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Yet Another Fusion Thread: The how and why this event made everyone angry.

Yet Another Fusion Thread: The how and why this event made everyone angry.

Jul 17, 2019, 12:4607/17/19

One constructive feedback for you cirilla : do f2p events, just that.

Jul 17, 2019, 13:2407/17/19
Jul 17, 2019, 18:36(edited)

I always try to stay polite and be constructive when communicating with people and very rarely have I crossed that line. So I do apologize if it feels like I am picking on CMs, but...

There is a huge difference between handling a problematic situation with unhappy customers (rightfully so) and just shutting them down with bans and threats, when a bunch of new promises (yet even more, see the link provided by CM) and some mumbling about  the better things in life do not work. It is very poor practice. 

The way the fusion was portrayed, and how it was set and presented to the players is a psychological monetization trick. And there is no second meaning to that. So here are a couple of constructive suggestions. :) Before launching such shady things have a decent plan how to manage them afterwards, when "feedback" will hit the fan. (Kinda reading that between the lines of the CMs new post.) And if your team of CM and mods do not have enough experience or psychological strength to defuse such situation ( instead of escalating them) and handle negative feedback, then your company decitions should not lead to it. Or just hire a new team of lambs to the slaughter and keep on going as planned, till the revenue drops. 

P.S. By "rather difficult" they mean "too expensive". ;)

Jul 17, 2019, 14:1907/17/19

so no fixing on the current event ?

increasing drop rate in spider and fire giant ?

maybe give those people who could not get centurion shards so they can complete the event.

i mean i have centurion, cause i stored enough shards, but many are not that lucky. and what are 3 golden shards for you, that only have a drop rate of 6% ? see it as marketing. first u solve the issue with the event, 2nd you may get people addicted to those shards and sell some more (if they actually had a reasonable price, which they dont have)

i just need the damn rotten mage and i run the dungeon for the 4th day now... fckn increase the drop rate. thats not difficulty... i do what needs to be done to get it but i just dont get it... what a fun event ... (work with increasing drop rates per try, so that there is a maximum of must do runs)
Jul 17, 2019, 16:5007/17/19
Very unhappy at the moment. I spent tons of Mo year on this game, trying to get a legendary champ. I bought several gold gems, and have won several with achievements, about 13 all in all. I also bought about 15 void crystals... and with all of them, I have only won one legendary, and with the void crystals, I got 95% rare. The rewards just don’t match the money spent. With the Foli event, I thought , great, hear is a chance to work hard to get a legendary. I spent money, spent hours ( about 15 hours a day grinding) o oh to find the last couple of events unachievable. Or, you need to spend again tons of money to get the crystals to summon champions to get points for the champion. I am also at that point of saying....ENOUGH
Jul 18, 2019, 02:4807/18/19
I've farmed FK for 5 days and not a single RM.
Jul 18, 2019, 08:2107/18/19

yea, still no RM here either. and now another event starts where I cant participate cause I still need to try and get this damn mage. great move plarium. great move.

why dont you increase the drop rate already! this aint funny anymore
Jul 27, 2019, 10:0307/27/19
Got him at least. Only approx. 300 runs. Easy. 
Jul 30, 2019, 13:1807/30/19

I think the event was fine.

i was yeeted by the centurio too, but that was due to lack of planning, 

so yh, we both got yeeted, and it's ok