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The imposed algorithm - spider den drops.

The imposed algorithm - spider den drops.

Oct 11, 2019, 09:2610/11/19

The imposed algorithm - spider den drops.

I'm in this game more than 5 months and still I wasnt able to obtain ANY banner for Dark and High Elves!

My first main champ and level 60 was Kael - second was Apothecary.

For a moment I was thinking it was just my bad luck and bad rng but...this just cant be real!

I did spider at least 400 times and I'm auto farming it on lvl 15.



BUT in that place (besides worthless xp beers and trash shards) I had tons of accessories for factions I dont have or never use.

Recently I even stopped selling them to see how much this whole thing is on scripted down lock.

Results so far:

Is this is some kind of algorithm to punish and make f2p life harder? (And yes - I'm a 100% f2p scrub)

or its just "bad luck" and I should farm spider x times more?


I know people which had same problem. I know also that plarium dont care.

Oct 11, 2019, 14:2710/11/19
I can't even begin to tell you how long it took me to get a crit rate amulet for dark elves. It does seem like some factions gear drop more often than others. Dark Elves seem to be one of the rarest drops.
Oct 11, 2019, 17:4110/11/19


Dark elves is absolutely the hardest faction to get jewels for. Just keep grinding RNGEEZUS will eventually show some favor to you. Good Luck
Oct 11, 2019, 19:3210/11/19
Can confirm, Dark Elves and Sacred Order are the hardest to get for me. The most I got were Undead Hordes and Lizardmen
Oct 11, 2019, 22:2410/11/19

Saw a suggestion that each day should have boosted faction drop rates. Love this idea! or even certain days only drop certain factions. 

As it is now farming accessories is bad, but more factions coming in the next few months bringing more champs to have to farm more accessories for. Please fix this Spider is hard enough and my autos take like 7-10 mins on stage 16. After that long to get a Banner Lord item just hurts my heart. 

Oct 12, 2019, 00:3710/12/19

Hey Hey

The game is all about RNG, sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't, the thing about a spider is the share amount of loot, I'll pass this on as a suggestion to request a way somehow to f2p farm more particular factions.

Though ive spent a lot more runs, trying to get banners then 400 


Good luck and have fun
Oct 12, 2019, 03:5810/12/19
Oct 12, 2019, 03:59(edited)

On one hand, you notice you don't have something only when you desperately need it... Plus the RNG factor...

On the other hand, the most accessories I have (after half a year of playing this great game) are for the factions with 0 champs - in my case Banner Lords, Orcs, Undeads. So yeah, no it's not RNG.
Oct 12, 2019, 06:0510/12/19

I think the game has a trolling algo running.

I find it funny still, but I get that people lose patience. 

It's like a giant tease. You need a type of potion for a quest mission, suddenly only the greater version drops when it usually never does. 

You need items for an event, suddenly only brews and shards are dropping...

I feel trolled most of the time. 

Oct 13, 2019, 07:0110/13/19
I REALLY want certain days for certain factions/sets in dungeons. 
Oct 16, 2019, 23:3810/16/19

Nico Traveler said:

I think the game has a trolling algo running.

I find it funny still, but I get that people lose patience. 

It's like a giant tease. You need a type of potion for a quest mission, suddenly only the greater version drops when it usually never does. 

You need items for an event, suddenly only brews and shards are dropping...

I feel trolled most of the time. 

I know what you mean. I would like to believe that this kind of trolling algorithm behavior is just a pure rng and "bad luck"...but honestly I start to think it is not just a coincidence.

Oct 17, 2019, 08:5410/17/19

Hey Hey

Me again, I honestly don't think they would use anything of the sort "trolling mechanism", I think these theories are just evidence of a true RNG, I mean grab a 6 sided or even better a 12 sided dice, choose a number, do ten rolls and count how many times your number  actually comes up, the actual odds are far lower to get 1 of up to a possible 36+ items not considering the primary or sub stat rolls.

