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What did Plarium do?

What did Plarium do?

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Mar 2, 2017, 17:5403/02/17

What did Plarium do?

Leaders and Advisors, please check your statistics and sort your BH's Offence and Defence, losses and gains with losses on top.

Out of nowhere, 95% of our members have a loss for last week and some are inactives... 

It is not possible for them to have lost any Offence and this is across the board, Offence and Defence.

So Plarium, did you lower a bonus without telling the players? Rhetorical...

If reading this and not a leader or advisor, please contact your BH's leadership to check your BH's statistics, now.

Please post here if this involves every Brother Hood or not.

Thanks, Az

Mar 2, 2017, 19:1103/02/17

azhaarlaghari said:

Out of nowhere, 95% of our members have a loss for last week and some are inactives... 

It is not possible for them to have lost any Offence and this is across the board, Offence and Defence.

So Plarium, did you lower a bonus without telling the players? Rhetorical...

Not without telling us.

Since there is already a topic on that subject (the one I linked), I'll close this one. Please, continue your discussion there.

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