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Speed tuning not working - am I missing something?

Speed tuning not working - am I missing something?

Apr 12, 2019, 07:4904/12/19

Speed tuning not working - am I missing something?

So i recently decided to fix my turn order so Gorgorab goes before Elhain.  I have mine now at 156 speed with no special turn meter conditions (masteries, other champion abilities, artifacts, etc).  Elhain is at 154 speed yet without fail in arena and campaign Elhain is taking the first turn, not sure why.... Gorgorab has 1x speed and 2x life and Elhain has 3x offense and I haven't gotten past the first two levels of masteries but I double checked and the ones I have do not have anything to do with speed or turn meter.

Before I drop billions of silver on artifacts again to get their speed figured out I thought I would ask around and see if anyone had any ideas or if anyone has experienced similar problems?

Unless speed works differently in this game or type (attack/support/etc) affects turn order in some way I'm lost.  Thanks in advance!

Apr 12, 2019, 08:4704/12/19

gorgo has 97 base spd, so 97 + 156 is stil less than elhain with 107 base spd

if you mean total spd of 156 and 154 and you use gogro as leader, keep in mind that leader skill increaces stats according to base stats, so gogro gets 22,3 bonus spd from leader skill, elhaim gets 24,6 ... and that's more than 2, so elhain moves 1st cause with leader skill of gorgo, elahain is at 178,6, but gorgo is only at 178,3
Apr 12, 2019, 09:0104/12/19

Haha I new it was gonna be something stupid obvious.  The leader skill is whats doing it, I was also remembering wrong it was only in arena where Elhain went first.  

Thanks lol
Dec 28, 2019, 16:2412/28/19


I have similar issue. I have Kael with 168 speed (base+artefacts+masteries), and Zargala with 173 speed. In dungeon first is Zargala after that is Kael, but in the arena Kael hit first. Kael is not lead in arena team. Do i miss something?
Dec 29, 2019, 13:1412/29/19

Jaélyn said:

So i recently decided to fix my turn order so Gorgorab goes before Elhain.  I have mine now at 156 speed with no special turn meter conditions (masteries, other champion abilities, artifacts, etc).  Elhain is at 154 speed yet without fail in arena and campaign Elhain is taking the first turn, not sure why.... Gorgorab has 1x speed and 2x life and Elhain has 3x offense and I haven't gotten past the first two levels of masteries but I double checked and the ones I have do not have anything to do with speed or turn meter.

Before I drop billions of silver on artifacts again to get their speed figured out I thought I would ask around and see if anyone had any ideas or if anyone has experienced similar problems?

Unless speed works differently in this game or type (attack/support/etc) affects turn order in some way I'm lost.  Thanks in advance!

Hi Jaélyn,

do you put Gorgorab how leader? If you put him how leader remember about his speed aura wich add more speed to other champions in the team so for this reasons Elhain start before the Gorgorab.