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Upgrade Etchings ... but how many do I need?

Upgrade Etchings ... but how many do I need?

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Aug 3, 2016, 11:1408/03/16

Upgrade Etchings ... but how many do I need?

Hiya guys,

I am relatively new to this game but I think i got the hang of it pretty quick, in part due to experiences out of previous games i played.

After searching the forum (and google!) for info about the upgrade etchings, it turned out there is no info on how many you need for each level regarding the different buildings.

Here is my question:

Do any of you (experienced) players have a list with how many etchings are needed for upgrading the different levels per building?

I would appreciate it if you can list them below in the reply section of this topic, so we can plan on how many etchings we will need to upgrade the buildings we plan on upgrading and start saving some rubies (or even buy the etchings already) to make sure we do not run into a stop when its time to start upgrading the buildings into the extra levels.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Aug 5, 2016, 10:1208/05/16
You can find the cost of upgrade etchings in the smugglers den under the resource tab. The cost of each building varies but to be able to use them you have to have all your buildings at level 20 first.  Until all required buildings are level 20 you won't be able to use etchings even if you have them.  As a reminder etchings are used to upgrade buildings past level 20 . Not all the buildings are capable of being upgraded. Once you've got all your buildings at level 20 each building will tell you the cost of exceeding level 20 in resources and etchings. Sorry though can't help with the cost of each building. Been slacking myself on getting all mine to 20.