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Live arena sucks

Live arena sucks

Apr 13, 2023, 22:1304/13/23

A lot of time, this is a very cool thing, live arena. A breath of fresh air for people at the top that must have been stuck doing the same content over and over again. It is just very exclusive to them and it sucks. It's like clan boss or hydra but there is only ultra nightmare difficulty

this is again where I would refer to the screenshot I posted above, indicating this is a temporary issue :)

Apr 13, 2023, 22:1804/13/23

Got back from work in time to have 4 games, 3 against level 100 and one against a level 98, won 2 out of 4, doesn't matter how good someones champs are if they don't get a go. Also after a week or so, most of the good players will move up the tiers. My only bugbear is the times, work long hours and will pretty much be grabbing a couple or so battles a day. So sucks for me and others like me. 

Apr 13, 2023, 23:0004/13/23

It's to slow and tedious for my liking, got enough crap in game that takes time to do as it is, here's another chore to add to the list.

Apr 14, 2023, 06:2304/14/23

You are always going to meet stronger opponents in world arena, but losing is an opportunity for learning, especially in terms of seeing which champs to ban outright in future, for example, but also to see which combos might be useful for you to tap into. No one here won all the existing PvE or PvP content the moment they started the game - there was a learning curve and a progression path. Live arena is no different.

Apr 14, 2023, 06:3204/14/23

Is there even a way to create such a balanced loop that the match would go on for 30min?

We banned each others georgids and i timed out picking my second nuker (i was trying to decide on a bomb champ or straight nuker)

The game picked mountain king for me, and there is no way he can break through the duchess/siphi/pythion the opponent had to protect their nuker.

Apr 14, 2023, 10:0504/14/23

Is there, in any phrase, that i said i want easy opponents? Or that the people i am up against have the same champs as me?

You need to learn how to read man, i said i want to be against people around my level, not people that are obviously superior cuz they spent more than 3y in the game. ANd for that, the matchmaking needs to take player level, the easiest unit of measure, into account. So newer players can enjoy the new hyped content without getting beaten into pulp by players that are unarguably better equipped. 

Perhaps with time there will be a stablished hierarchy, but still will be very inconsistent. So i brought up a possible solution to allow players to have some fun in matches that are around their level instead of stats check ultra stomps.

Is that clearer now?

Actually you just need to read what you by yourself wrote in capital letters.

I actually can read and even write without screaming and insulting other people in my writings. You should additionally consider that the Account level does not say much about the power level in arena and would be another source of frustration. As an example, I pulled a Nehkret, Draco and a Trunda very early in one of my secondary accounts. The level was below 20 at this point and with these champs I was able to pulverize everybody up to Gold arena in Classic while being below level 50...Player level does not say much....

Apr 15, 2023, 14:5504/15/23

You are always going to meet stronger opponents in world arena, but losing is an opportunity for learning, especially in terms of seeing which champs to ban outright in future, for example, but also to see which combos might be useful for you to tap into. No one here won all the existing PvE or PvP content the moment they started the game - there was a learning curve and a progression path. Live arena is no different.

The only thing one can learn from a match against a team where u die in 1 hit from a single champion, ex hepraak, is that the gear difference is too big to even consider skill. Its just stat rolling

Apr 15, 2023, 15:0704/15/23

Actually you just need to read what you by yourself wrote in capital letters.

I actually can read and even write without screaming and insulting other people in my writings. You should additionally consider that the Account level does not say much about the power level in arena and would be another source of frustration. As an example, I pulled a Nehkret, Draco and a Trunda very early in one of my secondary accounts. The level was below 20 at this point and with these champs I was able to pulverize everybody up to Gold arena in Classic while being below level 50...Player level does not say much....

Yet your pandering wasnt, at all, insulting, with all your assumptions about my expectations, putting words into my mouth and sh*t, right? If you throw stones, be ready to have stones thrown at you.

