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1 май 2020, 11:4401.05.20


I have some  proposals to make the game more interesting and more tactically credible in my opinion:

- it would be interesting to be able to use reinforcements sent by allied players (e.g. having the possibility to send them to the bunker);

- also receive reinforcements of offensive units and therefore be able to use them in attacks;

- prohibit players occupied by enemy forces from launching conventional and / or missile attacks, leaving the possibility of building units and upgrading buildings. Thanks in advance for your interest

1 май 2020, 14:3201.05.20

Jeronimo H.B.G. said:

I have some  proposals to make the game more interesting and more tactically credible in my opinion:

- it would be interesting to be able to use reinforcements sent by allied players (e.g. having the possibility to send them to the bunker);

- also receive reinforcements of offensive units and therefore be able to use them in attacks;

- prohibit players occupied by enemy forces from launching conventional and / or missile attacks, leaving the possibility of building units and upgrading buildings. Thanks in advance for your interest


for your point 1  I think Plarium already said that " Troops are the belongings of their lords, thus no one else should be able to control it"

And i agree with it

Second, Combine attacks is possible. But if you're talking about base to base attacks, it will be unfair.


Firstly, if you collect offensive reinforcements from your allies and send them to someone else's base then he would face severe looses.

Suppose you collect over 100 mil offense { in case you're in a combine } then the defenders base probably wont be able to defend itself and it would lead to bigger players taking over the map.

-Which I don't want.

For your third point , it will be a nice thing to be brought in game ...

But here are the side effects:

I got some details from higher combines that their Brigs and OO's have ~ 750 mil to 1 bn worth troops.

So , if they sit upon your base and you are unable to do any offensive act, technically, this would not be a war game. Suppose someone sits on your base with ~ 20k garudas ( = 10000*20000 defense ) {=200000000 defense } and you already lost tons of troops while fighting them. Now you cannot even do s&d untill you train the troops back. So where are you going to get the resources to build your army and your base!!

thats the question.

But part 3 can still be implemented.

Thankyou .

let plarium decide !



4 май 2020, 11:3604.05.20

hello, first of all thank you for your intervention.

as regards the first two points, I can agree with you, even if, as regards the serious losses of any offensive troops sent in support, this already occurs with the defensive units sent by your allies.

as for the third point, I'll give you an example

"a player, with or without an alliance, is occupied by another player of a different alliance than yours, the player under occupation starts launching missile attacks and / or fake attacks on your base every day and you cannot counterattack because you would hit the units of the occupying player. "

this does not seem right to me. However, as you wrote, we leave the decision to Plarium.


stay safe, everything will be fine