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discount generator

discount generator

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25 янв. 2020, 15:5225.01.20

discount generator

I have had the same annoying discount for over 3 weeks  if not the last month every day it gives me the same expand your base discount ,I DO NOT and HAVE NO NEED  to expand my base  this is beyond a joke and it has nothing to do with my CACHE OR ANY OTHER RUBBISH your developers always come out with ,IT IS THOUGH YOUR RUBBISH PROGRAMMING and all the uneccessary updates and rubbish you come out with that are supposedly what we want .all I want is to play the game and if and when I get a discount I can actually use or want then I may use it ,but at present all I am getting is the same old RUBBISH EXPAND YOUR BASE, I REPEAT I DO NOT NEED OR WANT TO EXPAND MY BASE ,       SORT OUT YOUR PROGRAMME !!!   PS WHY HAVE WE GOT TO GO THROUGH THIS RUBBISH  WAY OF REPORTING A BUG OH its because you have so many thats why and you want to collect them all in one place where you can ignore them thats why !