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Repositories - we need your opinion!

Repositories - we need your opinion!

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Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
17 авг. 2016, 16:0417.08.16

Repositories - we need your opinion!

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Repositories. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Repositories?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Repositories if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Depots back. We won't.

17 авг. 2016, 16:4117.08.16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

1) What do you like about Repositories?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Repositories if you had a chance?

1) very good the mechanism underlying the concept
2) in the practice of every day, there is no way to really defend the possession of a Repository. Someone stronger, always comes. This thing is surely desirable by devs, and I understand perfectly the reasons. Nevertheless, conceptually, i do not like this aspect.

3) given that, in my humble opinion, any change would distort the sense of the Repository concept. So I would not change anything. 
4) (wittiness) add a new type of resource for repository: girls!

18 авг. 2016, 06:1818.08.16

1. I like the fact that they exist... ;)

2. As Gul said, someone stronger comes and there is no way to secure what you had already "mined", besides, I also do not like the time it takes to collect the resources, especially the diamonds. There is so much dependence in the game of diamonds as a currency, that I believe that if they were easier to collect (I do understand that it's your way to make money) it would be an incentive to spend more time using the game and spending money in buying additional diamonds.

3. Easier to earn "free" diamonds, less costly hardware.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
18 авг. 2016, 10:2918.08.16
Gul Vega said:

1) very good the mechanism underlying the concept
2) in the practice of every day, there is no way to really defend the possession of a Repository. Someone stronger, always comes. This thing is surely desirable by devs, and I understand perfectly the reasons. Nevertheless, conceptually, i do not like this aspect.

3) given that, in my humble opinion, any change would distort the sense of the Repository concept. So I would not change anything. 
4) (wittiness) add a new type of resource for repository: girls!

Noted and passed. Except for the #4 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
18 авг. 2016, 10:3018.08.16
sniperpr1 said:

1. I like the fact that they exist... ;)

2. As Gul said, someone stronger comes and there is no way to secure what you had already "mined", besides, I also do not like the time it takes to collect the resources, especially the diamonds. There is so much dependence in the game of diamonds as a currency, that I believe that if they were easier to collect (I do understand that it's your way to make money) it would be an incentive to spend more time using the game and spending money in buying additional diamonds.

3. Easier to earn "free" diamonds, less costly hardware.
So gathering Rss faster would improve Repositories?
20 авг. 2016, 07:4320.08.16
20 авг. 2016, 07:46(отредактировано)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Repositories. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Repositories?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Repositories if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Depots back. We won't.


as a player would prefer that repositories were free of constraints and everyone can attack or defend at will ... the resources will be collected to the amount of time and not for units that are inside ....

P.S. i not see 4 options lol ;)