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Auto Clicker

Auto Clicker

30 июль 2021, 17:4430.07.21

Auto Clicker

Why are auto clickers allowed in competitions? Bonus points, take 1% health from Invader or Ghost x 2, no Invaders to be found because Auto Clickers wipe them out!

31 июль 2021, 08:5631.07.21

Hi EliKat!

Thank you for your feedback, I have forwarded it further👍

Have a great day!

2 авг. 2021, 14:0002.08.21

Thank You Ivar Marksman, hopefully something will be done about it.

Have a great day as well!

3 авг. 2021, 18:0903.08.21

The lack of invaders and ghosts is more likely because the circumstances have been created to make it so. 

I doubt very much that the shortage of targets is  down to auto clickers,they usually say it can't happen, but then it was also said the Titanic couldn't sink.

3 авг. 2021, 22:0803.08.21

Really? I once checked our battle report and although one of the members was offline, they were repeatedly attacking someone and losing, ...Coincidence? I doubt it!  Auto clickers do exist and they are being used and should not be allowed during competitions.

4 авг. 2021, 01:4904.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 01:58(отредактировано)

Maybe my point was too obscure.

As to clickers, you seem to know more about  them than I do, but if they exist as you suggest, they shouldnt be allowed at any time, competitions or not.

Only they can really know whats happening. 

 Irrespective of any  foul play,  a competition is a construct  which incentivizes attention,on  the invaders or ghosts, etc, which otherwise might be less or absent. 

4 авг. 2021, 12:0904.08.21

Hi Jarls! We generally do not recommend using third-party software. As for the clickers, we do not prohibit their use if it is not for the purpose of obtaining commercial benefits or any bonuses bypassing the logic we put into the game. 

Have a nice day! 🤗

4 авг. 2021, 12:3804.08.21

xyz, the only reason I know about them is because it was suggested to me to get one and run auto on invaders/ghosts , I declined, if i'm too lazy to play the game why bother playing at all. I was under the impression that an auto clicker is a software program and when used gives players an edge in competition.

5 авг. 2021, 11:4605.08.21
5 авг. 2021, 11:46(отредактировано)

Well thats me enlightened.

Clickers exist and they don't mind their use.

5 авг. 2021, 18:4505.08.21

That is the first time plarium has said that autoclickers are allowed - a flat contradiction of the in-game rules which say

"4.1. It is prohibited to use third-party software that directly or
indirectly interferes with the Game's code, influences it, or affects
the game process."

Well, it is plarium's game and they can allow or forbid whatever they like but questions of fair play and cheating have always been decided by public opinion and most gamers consider the use of autoclickers to be cheating - as I do.  Autoclickers are, unsurprisingly, not allowed in high level, big money play and I will continue not to use them and to regard as a cheat anyone who does.

6 авг. 2021, 03:2106.08.21

The  argue  about  autoclickers  is  not  valid  anymore  with  the  introduction  of  the  new  coins  system.  Now,  you  need  to  be  stuck  to  your  chair  24/7  to  be  able  to  compete.  You  have  to  lose  your  life  for  plarium  and  take  more  off-days  from  work,  or  possibly  go  to  work  but  not  sleep  at  all.  I  do  not  use  an  autoclicker  but  I  could  clearly  see  they  provide  a  needed  balance  to  allow  the  game  to  be  playable.

6 авг. 2021, 14:2606.08.21

I do not know if your point about clickers is valid especially with the introduction of the new coin system, mainly as I  cannot participate in it, as its only open to players in the higher leagues,nor have any knowledge of the operation of autoclickers.

It would seem that you are right about being stuck to the chair, I suppose the thinking is more people playing more of the time is a good way to get more spent.

9 авг. 2021, 10:3309.08.21

is there a limit to how many u can attack on at a time if it refreshed the invaders and ghost each time its cleared there will be more fights going on and more fun if it refreshed itself like the tasks

9 авг. 2021, 15:4409.08.21

Why would there be more fights going on if it did as you suggest?

14 авг. 2021, 13:4114.08.21

Yes I agree. Auto clickers should'nt be allowed.

