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(Champion Spotlight) Holiday Fusion Event 2019

(Champion Spotlight) Holiday Fusion Event 2019

Dec 14, 2019, 11:2112/14/19
Dec 14, 2019, 11:23(edited)

Here you go guy, you whole community & content creators are disappointed :

I agree with ChoseN, it's a void legendary, it should be hard to get BUT it was wrongly integrated into the game.
It's part of an event for Christmas why introduce him now ?

Go for something we can praise you about... Not this joke of an event.
It is as simple as this : not everyone can participate. So you are just giving a middle finger to a huge part of your playerbase.

Dec 14, 2019, 14:3912/14/19

i hope both scrodg and krampus wisit plarium. this is for paying players and also not for the normal players that plays betven 2.5-8 h a day becous only to fix the lv up event you nead to play around the kl evry day until the event is over nice math. it is far from last nice rainbeast and saint nicolas event wher you also had alot of time to preper and that lasted longer the treshold was alot lowe and most players coud atleast get one of the higer rewards if not the higest the event is only doibel for thos ho hawe sawd a hal yers of shards potion and brews and chikens. the best ods for geting this hero whoud be if you hapend to so lucky as to have al heros alredy preperd and that ods is lower then one percent. this is also the 5 event in a row that is only for paying players. and it is not in the spirit of crismes they are not genurus i senserly erdg evry player that plays a plarium game to lower the ranking on it in the shop that seams to be the only way to get them to understand that this is not aceptibel. they are gona nead to chang the event ore compensait evry player as they newer have compensaited player befor i am gona raid the game out until 5 of january if they havent done anything befor that i am out of the game for god. it shoudent mater wher a game is product but aperently it do so god work isrel and god work plarium this event takes the word gread to a new lv i have started loking on ader games and most seam farer in terms of juse. may sudgestion for compensation al the shards neaded to compleat this years event and a monthly reminder whid next years fusion event and heros neade markt so that players can save up for it to next year if it is actuly going to be a next year for this game cheating players on good holydays event is normaly a deathsentens in the game world and know they did it whid both halowen/harvest festival and crismes ther scor in shop is alredy going down from 5 to 4.5 in a coupel of days i hop it gos down to 1 so they are not wisebel any more and cant heart mor pepol until thay have rebuilt ther name agen

Dec 14, 2019, 14:5412/14/19
may friends in may guild say that they are only going to do the basik neade for dayly and also scip this years event in its curent form and we recomend evry new member to do the same curently 23 player in ouer clan thats 23 pepol  plarium count evry player in evry clan as posibel reciver of that mesedg.
Dec 14, 2019, 16:2012/14/19

Plarium went along a very curved path. Champion is good - I can’t say anything (especially in the arena in defense - freeze all kinds of high-speed ones), but to introduce it in such a fusion with the 4 epic voids and extremely P2W events (one dragon, one spider, but the replenishment of the collection and the mass calls, which are essentially the same ...  my respect.) it is sad. For this reason, I have already dropped Deck Heroes - cool heroes are avaible only for real (or turn the tickets by the skin of your teeth (which are also paid) and you’ll never beat them with ordinary (non-paid) heroes.

Hegemon to you all with Crisk to the heap.

Dec 14, 2019, 18:0312/14/19

 The ones who decide how to make the events we get, really do not have any idea how to plan an event, how the events should work what should be the level to obtain the reward from the event.

 Is like those guys who makes the events wants us to quit the game or to just ignore the events cuz we will know we will get crap events.

 The game is amazing and it should won the Google Award but it didn't cuz you guys made this game to be 2 much of a P2W gam.

Instead to draw more players, to increase the base of players by having friendly events were the rewards aren't so extremely hard to get, you guys make the current players lose interest in this game and for new players to not give a chance to this game and just quit after a few days or so on...

I could talk for hours and hours how an event should be planed but there is no point, nobody will care about what we have to say...

 I played many games but i never saw in any other games, events worst then in this game. Not even the current events are balanced cuz you need 2 many points to finish the event, but i do not think is even possible for most of us to reach to the half of the events with points. plus that the rewards are crap.

 The events in this game needs to be balanced to be slightly more accessible.

For the Holiday Fusion Event 2019 i`m really speechless cuz what you need for the Fusion is 2 hard to get even as a P2W. I`m just curious how many will be able to do this Fusion.

 Anyway i was expecting some awesome Christmas events to start in the game as in many other games started already but it seems we will only get crap things...

Dec 14, 2019, 18:1112/14/19

Hello Raiders!

It's that time of the year!

And as a MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT to all of you...

We are asking our YOU to pay US with another pay-to-win only fusion!

Hooray! What could be more fun??

