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Your Suggestions

Your Suggestions

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 3, 2016, 15:4106/03/16

Your Suggestions

How to submit your suggestion

You can share your ideas and suggestions in this topic. Please follow these simple rules:

1. Check the thread with declined suggestions here: (will appear soon).

If your suggestion has already been declined by our developers, please do not post it.

2. Check this topic for similar suggestions.

If you find that your suggestion has already been expressed by another player and the Community Manager responded, please do not post it.

3. Write a short summary of your suggestion in 5-20 words. Next, add any details to give us a better understanding of what you would like to see in the game.

4. Be precise and concise.

5. You are welcome to discuss other players’ suggestions, but please follow our Forum rules  and be polite.

Our Community Managers will comment on your suggestions in this topic.

Please do not create new topics for your suggestions in other threads.

Jun 9, 2016, 08:0806/09/16
Reward system needs to be updated. I mean don't get me wrong there are lots of little events to do but when you have to capture or defend a lvl 43 battleground you win 20 pikemen. Always 20 pikemen. I lose more than that hitting a lvl 43 bg. So can you please have a look at the reward system
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 10, 2016, 07:0806/10/16
davidleadbitter1974 said:

Reward system needs to be updated. I mean don't get me wrong there are lots of little events to do but when you have to capture or defend a lvl 43 battleground you win 20 pikemen. Always 20 pikemen. I lose more than that hitting a lvl 43 bg. So can you please have a look at the reward system
Our rewards are balanced. But please, be aware that BGs were not designed to be the main source of Units. For your lost army, you get Experience and valuable Items.
Jun 22, 2016, 10:2806/22/16
Jun 22, 2016, 11:06(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

davidleadbitter1974 said:

Reward system needs to be updated. I mean don't get me wrong there are lots of little events to do but when you have to capture or defend a lvl 43 battleground you win 20 pikemen. Always 20 pikemen. I lose more than that hitting a lvl 43 bg. So can you please have a look at the reward system
Our rewards are balanced. But please, be aware that BGs were not designed to be the main source of Units. For your lost army, you get Experience and valuable Items.

I understand you argument on this one.

But there is another issue. When you are asked to raid a castle at some level, and you have all 500k rss done, you cant raid anymore. Please make adjustments so its possible to get points, even if you dont get any rss.

Please report it to our Support Team. They will test this feature and pass it to our developers.

Jun 24, 2016, 14:2706/24/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:01(edited)

Hi Plarium. I was wondering if you guy's are going to increase the amount of selection off defence units to same amount of offensive units aa you can purchase alot more bestiary offensive units then you can purchase bestiary defensive units. This is also the case with your occult units and cavalry units.  For this reason I cannot give you guys a 10/10 but in saying this if you could slowly bring more defence units in I will give this already awesome game a 10. Thank you for taking time to read this article. Please treat it like an issue. 


Could you please specify your suggestion? What do you mean by "selection"?
Jun 26, 2016, 22:4406/26/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:10(edited)


Is there any way we can organize our gear earned from bgs in order of type of gear? It's very frustrating going through it all, especially when it's all mixed up. I think you should add a feature where players can move gear around. 

Thanks :)

Unfortunately, we are not planning to add swap features for now. 

Jun 27, 2016, 01:0606/27/16
Jun 27, 2016, 09:29(edited)

Playing on my phone the icons on the right make it difficult to collect iron when I'm zoomed out. Please expand the view area a little or something. It's just annoying to have to change the zoom to collect resources.  If I could see the whole castle area too please

Declined. You can always zoom-in to collect your Resources. The Castle is too big to fit your phone screen ;)
Jun 30, 2016, 07:1706/30/16
Jul 1, 2016, 08:00(edited)

Daily rewards roll..

Changes need to be made on miss day and starting again.

This happens to me twice so far.

Once last year and now this year in monsoon rain.

All of my internet services when down and due to which I missed logging in.

The best will be you keep a 7 days laggy before going to day 1.

With this, maybe more will be saved from doing all over again.

Please consider this as important as well. 

