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Leave your feedback

Leave your feedback

3 сент. 2018, 16:0903.09.18

Leave your feedback

Hello, Lords and Ladies!

Our latest update has brought new features to the game 

- Hunt the Undead Event;

- New Tournament for Stoneheart Castle;

- Global Events;

- Chat limit increase;

- Champion lock feature;

Have these changes improved the game? What do you think? 

One random player who shares their thoughts with us will be given 2,000 Sapphires as our way of saying thanks.

Leave your feedback today and let’s make Stormfall a better place for everyone.

3 сент. 2018, 16:1403.09.18

Great innovation to the current game experience 

Well done !
3 сент. 2018, 16:1503.09.18

Seriously, you have to stop making so many unnecessary and useless upgrades in the game. Many things that do not improve the gameplay at all, on the contrary, hinder the way we are used to the game. How about doing surveys with the players to get an idea of ​​what they could improve? And not only with the players who spend with the game, but with everyone like me, who likes to play. Thank you!

3 сент. 2018, 16:1603.09.18
Great game but need to make it easier to get sapphires 
3 сент. 2018, 16:1703.09.18

We still need swap/sell shop with in the league. Over 100 keys no chests.  Many things don't use or want. Things I do want. 

Champions should be able to hunt when replenished enough.

3 сент. 2018, 16:1703.09.18
Overall I like many of the improvements.  My biggest complaint is the global chat which is distracting.
3 сент. 2018, 16:2103.09.18
Good evening. You continue to make upgrade, but the beacon (the heart of the game for more time) still are all at level 1. When you do something for that?
3 сент. 2018, 16:2403.09.18
Yes i Totally agree with you
3 сент. 2018, 16:2503.09.18
3 сент. 2018, 17:29(отредактировано)
The game is nice. My only bad reaction is about the reanimation tower - why dont we use money and iron?
3 сент. 2018, 16:2803.09.18

There are many upgrades with many issues like the flickering in chat. The new upgrades have made more steps not for sure this is good. 

To many changes at the same time makes it hard to follow. Best to make battlegrounds and the other functions work easier for common players. 

I have played for years and find the new purple city to just be about costing more with little benefits. Not sure on these other new things yet. Getting bored with more stuff and less benefit to the play really. Like the Beacons and Hamlets worthlessness now. 

VIP helped but not really. Just more cause for more spending and not real solutions to issues. 
3 сент. 2018, 16:2803.09.18

Overall I am impressed with these latest updates - but the game still favors the dedicated coiner. 

3 сент. 2018, 16:2803.09.18
Me gusta los cambios que han echo sobretodp para ganar piedras con los hurues espero que den una escriba más y gratuita son muchas artes por descubrir 
3 сент. 2018, 16:3003.09.18
8 нояб. 2018, 22:39(отредактировано)
reaaly like the champion hunt aspect.  much quicker and easier to upgrade champions as well as earn summons. Amelias gifts could always be more generous. Current gameplay has been much smoother on this update. No true complaints. 
3 сент. 2018, 16:3803.09.18

Добрый день! 

1. Исправьте, пожалуйста, в Охоте баг, когда Избранный продолжает расходовать ресурсы и бегать на Умертвия, а опыт уже предельный.

2. Стоило бы добавить обмен адамантином как ресурсом.

3. Охота - отличная идея, стоило бы не только последовательный вариант предусмотреть, но и кнопку еа параллельную охоту Избранных.

4. В Башне у Призраков советовал бы убрать ограничение на улучшение только соответствующим по рангу, а сделать тот же принцип, что и поиулучшении обычных Избранных.

3 сент. 2018, 16:3803.09.18
C'est dommage qu'il n'y a pas de forum en français 
3 сент. 2018, 16:4003.09.18
Nice to play this games like, I love the games, but 
3 сент. 2018, 16:4103.09.18
3 сент. 2018, 16:45(отредактировано)
Hey Plarium I would appreciate a more intelligent language filter. If I'm saying "greetings league" greetings should not be censored because a portion of the word is a bad word in another language or in some obscure niche of players. It's completely idiotic. What's next? when I say the word "association" in proper context will you censor this word as well? I can't even write the word "soap" in conversation because apparently the wizards at plarium consider this cursing? Use some common sense please. Add an option to turn the censorship off like every other mainstream game like world of warcraft, league of legends, etc... Respectfully, Overmind.
3 сент. 2018, 16:4303.09.18
Hi Lord , it's superb but please remove the offer ads from the main window and I hope there will be war animations in future, Thanks.
3 сент. 2018, 16:4403.09.18

Блокировка избранных, по моему, бессмысленная опция. Случайно слить прокаченного избранного нужно очкнь постараться. А вот если всеипоставить под замок, потом нужно разблокировать. Не мешает, но и ничего не дает, в общем.

Глобальные конкурсы бодрят. Но есть подозрение, что не работают корректно. При улучшениях избранных мелких топазы не приходят. Объяснений, идти ли на улучшение через меню глобального турнира или через обычные опции, нигде в описании нет. Топащы не поиходят в 80 процентах случаев при обоих вариантах.
3 сент. 2018, 16:4603.09.18
3 сент. 2018, 16:4703.09.18
Уверен, игра бы стала невероятно интересной, если бы визуализировали бои хоть как-то. Еще интереснее было бы, если бы онлайн можно было бы пошагово влиять (по клеткам расставлять врйска как в Героях Меча мюи Магии) и влиять на исход боя. Это как предложение по развитию игры.