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Medical Labatory: Question about stimulants ( which are the best)

Medical Labatory: Question about stimulants ( which are the best)

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3 дек. 2016, 05:1503.12.16

Medical Labatory: Question about stimulants ( which are the best)


I have to choose between 3 different level 8 stimulants to use in cold storage. 

The defense stimulant : Resistance looks like the best stimulant by far, however is it really?

Does the resistance in fact only work when the my defense are at my base or will the resistance stimulant also work in location search and destroy missions. When you compare agility and resistance, there is a huge difference and resistance is a much better choice.....as long as there is no hidden catches.

Please help me understand better and please suggest what you think are the best choices for stimulants. I am using level 8 's as i have 3 injectors for level 8's and i know it will be a very very long time before i get to the top level of the next group.

Please help me understand

Thank You

Mr Selfridge

5 дек. 2016, 01:2205.12.16
mrselfridge said:


I have to choose between 3 different level 8 stimulants to use in cold storage. 

The defense stimulant : Resistance looks like the best stimulant by far, however is it really?

Does the resistance in fact only work when the my defense are at my base or will the resistance stimulant also work in location search and destroy missions. When you compare agility and resistance, there is a huge difference and resistance is a much better choice.....as long as there is no hidden catches.

Please help me understand better and please suggest what you think are the best choices for stimulants. I am using level 8 's as i have 3 injectors for level 8's and i know it will be a very very long time before i get to the top level of the next group.

Please help me understand

Thank You

Mr Selfridge

Commander..The stimulants work to boost certain "skills" or offense/defense to certain types of units..For instance..One stimulant may increase a units defense ability toward light infantry units at a greater degree than another stimulant..The stimulants affect your units as a whole..They do not have to be on your base as you have some stimulants that are Offensive stimulants//.The boost granted by you stimulants affect your units where ever you have them
6 дек. 2016, 11:2506.12.16
6 дек. 2016, 11:27(отредактировано)

Thanks you Robert,

My question is slightly more detailed then the obvious. It concerns what is not written there. It has more to do with the name of the stimulant,

I am aware that certain units skills are increased depending on which stimulant you use,

However as i have stated in my post the resistance stimulant offers a defense skill that is maybe twice what other stimulants of the same level offer. I wonder why this is? Is there something in the name of the stimulant resistance, does it imply something. What is the advantage  in the stimulant with the name agility. What is the difference between the agility stimulant and the resistance stimulant of the same level. Why choose one of the other (Both are defense).  


Mr Selfridge

7 дек. 2016, 01:3607.12.16
mrselfridge said:

Thanks you Robert,

My question is slightly more detailed then the obvious. It concerns what is not written there. It has more to do with the name of the stimulant,

I am aware that certain units skills are increased depending on which stimulant you use,

However as i have stated in my post the resistance stimulant offers a defense skill that is maybe twice what other stimulants of the same level offer. I wonder why this is? Is there something in the name of the stimulant resistance, does it imply something. What is the advantage  in the stimulant with the name agility. What is the difference between the agility stimulant and the resistance stimulant of the same level. Why choose one of the other (Both are defense).  


Mr Selfridge

 Commander..The "name" has nothing to do with the stimulant as such..All the name does is identify one Stimulant from another..Depending on what you are looking for..Let me give you an example..I have activated and continue to increase my Stimulant that effects my Defense Choppers.That is the Swiftness  stimulant...As I increase the strength of my stimulants..I increase my Defense Choppers by the % that the Stimulant offers...I have activated mu Offensive Chopper Stimulant..identified as the Force stimulant...It will tell you on the Stimilant what particular unit the stimulant effects