And I'm still waiting for rotating screen , which I had suggestion numerous times on your feedback in the app, Facebook.

Declined. Daily rewards were designed as an incentive for daily players.
Jul 17, 2016, 16:5307/17/16
Sep 19, 2016, 09:28(edited)


I would like a send resources button to become available on the window that pops up when you tap a person's name in chat.

It would be in the blank space on the bottom right.

Could you please show it on a screenshot?


Not sure if it will work. I guess you'll want to see send Reinforcements, etc. buttons then.

Jul 17, 2016, 17:0007/17/16
Sep 19, 2016, 09:24(edited)

Hero inventory screen: add asterisk beside each chest that has a matching key available. 

Would appreciate a picture of how you see it.

There are twelve keys in the inventory at the top left. Multiple chests below. Would like to see an asterisk or other note when a chest has a matching key available. Maybe you could make it shimmer or something.

Passed to devs. Please answer in a separate comment next time. It's hard to track the old ones.

Jul 17, 2016, 17:0407/17/16
Jul 19, 2016, 14:21(edited)

Honor said:


Is there any way we can organize our gear earned from bgs in order of type of gear? It's very frustrating going through it all, especially when it's all mixed up. I think you should add a feature where players can move gear around. 

Thanks :)

Unfortunately, we are not planning to add swap features for now. 

What about adding a sort button? When you tap it, all chests and items in inventory are moved together so that there are no 'holes' and you can easily find new items.

I will pass your suggestion to our devs.

Jul 17, 2016, 21:1607/17/16
Jul 19, 2016, 14:25(edited)

the panel where we chose soldiers, when there is no type of soldiers the buton used to be darkened. So we could know that there is no that specific type of soldiers that. Eg: spy, offense or defense troops. That used to help us choose soldiers, now that buttons are red and still same collor doesn't matter if you have or not that tipe of soldiers, disgusting. You worse what is good, and don't fix what is bad. You walking doing 2 steps ahead and 1 to behind. Congratulations! 

Thank you for this suggestion. It has been passed to our develoeprs.

It will take some time for them to consider it, and when there will be any results, I will inform you.

Jul 18, 2016, 06:2107/18/16
Jul 19, 2016, 14:30(edited)

Hi all,

Iam new to the forum and I like to do a suggestion for the game.

1)What if the player's can trade in a special room there Hero equipment in Sapphire that will be nice !

2)A special gate will be nice between the 3 servers to send troops or other items !

3) Please give to the members more choices in the offer pack there is player's are not coiner's but that can spend the minimum!

Thanks for the opportunity given to us to do our suggestion. :)

1. Declined. Hero equipment cannot be traded. You can either keep or destroy it.

2. Separate servers are like separate worlds. They are not connected.

3. You can always choose the offer you like in your Bank. Special offers appear randomly, but we also have regular offers with a constant price.
Jul 18, 2016, 17:2007/18/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:43(edited)

My suggestion is a simple make cheaper package. New event such as capture the flag will generate large numbers of revivable troops lower the cost and increase revenue.  A businesses model would be Sam Walton of Walmart lower prices increases sales. Simple economics,  I like this game but the cost to purchase new or revive  troops is costly.  I would like to be playing this game a year from now bu

There are two types of offers: Special ones and regular ones. You can choose the best offer among them.
Jul 21, 2016, 02:2007/21/16

boa0332 said:

My suggestion is a simple make cheaper package. New event such as capture the flag will generate large numbers of revivable troops lower the cost and increase revenue.  A businesses model would be Sam Walton of Walmart lower prices increases sales. Simple economics,  I like this game but the cost to purchase new or revive  troops is costly.  I would like to be playing this game a year from now bu

There are two types of offers: Special ones and regular ones. You can choose the best offer among them.

I think what this player meant is that the game waits too long before it begins to offer the better deals. If so I agree. 

I usually only buy sapphire packs once a month because that is how long it takes the game to get back to the $1.99, $4.99,$9.99 + 3000-5000% bonus item packages.