Do you guys have any suggestions on how this could be sorted?, I'll be sure to pass them on.

many thanks and good luck.
Oct 17, 2019, 11:0710/17/19
Oct 17, 2019, 16:52(edited)

Go ahead and use a dice-rolling algorithm where the number of sides equals the amount of factions - ignore different accessory types for now - set a test case of e.g. 100 rolls and see what comes up - I would guess we generally do more than those 100 tries - if our results differ greatly from those of the algorithm, there surely is something else pulling strings within the system.

e.g. go here

Tried it once with a 13-sided die & 99 tries, see below the distribution:

1    10
2    11
3      6
4      7
5    10
6      6
7      8
8    11
9      4
10    9
11    7
12    4
13    6

OR use excel / openOffice / google spreadsheets and write it yourself


best make it dynamic:

set a die side parameter as well as a rolls parameter

=Randbetween(1,sideParam) is your die roll

=row() counts your roll (deduct X if you don't start in row 1)

drag down the formulas for as many rolls as you want to do

if you want to see in which areas the specific rolls are in, make a heat map

     A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N

1 | 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

2 | 10

3 | 20

4 | 30

5 | 40

6 | 50

7 | 60

8 | 70

9 | 80


=countifs(array of roll count, ">"&$A1,array of roll count, "<="&$A2, array of roll result,A$1) <-- enter this formula to fill all cells within the grid above

From a dev perspective I can completely understand their approach - they are trying to push us players into a situation where we have awesome accessories but no champs so we might consider getting more shards for a chance to finally get one - nonetheless the stupid argument of completely random is wrong! Hence stop using it left and right!

Oct 17, 2019, 19:0710/17/19

Dude, The biggest problem you have isn’t the Dark Elf banners.

It is the 4 star gear which you put on your Kael.

You should totally redo your Kael.
Oct 18, 2019, 00:1810/18/19

Player J said:

Dude, The biggest problem you have isn’t the Dark Elf banners.

It is the 4 star gear which you put on your Kael.

You should totally redo your Kael.

Maybe you are right about changing gear but - I'm doing all keeps on 15, mino 15, most of other dungeons on 18-20 and I'm gold IV 3199 arena hard stuck so...unno where that could help.

CB a little bit I guess.
Oct 18, 2019, 20:1910/18/19

I am like you, I have 5,4 and even a 3* on my Kael. And I am happy with it. I am quite picky with the substats so sometimes I even put green gear.

I hear player j but some of us don't have 6 month of farming to allow us to chose between 10 leg gear according to the substats. For Vrask for example, my crit are way to high, 117%, and that when my gloves are only lvl12 4*... So I am looking for gloves with life% from the critic set, and if the substats are crits or def, even if they are green I will replace my epic ones. 
Oct 20, 2019, 05:2010/20/19

MadCo0kie said:

Go ahead and use a dice-rolling algorithm where the number of sides equals the amount of factions - ignore different accessory types for now - set a test case of e.g. 100 rolls and see what comes up - I would guess we generally do more than those 100 tries - if our results differ greatly from those of the algorithm, there surely is something else pulling strings within the system.

e.g. go here

Tried it once with a 13-sided die & 99 tries, see below the distribution:

1    10
2    11
3      6
4      7
5    10
6      6
7      8
8    11
9      4
10    9
11    7
12    4
13    6

OR use excel / openOffice / google spreadsheets and write it yourself


best make it dynamic:

set a die side parameter as well as a rolls parameter

=Randbetween(1,sideParam) is your die roll

=row() counts your roll (deduct X if you don't start in row 1)

drag down the formulas for as many rolls as you want to do

if you want to see in which areas the specific rolls are in, make a heat map

     A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N

1 | 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

2 | 10

3 | 20

4 | 30

5 | 40

6 | 50

7 | 60

8 | 70

9 | 80


=countifs(array of roll count, ">"&$A1,array of roll count, "<="&$A2, array of roll result,A$1) <-- enter this formula to fill all cells within the grid above

From a dev perspective I can completely understand their approach - they are trying to push us players into a situation where we have awesome accessories but no champs so we might consider getting more shards for a chance to finally get one - nonetheless the stupid argument of completely random is wrong! Hence stop using it left and right!

Hey Hey

I am quite impressed by this, I have forwarded your point on.

Good luck and have fun