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Arena Needs Sudden Death Mode

Arena Needs Sudden Death Mode

Jul 13, 2020, 08:2907/13/20

Arena Needs Sudden Death Mode

So reading other thread it's seems  to be a well known problem that after around 1000 turn, the game just couldn't register the fight and would just register the battle as a lost to the active player.

So why are there no sudden death mode in arena? Other freemium games like this I think have similar problem as well, that is why they have a sudden death mode.

It's just so frustrating god how many times when my Jizoh is at a stalemate against Miscreated Monster... Both can't out damage the self healing they have.

So besides the matchmaking problem, please add a sudden death in arena battles to break the deadlock.

My idea, after  200 combined turn, the sudden death mode is activated.

What happens is that the max HP of each surviving heroes are reduced by 10% every 10 combined turns

That's my idea, thx Plarium!

Jul 13, 2020, 13:4007/13/20
Not going to happen.  And this would probably hurt you more than you think.  The tie goes to the defense, which is really the only advantage the defense has.  How many defensive wins do you think you have because your opponent is stalemated against Jizoh.  I know this is how I build my defense, not to kill the other team but to be unkillable.
Jul 13, 2020, 13:4407/13/20
Trips said:

Not going to happen.  And this would probably hurt you more than you think.  The tie goes to the defense, which is really the only advantage the defense has.  How many defensive wins do you think you have because your opponent is stalemated against Jizoh.  I know this is how I build my defense, not to kill the other team but to be unkillable.
Fair enough