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I know what I clicked

I know what I clicked

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Feb 12, 2018, 04:2902/12/18

I know what I clicked

So I reported a bug and  instead of researching it or fixing it you posted a link and told me it was impossible.  Good job.  Basically you gave me the finger.    Nice way to keep a customer.

So now maybe someone will research this instead of burying their head in the sand and telling me I did not see what I saw.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Feb 12, 2018, 09:3902/12/18

Hello, Captain!

We have investigated your case and the bug has not been confirmed. If you encounter the issue within the certain circumstances, then please provide us with the exact steps to reproduce the issue. In another case, the topic will be closed since any bugs related to the troops tracking system have not bee found. 

Here is an instruction how to report bugs.

Feb 12, 2018, 19:5002/12/18

masterkinkster, please allow me one explanation, but note that I'm not claiming that it must have happened. Only that it could have.

Your report was of a defensive adventure (which you've hit with your off, hence such high losses). Those adventures appear at the beginning of the prizes list, and can thus be easily misclicked when you try to go for the lowest prize (reasonably, but wrongly, clicking the first thing in the list).

Only you can know if that's what happened or not, but I don't have a better explanation.

Feb 14, 2018, 23:0202/14/18
I appreciate your explanation and considered that.  I am in the habit of double checking that I sent off to off and defense to defense.  I also am picky when I hit the adventures so by habit I never click the first  row.  I appreciate you taking the time to attempt to address this.  I am pretty sure that I clicked the right thing and it went to the wrong place.  There have been a lot of clicking issues since the last Flash update.
Feb 15, 2018, 00:5002/15/18

I can believe you, or not... it doesn't really matter, as I'm a player like yourself and I have no more power to influence this than you do. If it matters to you: I have no opinion on the subject, because I'm aware that I can't know the truth.

The problem here is that you're accusing the game client (a very unreliable and insanely glitchy part of the game that runs in your browser) and I just don't see how could the support agents verify the claim. They could believe blindly, of course, but then anyone else losing their units to a mistake could make the same claim as you did. They have to treat all the players equally.

This really has nothing to do with you being right or wrong. I simply see no way in which the agents could respond positively to your report, that couldn't be abused if applied in general.

The situation sucks, is what I'm saying. I have no solution that would make you happy.

Feb 15, 2018, 02:5202/15/18
I get that on some level.  It at least bears some investigation before being dismissed out of hand.