17 авг. 2021, 23:4117.08.21

 If you have used an auto clicker you would know that they
are not all that you are making  them out
to be. They are not as reliable as you may think. And they do not do as much as
you think they do. The reason why there are no ghosts and invaders is because
everybody is one clicking them and that is not an auto clicker’s fault. Because
a auto clicker is not doing this players are. An auto clicker will only kill
what within the 30 mile radius before you have to move your city and start the
program over again. So a auto clicker is not good for this type for hunting.
Now you can write programs to do this for you. But they are slow and do not
kill ghosts Or Vader’s very fast. It would run no faster than as if you were
online. The place auto clickers are best for. Is Transforming resources in
strongholds? And moving resources between strongholds and cities. In cities and
cities. Not killing ghost and invaders.  Don’t get me wrong, it is used to hunt ghosts and invaders. But not in the way you’re complaining about  

18 авг. 2021, 05:0818.08.21

Really? I once checked our battle report and although one of the members was offline, they were repeatedly attacking someone and losing, ...Coincidence? I doubt it!  Auto clickers do exist and they are being used and should not be allowed during competitions.

I am sure you have to be online  to  use auto clicker or there would be no  

28 авг. 2021, 13:1428.08.21

That is the first time plarium has said that autoclickers are allowed - a flat contradiction of the in-game rules which say

"4.1. It is prohibited to use third-party software that directly or
indirectly interferes with the Game's code, influences it, or affects
the game process."

Well, it is plarium's game and they can allow or forbid whatever they like but questions of fair play and cheating have always been decided by public opinion and most gamers consider the use of autoclickers to be cheating - as I do.  Autoclickers are, unsurprisingly, not allowed in high level, big money play and I will continue not to use them and to regard as a cheat anyone who does.

interference with the game code would suggest that the third party software has to somehow change the way the game actually works (eg. hacking, packet injections). An autoclicker does not alter or manipulate the game code, therefore they do nothing about it. While autoclickers sort of ruin the spirit of the game, this rule was written to prevent other more vicious programs.

Have ever been shielded, moved locations, dropped shield, and hit by 3 OS in under a second? (this happened to an old clanmate of mine) There are programs with a process called packet injection that will actually send multiple actions back to back with a single click, for example, one click will send a data packet that both launches an OS and boosts that OS to its target simultaneously.

29 авг. 2021, 13:0529.08.21

Autoclickers affect the game process.

However time spent in interpretation of plarium's (very poor) drafting is unlikely to be a fruitful exercise.  The real point is that for many years a decently high proportion of gamers have regarded autoclickers as cheating.  The fact that they are outlawed in major tournament play where cash prizes are at stake - and that this is what anyone would expect - illustrates that this remains the case.

I have encountered attacks so fast that it was clear that a script had been used just twice in several years of play here.  So perhaps that is, as yet, not a major problem.  But if Vikings community were to decide that autockers are OK then picking and choosing which game processes it is OK to affect and which it is not becomes pretty much impossible.

1 сент. 2021, 13:5001.09.21

I's pretty obvious autoclicker is still in use also in my kingdpm. They have been for years and it was not a big problem. The adapted league levels for events are the problem in combination with the seasons. Everybody wants the rune coins, but the requirements for League of Asgard events are so high they can only be met using one hit kills. As was mentioned earlier, you don't use an autocicker for that. Just a lot of energy/power. And if you have a lot of high levels in a kingdom, it screws up your game.

29 сент. 2021, 01:0229.09.21

I am torn with the autclicker discussion, i am relatively new to this game and mainly just burn time. I have an autoclicker (made by a clanmate) for the soul purpose of Tasks Refreshers as i had over 20k, this is just for getting supplies and resources. Everything else is all me and my mouse. 

Where i get torn is getting hit so fast. As soon as my shield ends im hit, this is why my entire clan dipped out. I thought it was just coincidence. However, the other day i was unshielded for maybe 10 seconds and i got hit. When i looked at the battle report their location was the next tile over from me in my stronghold. They moved right next to me, hit me, and left in seconds. 

I didnt think twice about it other than honestly being ticked off, until it happened again. So i came here and started reading. Honestly i would uninstall my little autoclicker and never use it again if it meant getting rid of these clickers and programs some of these other clans are using. 

It ruins the game experience, and being that we are a very small and inactive clan it makes me want to uninstall. 

Either way, i try to enjoy this game. Have a good one.