Dec 14, 2019, 18:3812/14/19
I see they are going for the Krampus event this year where everybody gets something for small price of their soul.
Dec 15, 2019, 13:5912/15/19
Dec 18, 2019, 15:47(edited)

To the dev's

I've spent about $400 on this game, have yet to get a legendary.  Rips. Change my mind.

Be happy to spend my money elsewhere. Will uninstall and move to other games if this not addressed
Dec 16, 2019, 07:3112/16/19
The artifact enhancement event just dropped, 5160 points for a rare. What a slap in the face, wake up to yourselves plarium.
Dec 16, 2019, 10:4512/16/19

Hi guys, I know some people will don't like what i will say but actually i'm free to play player, i'm playing during 4months. You can't said the fusion is impossible. It is for really new players but for 3 month players who played regulary to the game is not. Yes it's hard for a chrismas event, yes i'm not really happy they included a new champ arena for this event. I would prefer a champ who was already in the game to do clan boss, dungeon or something really helfull for a free to play account. 

Yes the summon event is hard but you could really prepare for it, i  bought mistery shard in market every day during near one month and i can drop the rare for the fusion just with that. I can one shot the two artefact event, i will got rare with champ training easily, ofc the epic is not for me but is it not normal if you pay you will do the fusion easily? if in free to play you can got all rare is good thats all. I got enought pink potion to perfect all the rare all the epic cause i prepare all the type of potion for this event (something like 160 smalls, 144 mediums, and 24 big of each type, a bit less for grey potion)

I keep gems during the last event maybe a bit more, and for player like me you got the missions in raid who can give you lot of gems, energy boost xp for prepare an event like this ! 

You just want to got every reward easily in the first time, now, in one day. OFC this wont happened. Just work with your patience ! The only one who can complain is player less than 2-3 months, and is a bit sad for a chrismas event, i guess they should give a legendary "starter" easily to help people who really start the game, but actually this fusion event is not impossible for free to play. And don't forget you are the only one who contribute to a pay to win, if you stop give 100, 200, 400 euros cause you want every things and you are frustrate stop cry when the politic of this game go in this direction. 

Now you can insult me if you want talk more and more. I go to do the fusion slowly, step by stem just with rare, bye

Dec 16, 2019, 13:0512/16/19

Cereal said:

Hi guys, I know some people will don't like what i will say but actually i'm free to play player, i'm playing during 4months. You can't said the fusion is impossible. It is for really new players but for 3 month players who played regulary to the game is not. Yes it's hard for a chrismas event, yes i'm not really happy they included a new champ arena for this event. I would prefer a champ who was already in the game to do clan boss, dungeon or something really helfull for a free to play account. 

Yes the summon event is hard but you could really prepare for it, i  bought mistery shard in market every day during near one month and i can drop the rare for the fusion just with that. I can one shot the two artefact event, i will got rare with champ training easily, ofc the epic is not for me but is it not normal if you pay you will do the fusion easily? if in free to play you can got all rare is good thats all. I got enought pink potion to perfect all the rare all the epic cause i prepare all the type of potion for this event (something like 160 smalls, 144 mediums, and 24 big of each type, a bit less for grey potion)

I keep gems during the last event maybe a bit more, and for player like me you got the missions in raid who can give you lot of gems, energy boost xp for prepare an event like this ! 

You just want to got every reward easily in the first time, now, in one day. OFC this wont happened. Just work with your patience ! The only one who can complain is player less than 2-3 months, and is a bit sad for a chrismas event, i guess they should give a legendary "starter" easily to help people who really start the game, but actually this fusion event is not impossible for free to play. And don't forget you are the only one who contribute to a pay to win, if you stop give 100, 200, 400 euros cause you want every things and you are frustrate stop cry when the politic of this game go in this direction. 

Now you can insult me if you want talk more and more. I go to do the fusion slowly, step by stem just with rare, bye

1. they need to give prizes for those who win the global tournaments.

2. they need to allow purchases to attain the fusion.  e.g. only void xp brews and only void shards.

3. they need to get rid of the time constrained purchase deals so even the whales get deals to keep them happy.

4. they should of never displayed their roadmap.  It will never be implemented in time.  Or even in a quality manner.

You keep defending this company while you have your blinders on, and work on your spelling and grammar.
Dec 16, 2019, 14:5312/16/19
I'm talking about the possibility to do this fusion when you are free to play. Nothing more, you got another topic to arguments about road map and decision about prizes tournament etc ;)
Dec 18, 2019, 04:2212/18/19

I really like the game and have spent money enjoying it. People play games for fun and challenge but when the challenge become a chore and all about how much money will the customer spend, you start to feel like it's geared towards a few and it loses the fun.This fusion event is ridiculous and unattainable for far too many. You all are slowly pushing people away.

I understand that every company has to make a profit but but doing it in a responsible and positive way that benefits both the customer and business is the way to go for longevity. How much profit is enough?