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server 2: troops missing, kicked out of my bh

server 2: troops missing, kicked out of my bh

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Apr 8, 2018, 23:4704/08/18

server 2: troops missing, kicked out of my bh

Yesterday, sun 08.04.18, I tried to play on server 2. When I saw my haeven, all my troups were gone and I didnt belong to my bh any longer. After writing with my leader I asked him to accept my new question to become a member again. When I was accepted in my same old bh a part of my troups came back for what reason ever, my level was the same as before.

But until now Im still missing many troups Ive had before.....

I do have pics.....

And I dont really know if you can help me here or what I should do. (Open a ticket....????????????????)
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 9, 2018, 09:4104/09/18

Hello, Captain!

We apologize for the inconveniences caused by this issue. Our developers are informed and are working hard to solve the issues as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Any news will be posted in this thread. I will close this topic. 

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