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Server is messed up

Server is messed up

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May 6, 2017, 20:1805/06/17

Server is messed up

When I log in the game I got a pop up that says copy and send to support. After that the game goes black. Can someone report this to support to get it fixed so we can play.
May 6, 2017, 20:4105/06/17

You can report it to the support, with the code that you copy from that window.

I'm trying to get a hold of whoever can fix it quickly.

May 6, 2017, 21:1305/06/17
my troops went missing cuz of this bug. sent out a whole load of offense to hit a target. the target is still there and my units are gone, not even in the list of the pirate stronghold.
May 6, 2017, 21:5505/06/17
May 6, 2017, 21:56(edited)

Still not fixed and is worse, game is unplayable and has cost me opportunity and other losses.  And ya I know the corporate line on that..,.

When will it be fixed.  Why do you have to look for someone, the tech dept all take the weekend off?

AND yes did send ticket as the pop up requested, that took several tries also.
May 6, 2017, 22:4805/06/17
Seems to be working fine now, but I have no official confirmation. Be extra careful for a while longer and if you suffered any losses because of this (i.e., MannyMo, if your troops don't reappear), contact the Support.
May 7, 2017, 02:0105/07/17
Still messed up here, getting reports from BH members and friends asking what is wrong with the game today.  Hope they don't close this topic out until we know if its fixed.
May 7, 2017, 02:4805/07/17

Crowbar said:

You can report it to the support, with the code that you copy from that window.

I'm trying to get a hold of whoever can fix it quickly.

So ya, filed the bloody report.  Nice response regarding my 2777 units hung in transit, be back to you within 60 hours.  What am I supposed to do in the mean time with 1.6 million of off gone, cannot scout, means cannot raid, means i loose minimum of 2.5 days of play and more because I have never gotten a response within 60 hours or less

PLARIUM knew there was a problem and should have warned or notified players

lost top 10 opportunity i've been working on all week

lost resources and who knows how many units by the time this is over

and yes I know, you are not responsible........

Maybe Plarium should pay for weekend help to keep an eye on things

May 7, 2017, 07:3805/07/17
the same for me: impossible to play
May 7, 2017, 09:2505/07/17

Over 15 hours maybe longer and it is still messed up.

This is a complete and utter lack of respect for your clients.  And another example of Plariums lack of communication and care.
May 7, 2017, 10:0305/07/17

Instead of making new tournaments, Plarium should run the game ... every time there is a new problem ...

May 7, 2017, 15:1205/07/17

Same here, my attack fleet is parked at the target and has been for hours, stopping me from being able to attack and carry on in the tournament today. I couldn't play much yesterday either because of all the bugs then. 

Not a great weekend... seems a bit pointless holding a tournament if players can't actually take part in it because of the errors...


May 7, 2017, 18:1705/07/17
May 7, 2017, 18:22(edited)

Reading a couple other topic here, stuck troops etc, This problem has been going on for 3 weeks and people are still waiting for solutions and to be held whole. 

This is beyond ridiculous. 

And as of yet, as they saw the problem ripple through the system they have not issued any warnings, told anyone about it or apparently fixed some of the early players who still have units stuck.  Only users frustrated postings here is one aware of the faulty nature of this game.

What kind of company and its leadership believes this is the way to treat anyone let alone paying customers.

Stop being cowards and own up to programing bugs,  incompetent public relations  and  give players a chance and make this right.

May 7, 2017, 20:4105/07/17

Disclaimer: I write this personally, as a player, completely unrelated to my mod status.

divert.ido said:

What kind of company and its leadership believes this is the way to treat anyone let alone paying customers.

Please, don't get this the wrong way, I'm on your side here. The answer is: the kind of company that is getting away for it for years now. After the first 3 or 4 times that I thought "there's no way the players will swallow it and keep paying", I realised that they/we will.

It might be frustrating for you, it sure is bewildering to me, but after playing this game for over 3.5 years, through all the nonsense and all the bugs (hey, a "strategic" game where you don't get basic info on  how it works and the reports not working for over 1.5 years now!), I believe that Plarium is right about how they can treat us. It's sad, but they are right about that.

May 8, 2017, 00:4105/08/17

i not only have my fleet gone  but my galleons also are gone cause sent them right before raid and could not recall them after that so i gave away resources and havent been able to do chit for 2 days now 

May 8, 2017, 04:1805/08/17
same here, emails aren't gong out either. Had to call my cousin and have him attack me. Now he has no report and lost three daggers.
May 8, 2017, 04:2005/08/17
tried submitting a ticket, but doesn't says the location id I copied and pasted, per instructions, does not exist.
May 8, 2017, 05:4605/08/17
similar issues here.  seems as if company don't care.  maybe they will when I dispute charges.
May 8, 2017, 06:0605/08/17

I have units out since yesterday and nothing has returned can't even recall them.

It would be nice if y'all can remedy this ASAP. Thank you have a nice day

May 8, 2017, 08:1205/08/17
I was told that the devs are on it now. As the first step, they'll reboot the server which should unstuck your units. Please, watch your havens if you can, so your units don't stay in the open more than you want them to.
May 8, 2017, 09:2105/08/17

my units no in bunker, no in travel..... i miss in events, may-be you start new project manhattam?

p.s. i clean my browser before....
May 8, 2017, 09:5105/08/17

toluca said:

my units no in bunker, no in travel..... i miss in events, may-be you start new project manhattam?

The Support.

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