affinity, Mountain King might actually work as a nice tank. His HP is high, and his skills scale with both HP and ATK at once. His A2 also ignores 50% of enemy DEF.

Edit: I am talking about Spider 20, naturally. I am sorry, I only just realized you need to go through 18 and 19 first.

Yes, i did manually 18.

Now i'm struggling with stage 19, that seems really impossible for my champions.

Nov 8, 2020, 13:0911/08/20
Nov 8, 2020, 13:23(edited)

I really appreciate your suggests, but i'm a little bit perplexed.

I am not convinced of build big'un as a tank... i mean: i use him in all area of the game except clan boss with a completely different gear and masteries. I builded him with damage and support branch, with accuracy and speed gear and with a lot of crit. rate and atk... i cannot change all his setup only to do spider 19 1 time in my life,  there must be another way to do it

Yep, that's the last resort when you tried everything else. Change gear and masteries for a single fight without a guaranteed result, then swap everything back spending silver and 150 gems. 

I went for it after trying to make a tank out of Tayrel, upgrading skills of Gnarlhorn and trying to figure out spiderling targeting patterns with Skullcrusher buffs. I also went though "it's impossible with my champs" thoughts. My campaign farmer is now 25 seconds instead of 9 and arena team is a joke until I finish progression missions. Good for me Skullcrown works for both stage 19 and 20.

Nov 8, 2020, 13:1411/08/20

Yes, i did manually 18.

Now i'm struggling with stage 19, that seems really impossible for my champions.

I see. Well, maybe try to build your Grizzled Jarl as tanky as you can for this single stage? Just tons of HP and DEF.

Nov 8, 2020, 20:3211/08/20

i ran sinesha as my spider tank after watching a vid on youtube, basically the key for sinesha was the mastery that gave her 50% chance of counter when she loses 25% health 

hell hades has done a vid and talks about the sinesha tank strat too, it cost me heap of silver etc but i got it in the end with the help of scyl of drakes 

turn meter control is vital in 20 esp if you done have HP Burn from say ultimate galek

i blew so many gems and power retweaking my team til it clicked and got the spiders 20 mission done

good luck 

Nov 8, 2020, 21:5611/08/20

i ran sinesha as my spider tank after watching a vid on youtube, basically the key for sinesha was the mastery that gave her 50% chance of counter when she loses 25% health 

hell hades has done a vid and talks about the sinesha tank strat too, it cost me heap of silver etc but i got it in the end with the help of scyl of drakes 

turn meter control is vital in 20 esp if you done have HP Burn from say ultimate galek

i blew so many gems and power retweaking my team til it clicked and got the spiders 20 mission done

good luck 

I'm struggling with stage 19.

It's really frustrating. My two key champions for spider are Apothecary for turn meter boost and Big'un for aoe turn meter reduction, aoe stun and aoe damage. And i cannot use them because they die.

I'm trying 2 different team:

Apothecary (L), Coldhearth, Sinesha, Mausoleum Mage, Stag Knight.  The key here is to use apo as a tank and keep him alive... at certain point, when spider has half life, apothecary dies because the heal (from 3 different champions) are not sufficient... My apo has 268 speed, and MM 251, but this is not enough lol...

Vergis(L), Mausoleum Mage, Coldhearth, Stag Knight, Sinesha .  Here i equip my sinesha with retaliation set and offensive stats with low hp, so i make her tank and i hope she is able to kill spiderlings... the results is, with 150 c.damage and 2k atk, she does 20k at spiderlings with def break... lol. Needless to say that even in this case, the run will fail soon.

I don't know what to do anymore, and i also went out of silver.

Is really frustrating not being able to get Arbiter for this stupid stage 19 that I will never do in my life.

I'm sure that stage 20 will be a lot easier, being able to use my apothecary and Big'un.

Nov 8, 2020, 22:3711/08/20

If you die from poisons a lot, get your Reliquary Tender to *6/60, she will cleanse everything for you and heal you nicely too.

She is among the top Rares in the game. As I said, try to make Mountain King your tank for stage 19. He is weak affinity, so he will be focused on by the spiderlings.