Yeah, there is a great degree of luck in consideration to for a gatcha game. And there will be people like you, with their ass up to the moon in luck and it is what it is. But the thing is, you are an exception, if those kinds of immense luck happening everytime to everyone or, at least, the great majority, plarium would go broke.

You are right that player level cant measure with exactitude the power of a roster from a player. But it is, as i said, the simplest unit of measure. It doesnt need to be stated that, with more gameplay time, which can be roughly estimated by the account level, as you did so accurately with me, the chances of having more of the meta heroes + more BiS (in case you dont know, this stands for Best in Slot) equipment, silver, upgrades, glyphs etc, is way higher. It is simple statistics. 

Unless someone has monumental bad luck in all this time playing, so that person would be, like you who pulled nehkret, draco and tundra before lv 20 in A SECONDARY ACCOUNT, an exception. 

So, can you read this?

Apr 15, 2023, 15:2204/15/23

i agree with the level difference, its absolutely absurd, im really surprised that the only answer we got given on this topic was wait for it to even its self out, basically its a free pass for all higher level players in live arena now where everyone whos level 80 and lower is at a massive disadvantage as you can be paired against literal gods, they should have found a way to balance this beore they launched it instead of shoving some half assed product in front of us, the level difference applies to regular arena and tag to, why allow level 100s to sit in bottom gold ranks to farm etc, we dont have a rank system, we have a system where everyone tries for 2 days to push tier and hold it or 2 days to get the rewards then everyone purposely drops back into lower ranks, makes arena literally suck, all 3 of them.

Apr 15, 2023, 15:2804/15/23

What part about patience are you people not getting? Wait a few weeks for those players to rise up in ranks. 

Apr 15, 2023, 15:3204/15/23

also reading other comments about people saying level difference is not a big issue, ur pairing people who could be literally wearing 4-5 star gear vs people who most probably have BIS gear, even in regular arena all were given to base anything off is player power which is grossly misleading as we all know, i think its time plarium stepped up its game with the pvp side of thinbs since this is their 3rd attempt of making pvp content, allowinng people to see actual stats and gear of their opponents in classic and tag arena so they can make a fair and balanced decision if people are just camping lower ranks for free points, and actually start applying character level into its match making rather than literally useless statistics known as power level.

Apr 15, 2023, 15:3304/15/23

What part about patience are you people not getting? Wait a few weeks for those players to rise up in ranks. 

so until then level 100s get a free pass being paired against level 50s? the only solution that gives anyone is if ur lvl 100 ur laughing, if ur under level 80 ur going to get shit on for the next few weeks, thats not really a solution is it? thats just a cover up off crap developement and not thinking it through before they launched it.

Apr 15, 2023, 15:3904/15/23

What part about patience are you people not getting? Wait a few weeks for those players to rise up in ranks. 

also while im at it, what does this actually achieve in the long run? all high level players will just start to camp lower ranks for easier points just like tag and regular arena, plarium needs to base player level into its match making peroid,  its just common sense.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:0904/15/23

Yet your pandering wasnt, at all, insulting, with all your assumptions about my expectations, putting words into my mouth and sh*t, right? If you throw stones, be ready to have stones thrown at you.

Yeah, there is a great degree of luck in consideration to for a gatcha game. And there will be people like you, with their ass up to the moon in luck and it is what it is. But the thing is, you are an exception, if those kinds of immense luck happening everytime to everyone or, at least, the great majority, plarium would go broke.

You are right that player level cant measure with exactitude the power of a roster from a player. But it is, as i said, the simplest unit of measure. It doesnt need to be stated that, with more gameplay time, which can be roughly estimated by the account level, as you did so accurately with me, the chances of having more of the meta heroes + more BiS (in case you dont know, this stands for Best in Slot) equipment, silver, upgrades, glyphs etc, is way higher. It is simple statistics. 

Unless someone has monumental bad luck in all this time playing, so that person would be, like you who pulled nehkret, draco and tundra before lv 20 in A SECONDARY ACCOUNT, an exception. 

So, can you read this?


