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I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

Nov 16, 2019, 12:4211/16/19

I am not voting till you wake up to the reality

Well, our last topic about this was deleted. Seems sketchy. But look, Plarium. We have opinions and the right to say what we want if we are respectful. We did not swear or insult moderators or even use all caps! Your forums are blowing up with people who are mad about your game, and you solve this by deleting/closing our topics? Huh... seems like you DO need to wake up to the reality. 

Because face it, Plarium. You cannot just keep bringing in new champions and deals to make money from p2Ws while ignoring player satisfaction. Your disregard for your average player is NOT okay, even though you ARE making millions.

Refusing to listen to your players has consequences, and now it is up to us to show Plarium those consequences. We cannot let RSL win the Google Play award--else Plarium will figure they are doing great and continue to ignore their player satisfaction. 

Maybe, if they do not win this, Plarium will begin to open their eyes to our requests, since we would have been the ones that sunk their boat. 

So-- to the average player-- If you are upset about Plarium churning out p2w deals, champions, and events while ignoring needed rebalances and QoL changes, then DO NOT vote for Raid. This may be the only way to show Plarium that our satisfaction matters, and not just our wallets.

Nov 16, 2019, 13:4111/16/19
Nov 18, 2019, 07:35(edited)

Wow, what a bad move from Plarium to delete topic with dissatisfactioning voices of their customers! , that censorships what they don't like?

It is really disregarding to do so. You should better answer, or maybe not, becouse we all know you have nothing to defend yourself, but still you shouldn't delete uncomfortable posts about you.
Nov 18, 2019, 07:3411/18/19
Nov 18, 2019, 07:43(edited)


I am not going to pretend that I know those topics that were deleted or the reasons why those would have been deleted. 

I am sorry that you feel the way you do about plarium and will not comment any further as I agree you deserve to have a voice on the matter and honestly I encourage it, with a few exceptions that you abide by the forum rules, which most people miss is that been offensive to other players or plarium will not be tolerated among other things so be sure to have a read of the forum rules.

From what I know at this point there are things coming that will definitely help the quality of life of us players, more champion room, champion rebalancing, and new content, though I am confident it is coming I, unfortunately, do not have a timeframe at current to share with you, soon as I do, I'll let you know.

I have now passed this post onto the CM's and devs as feedback, and I can assure you that the player's feedback is always heard, though it takes time to develop these new features/ideas.

many thanks and good luck.
Nov 20, 2019, 05:2911/20/19

Sheep W said:

Well, our last topic about this was deleted. Seems sketchy. But look, Plarium. We have opinions and the right to say what we want if we are respectful. We did not swear or insult moderators or even use all caps! Your forums are blowing up with people who are mad about your game, and you solve this by deleting/closing our topics? Huh... seems like you DO need to wake up to the reality. 

Because face it, Plarium. You cannot just keep bringing in new champions and deals to make money from p2Ws while ignoring player satisfaction. Your disregard for your average player is NOT okay, even though you ARE making millions.

Refusing to listen to your players has consequences, and now it is up to us to show Plarium those consequences. We cannot let RSL win the Google Play award--else Plarium will figure they are doing great and continue to ignore their player satisfaction. 

Maybe, if they do not win this, Plarium will begin to open their eyes to our requests, since we would have been the ones that sunk their boat. 

So-- to the average player-- If you are upset about Plarium churning out p2w deals, champions, and events while ignoring needed rebalances and QoL changes, then DO NOT vote for Raid. This may be the only way to show Plarium that our satisfaction matters, and not just our wallets.

I also made a comment Calling out Plarium about problems, without cussing or anything and i got a warning lol I talked to Ascendant God on youtube, He’s Saying we should Post somewhere else, And it kinda feels like if i Give Plarium any Criticism, then I’ll get in trouble and get a warning for “not following forum Rules”

In fact I already got a warning for who knows what! ( I never cuss or threaten or anything btw) 

So basically, i say we post on Reddit or something, Where Plarium can’t censor us-  they can’t handle criticism anyway ( I’ll probably get banned for this lol

Nov 20, 2019, 14:3011/20/19

I can believe that the feedback and everything is passed on, I wont debate that. There is just a massive lack in this feedback being taken and implemented. 

For example, you have mentioned a larger inventory. however, it would appear this is not coming till the next big update. Players are struggling now and with these big events they cannot hold the inventory to "prepare". This is something most of the mods say to do but we cant. There is no way to without removing heroes we want to hold onto. 

On top of that there are changes that need to be made to make the game f2p. The current state is not, it is only f2p by the most basic standards. Void heroes can only be obtained once a month. A f2p person will never be able to get more than 12 a year and the on the odds shards mean he is likely to get only rares. ancient shards are better but the game is about collecting heroes and even that free shards feel limited. This isnt even taking into consideration wanting a specific epic or legendary. Gambling for them is not something that is fun. And I think if there was a dozen shards or the hero someone wanted, they would take the hero. the odds are low and obtaining them is rare. and it gets worse with every new hero released. And that is just shards not even energy and other quality of life improvements 

I understand we are just your customers, but we need to not just be heard. We give you our time and money and want to be treated with respect and not just as a cash source. And from what the forums show, we would rather see improvements over these crazy events. Maybe this is all just me but from what I read it is people posting the same stuff everywhere with a similar response. I like your game and want it to do well but I'm worried by the time the changes hit it will be too late. 

Nov 20, 2019, 15:0811/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 15:10(edited)

angelknight127 said:

On top of that there are changes that need to be made to make the game f2p. The current state is not, it is only f2p by the most basic standards. Void heroes can only be obtained once a month. A f2p person will never be able to get more than 12 a year and the on the odds shards mean he is likely to get only rares. ancient shards are better but the game is about collecting heroes and even that free shards feel limited. This isnt even taking into consideration wanting a specific epic or legendary. Gambling for them is not something that is fun. And I think if there was a dozen shards or the hero someone wanted, they would take the hero. the odds are low and obtaining them is rare. and it gets worse with every new hero released. And that is just shards not even energy and other quality of life improvements 

I am a f2p player, and I have seen games where it is worse and games where it is better, even children's games are doing worse than Plarium. But when you are an f2p player you need to be able to get to every resource available, and though it is not much, Plarium reaches that acquirement.

After the 90 days are over, I know there is not much to look forward to, since special artifacts and energy will be hard to come by, not even speaking about shards.

However I feel for now that it will be enough for me. I take it slow and that is fine. When you have high expectations and you like to move fast, it will be tough on you

Having said that, it maybe might be enough for me, but I wonder if it is enough for other f2p players and you will need those players as well.