I understand your company needing to make money...i don't mind that but I like to get the best value when I make a purchase. It would be interesting to see what happened to revenue if you were to try reducing the time between the 'big deal build ups'. I would personally make purchases more often.

That may be what the original poster meant when he wrote about Sam Walton and Walmarts success. He sold many items for a lower price instead of few items at a higher price. Just an idea to pass on to the financial members of your team.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 21, 2016, 09:0407/21/16

stormfall said:

I think what this player meant is that the game waits too long before it begins to offer the better deals. If so I agree. 

I usually only buy sapphire packs once a month because that is how long it takes the game to get back to the $1.99, $4.99,$9.99 + 3000-5000% bonus item packages.

I understand your company needing to make money...i don't mind that but I like to get the best value when I make a purchase. It would be interesting to see what happened to revenue if you were to try reducing the time between the 'big deal build ups'. I would personally make purchases more often.

That may be what the original poster meant when he wrote about Sam Walton and Walmarts success. He sold many items for a lower price instead of few items at a higher price. Just an idea to pass on to the financial members of your team.

You know that we have regular Bank Offers and Special Offers with bonuses.

Special Offers appear according to a set algorithm which is constantly evolving. Several departments work on the development of that algorithm and they rely on analytics data, marketing research and other information they receive through their research channels.

You can receive a cheap or an expensive Special Offer, and it is chosen by that algorithm. Unfortunately, it’s not a part of the game our players can affect directly or pass suggestions about some changes to it. If you don’t like your current Offers or find them expensive, you can wait for better ones, and they will appear sooner or later.

Jul 22, 2016, 08:3807/22/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:49(edited)

I would like to be able to break chests. If I cannot open them, I would at least like some shards from them instead of simply discarding. After all, they are battleground rewards. 

Declined. To get some valuable Resources from Chests, you need a key. It won't be changed.
Jul 23, 2016, 02:0207/23/16
Jul 23, 2016, 02:04(edited)

matthew314 said:

I would like to be able to break chests. If I cannot open them, I would at least like some shards from them instead of simply discarding. After all, they are battleground rewards. 

I would like this added too.

Jul 23, 2016, 02:2107/23/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

stormfall said:

I think what this player meant is that the game waits too long before it begins to offer the better deals. If so I agree. 

I usually only buy sapphire packs once a month because that is how long it takes the game to get back to the $1.99, $4.99,$9.99 + 3000-5000% bonus item packages.

I understand your company needing to make money...i don't mind that but I like to get the best value when I make a purchase. It would be interesting to see what happened to revenue if you were to try reducing the time between the 'big deal build ups'. I would personally make purchases more often.

That may be what the original poster meant when he wrote about Sam Walton and Walmarts success. He sold many items for a lower price instead of few items at a higher price. Just an idea to pass on to the financial members of your team.

You know that we have regular Bank Offers and Special Offers with bonuses.

Special Offers appear according to a set algorithm which is constantly evolving. Several departments work on the development of that algorithm and they rely on analytics data, marketing research and other information they receive through their research channels.

You can receive a cheap or an expensive Special Offer, and it is chosen by that algorithm. Unfortunately, it’s not a part of the game our players can affect directly or pass suggestions about some changes to it. If you don’t like your current Offers or find them expensive, you can wait for better ones, and they will appear sooner or later.

They could tweak the algorithms if they wanted.  I do appreciate your response though.

Anyway, I'll just continue to wait for the best deals...which means you get money from me about once per month.  There must be a lot of people willing to pay a lot and more quickly if it's working as a business model.

Jul 25, 2016, 12:0407/25/16

They could get a good promotion for me Castle?

Jul 25, 2016, 14:2207/25/16
Jul 26, 2016, 07:09(edited)

Add INDIAN flag too in league hall and INDIAN language too..! As many Indians r playing this game. U should add India too as it's most populated country & ur game will too grow as more Indian play this game :)

We have players from all over the world. But unfortunately, we are not planning to add more languages or more Flags to the game right now. It's a very complicated and time-consuming task. Maybe we will reconsider your suggestion in the future, but not now.
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