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Progress Push Tourny simply disappeared

Progress Push Tourny simply disappeared

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Jun 30, 2018, 02:0806/30/18

Progress Push Tourny simply disappeared

After upgrading my harbor and fleet maneuvers

 Progress Push tournament  simply disappeared off the radar 

No points no reward 

How is this possible 

Is this a bug or another way Plarium has found to scam players ?

I got my reward for the same tournament in Total Domination So what is up with PTOF ?

Jun 30, 2018, 11:0106/30/18

While I cannot answer your question (tournaments shouldn't just disappear if you got any points), I remind you that upgrading your harbour would've done nothing for this tournament. Progress Push is about discoveries and pearls, not buildings (that would be Upgrade tournaments).

Are you absolutely certain that your Fleet Manoeuvres has finished upgrading before the tournament was over?

Jul 2, 2018, 04:4607/02/18

Ty Crowbar 

Yes Fleet Man upgraded  before the end of the tourny

You usually get a scrawl at the end of the tourny  

I never receive one of those either

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Jul 2, 2018, 11:3807/02/18

Kaptain Kidd said:

Ty Crowbar 

Yes Fleet Man upgraded  before the end of the tourny

You usually get a scrawl at the end of the tourny  

I never receive one of those either


Hello, Captain!

I have checked your account logs. According to our data, your upgrade was completed on June, 30. However, the Progress Push tournament had already finished at this time. This is why you have not received the points and thus the tournament was removed from your Events list. 

I have found in the logs that you used boosts for the upgrade. Please mind that you can check the exact date and time (local) when the upgrade will be completed. And make sure the upgrade will be complete within the active tournament to earn the points. 

Jul 5, 2018, 04:1307/05/18

How is this possible ?

Wed was June 27 and you are saying this upgrade was not completed till the 30th ?

The timer is showing 1 day 16 hrs till completion at 6;32 am if you are using the 24 hr clock 

Some ones math is way off here Agent Pavel

Please check you data again because something does not jive with what you are saying here

Thank you 
Jul 5, 2018, 06:0307/05/18

Kaptain Kidd, Agent Pavel's image just illustrates what one should be looking at. This progress bar is not of your discovery. Log files are a bunch of text lines, not images.

What he tried to explain here is that the time given as "(at )" is the (local) time when the discovery finishes, which is useful when boosting to finish before the end of some tournament. In his example, I'm guessing from his own test account or something similar, the discovery that he was upgrading would finish on Wed (likely yesterday, not 27th, as the screenshot was done by him on 2nd for the purpose of this topic) at 6:32:06 local time.

Unless you're deleting your reports, you should have one with Tinker, telling you when the discovery has finished upgrading (although, I don't remember when the tournament finished).