That goes for everyone, but chill, please.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:1104/15/23
Apr 15, 2023, 16:11(edited)

also while im at it, what does this actually achieve in the long run? all high level players will just start to camp lower ranks for easier points just like tag and regular arena, plarium needs to base player level into its match making peroid,  its just common sense.

This take on classic/tag is inacccurate, but would also make zero sense for Live Arena. You can't get any of the best rewards camping in lower tiers. This includes the champion fragments, building your Area Bonuses in any feasible time period and getting the better/best chests from getting wins in Live Arena.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:2004/15/23

also reading other comments about people saying level difference is not a big issue, ur pairing people who could be literally wearing 4-5 star gear vs people who most probably have BIS gear, even in regular arena all were given to base anything off is player power which is grossly misleading as we all know, i think its time plarium stepped up its game with the pvp side of thinbs since this is their 3rd attempt of making pvp content, allowinng people to see actual stats and gear of their opponents in classic and tag arena so they can make a fair and balanced decision if people are just camping lower ranks for free points, and actually start applying character level into its match making rather than literally useless statistics known as power level.

Going to reply to this and your other post in one:

To some degree, the vast majority of players who are participating in Live Arena right now are dealing with the same or similar issues. I am running into players I wouldn't challenge in Gold 5 because they're running Plat teams. I expect this to get better over time, per the screenshot I posted above.

As to showing stats/ No, no, no. This just reduces any edge in Arena and would be silly and would remove the advantage of having accumulated knowledge/experience. A lot of what we can expect to face can be predicted through our experience in Arena and it's up to us to get better at recognization. This holds especially true in classic/tag where we have the attackers advantage, being able to make dynamic decisions versus static AI teams that can't make adjustments.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:2004/15/23

This take on classic/tag is inacccurate, but would also make zero sense for Live Arena. You can't get any of the best rewards camping in lower tiers. This includes the champion fragments, building your Area Bonuses in any feasible time period and getting the better/best chests from getting wins in Live Arena.

Just a curiosity, why some extremely high level arena roster pops up in lower ranks every now and then? 

Like, i'm gold 5 and its weird the contrast between the teams. There are some dream teams and there are people with 1 hero lv 1. Why?

Apr 15, 2023, 16:2004/15/23

This take on classic/tag is inacccurate, but would also make zero sense for Live Arena. You can't get any of the best rewards camping in lower tiers. This includes the champion fragments, building your Area Bonuses in any feasible time period and getting the better/best chests from getting wins in Live Arena.

its not, everyone drops to gold 5 to farm and in the last 2 days beore arena resets everyone puts a defence line in and pushes rank up to get the higher tier reward, then when rewards collected they drop again. and if we keep the same system people in live arena will eventually be doing this to, character level should be based into match making, im not saying it should be the sole thing we use to match make but when we have situations such a lvl 50s fighting level 100s in live arena clearly the system is not working.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:2104/15/23
Apr 15, 2023, 16:22(edited)

its not, everyone drops to gold 5 to farm and in the last 2 days beore arena resets everyone puts a defence line in and pushes rank up to get the higher tier reward, then when rewards collected they drop again. and if we keep the same system people in live arena will eventually be doing this to, character level should be based into match making, im not saying it should be the sole thing we use to match make but when we have situations such a lvl 50s fighting level 100s in live arena clearly the system is not working.

These are not the same concepts, in the slightest. There's no single man defenses to farm endlessly, for one. 

For the most part, account level is a lazy approach. You are going to run into a wide range of account strength at level ~80, just the same as 100. 

Apr 15, 2023, 16:2204/15/23

Just a curiosity, why some extremely high level arena roster pops up in lower ranks every now and then? 

Like, i'm gold 5 and its weird the contrast between the teams. There are some dream teams and there are people with 1 hero lv 1. Why?

people who put 1 man defence lines up do it so u push them down the rank, the more down the ranks they go the easier for it is for them to farm medals, then 2 days beore arena resets they push rank back up and put a real defence line in, this is why u randomly see a guy with 700k team power in bottom of gold ranks now and again.