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Sketches missing in list in market

Sketches missing in list in market

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Dec 13, 2017, 23:3812/13/17

Sketches missing in list in market

In market i have problem what can not see and trade with some sketches, for example i manufacturing, naval engenering and some more discovery show me only to the #8 and i can not trade with 9,10,11,12 because not give me opinion for trade with them

So like leader of bh i can not help my crew members to get all type of discovery, always give me error when try to trade

Dec 20, 2017, 21:4312/20/17

Seems are resolved that problem for now after more then half of year...

Still have more than  one year problem with Wheel of Fortune, i have always same discount of 20 % on carpenter, what make i am not in same rank with other players what can buy things on random discount, like that i can not build haven improvements, fireship are too much expensive...on server Golden cost problem are resolved but on Siren's strait problem remains

Agent HelenTechnical Support
Dec 21, 2017, 10:3112/21/17

Hi, do you mean you always have 1 discount in the wheel of fortune? I have checked your account on the Siren's Trait server and see that in December you had different discounts and 20% off the carpenter was given only once on 16.12.2017.

Dec 21, 2017, 11:2112/21/17

Agent Helen said:

Hi, do you mean you always have 1 discount in the wheel of fortune? I have checked your account on the Siren's Trait server and see that in December you had different discounts and 20% off the carpenter was given only once on 16.12.2017.

Hello, thank you for respond and look at my haven and yes i always have same discount on carpenter, well sometimes change on 30% but is almost always on 20%, and this is more then one year

I make two screenshoot today, one is 5 minuts before finish discount on carpenter and other is start again same discount on 20% in next 24 hours, you have dates on right down corner so you can see it is always same discount and like leader of brotherhood make me difficult to play as other which can buy things on discount, like you see my wall stay unfinished have one year, don't want buy troops because of i don't want spend rubies on expensive things when other can buy on discount, i really hope you resolve finaly this problem, because i see you can do it, on Golden Cost back to work normal but here on Sirens Strait is stuck.

Thank you

Dec 22, 2017, 11:0712/22/17

One more screen shoot so you can't tell what work correct my wheel of fortune, it is every day same 

Agent HelenTechnical Support
Dec 22, 2017, 12:2312/22/17
Thank you for the screenshots. Sorry, previously I checked your island on server 2, but not on server 3. I have forwarded your issue to developers. 
Dec 22, 2017, 14:4012/22/17

Agent Helen said:

Thank you for the screenshots. Sorry, previously I checked your island on server 2, but not on server 3. I have forwarded your issue to developers. 

Thanks a lot, yes on server 2 problems are resolved before 2 month ago, so i hope they will resolve my problem on server 3, it is time already to start working

Thanks for help
Agent HelenTechnical Support
Dec 28, 2017, 09:1912/28/17
Hi, we have double checked your case and see that it is not a bug, as occasionally you still receive discounts on other items (for example on 18.11 you had a discount on Troops). 
Jan 8, 2018, 22:3301/08/18

Agent Helen said:

Hi, we have double checked your case and see that it is not a bug, as occasionally you still receive discounts on other items (for example on 18.11 you had a discount on Troops). 


And other 300-400 days i have discount of 20% on carpentner!!

I already have 3 carpentner and don't need one more

Like today, will send you every day screenshot until you not find solutions

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jan 9, 2018, 11:4601/09/18
This issue has already been reported to our developers earlier. You can be getting the same offer for some time if this offer has the bigger priority for your segment. Nevertheless, you always have a chance to receive other offers. This system is automatized and the same offer issue is not considered as a bug. Due to this, the topic will be closed.
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