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7 июнь 2018, 20:5007.06.18


May i start by saying well done bringing Cobra to the game

  yet in both the cases of COBRA BASE and these great new units, it seems they are only for the cash player , I wonder is there any plans for these to become a troop type we can build or even win ???

yet again those SELECTED cash players VIPS had prior knowledge of these new units but very little information here in the forum regarding the newest updates to the game when will the moderators help us mere mortal players with perhaps a few hints  

7 июнь 2018, 23:2307.06.18
commander..After the construction of your Barracks on your Cobra base..you will be able to build units as you receive and negotiate the referrals..A new Cobra referral will be sent each day. You will have to collect the needed referals..negotiate that referral then you can build that unit..In your radar , you will find a specific section of S/Ds for the Cobra units..You must use only Cobra units when doing these S/Ds and yes , the rewards will be in Cobra units..Have fun Commander...Where as it may take the "non-coiner" longer to get all the units he wants,,the option to have a Cobra Army is for the Coiner and the Non Coiner
8 июнь 2018, 06:5808.06.18



Regarding the units you show in the screenshot, they are only available in special offers when the COBRA Base is built.  

In the future, devs plan to add them to the tournament rewards.

8 июнь 2018, 07:0508.06.18
8 июнь 2018, 07:06(отредактировано)

RobertShatz said:

commander..After the construction of your Barracks on your Cobra base..you will be able to build units as you receive and negotiate the referrals..A new Cobra referral will be sent each day. You will have to collect the needed referals..negotiate that referral then you can build that unit..In your radar , you will find a specific section of S/Ds for the Cobra units..You must use only Cobra units when doing these S/Ds and yes , the rewards will be in Cobra units..Have fun Commander...Where as it may take the "non-coiner" longer to get all the units he wants,,the option to have a Cobra Army is for the Coiner and the Non Coiner

Commander and Moderator RobertShatz is mixing up a few things. Falcon1313 is referring to the diamond deal units. Namely Mk 1 Bulava AFV and Apex MBT.

What RobertShatz should have shared with you, is that they were avialable for VIP selected players and now they are available in diamond deals. In the near future they will be added as Tournament rewards too. To answer your question. Yes, currently they are only available for the paying players. 
8 июнь 2018, 12:2108.06.18
8 июнь 2018, 12:23(отредактировано)

im glad that the members understood my point even if the moderators didnt grasp what i was saying

i hope the units in the diamond package become a troop us mere mortals can build

8 июнь 2018, 15:2008.06.18
cobra units can be purchased by spending money, is it available in the Black Market?
8 июнь 2018, 16:0708.06.18

Sallugogoi2000 said:

cobra units can be purchased by spending money, is it available in the Black Market?

No, only in the special offers at the moment. VIP players didn't receive these Units before non-VIP players. These new Units became available for all players at the same time.

9 июнь 2018, 06:2409.06.18

What are VIP players???

never herd anything like this before in the game
9 июнь 2018, 07:0909.06.18

Sallugogoi2000 said:

What are VIP players???

never herd anything like this before in the game

special players in the game that are rumoured to get better diamond deals and prestige troops which show up and orange/red in a raid not to be mistaken for veteran troops

these VIP members also have inside information on forth coming events,new features and 75% buy backs

HOWEVER THESE VIPS ARE NOT ALL COINERS ( yeah right ,believe that if you will)
9 июнь 2018, 11:0909.06.18
To be VIP, we need to spend money, or its someting different
9 июнь 2018, 12:2709.06.18
9 июнь 2018, 12:30(отредактировано)

Sallugogoi2000 said:

To be VIP, we need to spend money, or its someting different

The informations you search on VIP can be found here.

25 июнь 2018, 17:0825.06.18
Falcon1313 ha detto:

Posso iniziare dicendo ben fatto portando Cobra al gioco

  eppure, in entrambi i casi di COBRA BASE e di queste fantastiche nuove unità, sembra che siano solo per il giocatore di cash, mi chiedo se ci siano piani per diventare un tipo di truppa che possiamo costruire o anche vincere ???

ancora una volta quei giocatori VIP di giocatori SELEZIONATI avevano una conoscenza pregressa di queste nuove unità, ma poche informazioni qui nel forum riguardo agli ultimi aggiornamenti del gioco quando i moderatori ci aiuteranno con semplici giocatori mortali con forse qualche suggerimento  

25 июнь 2018, 17:1125.06.18
Besticio ha detto: Plarium sta uccidendo il gioco. 

Falcon1313 ha detto:

Posso iniziare dicendo ben fatto tenendo Cobra al gioco

  eppure, in entrambi i casi di COBRA BASE e di queste fantastiche nuove unità, sembra che ci siano piani per diventare un tipo di truppa che può costruire o anche vincere ???

VIP di tutti i giocatori sono stati scelti con successo e senza esperienza  

25 июнь 2018, 17:2025.06.18

Plarium sta usando una strategia sbagliata. INOLTRE, sto pensando di lasciare il gioco. troppe cose che non vanno il gioco è troppo sporco valori atatcco difrsa che non funzionano più. giocattoli privilegiati, usando altri come carne d'amcello. ???? sono tutti in regressione in plarium ???

25 июнь 2018, 17:2125.06.18

the troops and the cobra base and only a mdo to start your game again, new base further new contracts,, there is nothing new in the game that is worth playing, and become boring.

3 июль 2018, 22:1303.07.18

I don't see how you can find the game boring. 

More over, I don't see how you don't see the cobra base, and contracts as something new.

We're getting exclusive units here and your saying it's boring... I don't understand what you expect.

8 окт. 2018, 04:2308.10.18
18 фев. 2020, 18:0218.02.20

The ... game principle!

This game really shows what money means in the real world, misery and robbery led by the aggressive and arrogant retarders!

Do you count yourself among those who worship the word "War"?

It comes to mind a gorilla that fights with the chest;)

19 фев. 2020, 00:5219.02.20

"What you expect? "

That's yes... a question!

That's how soldiers think!

It doesn't matter if the bullet hit a monkey, a child, ... as long as you think you've killed the enemy!

The blood on the hands is natural for someone mentally discharged.

But hey,

To enjoy ourselves to the nerves of another, is much easier...

... we believe we are gentlemen, while we laugh like fools!