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Different damage count!

Different damage count!

Mar 20, 2023, 12:2103/20/23

Different damage count!

When the Doom tower reset today I started the mission to score 75m damage in nightmare in one day. It shows 17.86m damage so far but in the missions tab it's only got 5.5m.

Am I doing something wrong?

Mar 20, 2023, 12:5003/20/23
Mar 20, 2023, 12:52(edited)

Sometimes it takes time to update. maybe even log out and log back in.  Also, did you fully wait for the reset?  Just because it's time for the reset doesn't mean it's actually reset.  I've had to wait up to ten minutes past reset time for a fresh slate

Mar 20, 2023, 12:5803/20/23

Sometimes it's a bit slow to update, from what I've seen over the past couple years. 

Mar 20, 2023, 13:3503/20/23

It' was definitely after the reset, it's counted the first battle but not the next one. Over two hours now and it hasn't updated the count. Problem I have is it's time restricted, I have to do the mission in  1 day.

Mar 20, 2023, 15:1003/20/23

Sometimes it's a bit slow to update, from what I've seen over the past couple years. 

It's wrongly adding the score from ultra- nightmare not nightmare. I accidentally did ultra. I've done 25 m in nightmare and 5.5m in ultra but the mission is showing the results from ultra not nightmare.

I'm running out of time can anything be done?

Mar 20, 2023, 15:1203/20/23

Right, well...not to be a spoil-sport, but you can still do it tomorrow.  It's not like it a limited time offer, the only restriction is that you only have the 24 hour between resets to do it.  It's frustrating, I get it.  I've never had it happen to me this long...I think my longest was like 30 minutes or so.  I wish you luck though.  Just remember that you can still try it tomorrow.  Just keep plugging away.

Mar 20, 2023, 15:2203/20/23

Right, well...not to be a spoil-sport, but you can still do it tomorrow.  It's not like it a limited time offer, the only restriction is that you only have the 24 hour between resets to do it.  It's frustrating, I get it.  I've never had it happen to me this long...I think my longest was like 30 minutes or so.  I wish you luck though.  Just remember that you can still try it tomorrow.  Just keep plugging away.

I won't have enough keys to do it tomorrow after using some today. I need more than 4 keys to do 75 m damage in a day.

The problem is it's adding the wrong score to the mission, it should be adding the nightmare score not ultra nightmare.