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Vote for the best Update of 2016 for a chance to win 2,000 Diamonds!

Vote for the best Update of 2016 for a chance to win 2,000 Diamonds!

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John BlackCharacter
27 дек. 2016, 16:4427.12.16

Vote for the best Update of 2016 for a chance to win 2,000 Diamonds!

Vote for the best Update of 2016 for a chance to win 2,000 Diamonds!

Commander, let our developers know which update introduced in 2016 you think was the best!

- Combine HQ

- New Tournament Tier System


- Mining Complex Blitz

- Other (please specify)

Leave a comment to make the most important choice of 2016!

29 дек. 2016, 21:3829.12.16

My list in order of "best"

1 Combine HQ

2 MC Blitz


The Combine HQ is by far the one that brought the most depth to the game along with its related tournaments

It involves participation of all members when it comes to defend and improve its level and technologies (a bit like UCAV, BUT combine wide)

It also opens up lot of challenge and extras for both, combines that doesn't own an MC and those that does. It needs to be handled with care as it come with some mechanics every serious combine willing to progress need to learn. It is also a dangerous place to be if your combine doesn't have the required strength to defend it properly. Best to have it at level 5 for quite some time before thinking about moving forward with it. It requires good knowledge of approximate combine attack force in order to go out there and take one down and also how much defense you should stack in there. When you think you know all about HQ... Think again... you might learn some more to it :) Where players evolve, whether it is their total troop force or strategy used against your enemy, so does how a combine should handle their HQ

MC Blitz comes in 2nd place but very close to the HQ, one of the main reason is because HQ has been here for quite some time now, where the MC Blitz just started its first appearance on Soldiers Inc Plarium server

Like the HQ, it involves a LOT but on so much different level then the HQ. Whether is it for a combine with many MCs or one with few and even a combine with no MC, You got to make sure you fully understand its mechanics before making any decision on what direction your combine will go before and during the event. I'm not going to spit all of out just yet but most should know by now that it can create serious vulnerabilities on big combines where on the counterpart, it can open up lots of opportunity for combines without an MC and would like one. Willing to make a move? Suggest a game plan to your CEO and Officers, have it approved and prepare yourself!

UCAV comes in 3rd place for me

A LOT like the HQ, it involve a lot about improvements but more on a individual basis. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care nor improve it... It has a LOT of benefit when used properly depending what type of situation you are facing or what is coming as your next move! Many protocol can be extremely useful and yes, there is more "must have" than the maximum open slot you can have so activating the right one for your need is crucial. On the downside, I must say that there is a few protocol that are almost useless... not completely but almost. They all could be use to fit a specific need although some of them you will either never use or just once every... couple of months to fit an out of ordinary need. Also the game suggest you an upgrade path which imo should not be followed (just like the contract or building upgrade). Every commander should look at it carefully before starting any upgrade. On the good side, it helps any active player tremendously given the fact that you can activate it every 3 hours. It is very good for new active players who just joined because, in all honesty, they have a long catch up game ahead of them in order to seriously compete

There you have it ;)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
30 дек. 2016, 09:5930.12.16
Feardis said:

My list in order of "best"

1 Combine HQ

2 MC Blitz


The Combine HQ is by far the one that brought the most depth to the game along with its related tournaments

It involves participation of all members when it comes to defend and improve its level and technologies (a bit like UCAV, BUT combine wide)

It also opens up lot of challenge and extras for both, combines that doesn't own an MC and those that does. It needs to be handled with care as it come with some mechanics every serious combine willing to progress need to learn. It is also a dangerous place to be if your combine doesn't have the required strength to defend it properly. Best to have it at level 5 for quite some time before thinking about moving forward with it. It requires good knowledge of approximate combine attack force in order to go out there and take one down and also how much defense you should stack in there. When you think you know all about HQ... Think again... you might learn some more to it :) Where players evolve, whether it is their total troop force or strategy used against your enemy, so does how a combine should handle their HQ

MC Blitz comes in 2nd place but very close to the HQ, one of the main reason is because HQ has been here for quite some time now, where the MC Blitz just started its first appearance on Soldiers Inc Plarium server

Like the HQ, it involves a LOT but on so much different level then the HQ. Whether is it for a combine with many MCs or one with few and even a combine with no MC, You got to make sure you fully understand its mechanics before making any decision on what direction your combine will go before and during the event. I'm not going to spit all of out just yet but most should know by now that it can create serious vulnerabilities on big combines where on the counterpart, it can open up lots of opportunity for combines without an MC and would like one. Willing to make a move? Suggest a game plan to your CEO and Officers, have it approved and prepare yourself!

UCAV comes in 3rd place for me

A LOT like the HQ, it involve a lot about improvements but more on a individual basis. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care nor improve it... It has a LOT of benefit when used properly depending what type of situation you are facing or what is coming as your next move! Many protocol can be extremely useful and yes, there is more "must have" than the maximum open slot you can have so activating the right one for your need is crucial. On the downside, I must say that there is a few protocol that are almost useless... not completely but almost. They all could be use to fit a specific need although some of them you will either never use or just once every... couple of months to fit an out of ordinary need. Also the game suggest you an upgrade path which imo should not be followed (just like the contract or building upgrade). Every commander should look at it carefully before starting any upgrade. On the good side, it helps any active player tremendously given the fact that you can activate it every 3 hours. It is very good for new active players who just joined because, in all honesty, they have a long catch up game ahead of them in order to seriously compete

There you have it ;)
Thank you for the detailed feedback! :)
30 дек. 2016, 14:3630.12.16

Just Combine HQ.

Why ?

Even if a high level of HQ is not very accessible, it is one of the best addition of 2016 to increase the unit bonus easily. It can also be used to retrieve tournament points ... free to associations to use them as they want.  

30 дек. 2016, 22:1330.12.16

Well now that we have another MC blitz event coming up I gotta say this...

Despite the depth of what the event involves which is the "best" and "fun" part of it, if Plarium continue to issue this event every week and especially at the same starting / ending timezone and during holidays like this, I would remove it from my "best" list and express my disagreement to Plarium dev on how they are pushing this event

2nd blitz 1 week after the first and at a time where some people will still be drunk and sleeping from the new year is kind of ridiculous... and the 1st one was 2 days before christmas I believe ?

I don't think other plarium games had their event running during such time and in short consecutive way

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
5 янв. 2017, 11:1305.01.17
Thank you all for your feedback! The reward goes to Feadris!
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